Looking to downsize and for suggestions for amp(s)

I currently have a pair of Pass 260.8's and I am considering to start downsizing my main system. While I really like the amps, considering something a little more flexiable. I currently have them on platforms in front of my rack so they take a lot of real estate. Hoping for suggestions that might actually fit back in rack.

I curretnly use an ARC 5se with and I am not curretnly thinking about changing that or other sources or speakers, just the amps.

Mostly looking at SS amp(s) as I have felt that they usually mate pretty well with tube pre's.

Have a ML 23.5 in second system that I still really like, but that also requires a platform so that might be an upgrade to something a little smaller down the road.

Speakers are 87dB  Shahinian Hawks, also not currently looking to change.

Thoughts? Suggestions?


tkrtrb125, You are correct. I think I refer to it that way because I think of class H or G as a form of class AB. It's also called a class AB in a number of published reviews, including Stereophile's. My mistake.

Not for everyone, but Benchmark ABH2 are certainly small and light for class AB amps.

Based on my recent experience with AGD Audion Mk3 monos I recommend replacing the stock fuses with AudioMagic Masterpiece M2 fuses especially if you are running horn speakers. Everything in the music gets very right very quickly.

You had a lot of good suggestions, especially the AGD and SPL. 

Similar price to your Pass you could get Aavik P-280 which is a great performer. 

I want to thank everyone for their suggestions.

As I am hoping to put some coin back in my pockets for perhaps another upgrade down the road, I think I will look at something in the used market first. I had been a little suspecious of the ARC ss, but since I have never heard one, I think this should be my starting point.

Taking a fast look at what is currently around something like this can be picked up so I can spend some time with it to make a determination on further direction (if any).

Will let you know...


Thanx again

The AGD are a pretty easy recommendation but,

for what it is costing them in parts are at least 20%  the best is R&D markup 

imo  and I have heard 2 models both are good  the model that looks like a tube is very clear but a bit light in the bass .you have to go to the $11500 monos to get the whole package , the Atma sphere is probably a better bargain .

everything improves with technologies ,I am still waiting onRalph to come out 

with a upgraded model ,it’s several years old . Even AGD has had several evolutions and is module , these are all question  that can be perplexing.

Being being part of a large multi state audio club 

AGD audio, small but  packed  with the best in gan Fet technologies 

the $11500 monoblocks imo beat any amplifiers under $20k

see the reviews then get a demo ,Highly Recommended.

You didn't state your budget, however you could consider some stereo amps such as the Coda S5.5, the SPL Performer S-1200 or S-900 amps. You will likely need to get new speaker cables though if you want to put the amp in your rack.


Big Pass Labs fanboy here…

I simplified my system couple of weeks ago. 
Bought a Coda CSiB integrated while I still had my Pass Labs separates - XP22 and X260.8. After several rounds of very thorough evaluation, the Pass separates were sold.

What I did was just downsize/simplify without losing any aspect of what my system is capable of. I know it sounds like a fairy tale, but it isn’t. I’m extremely happy with the results! I would recommend as one of the options in your quest to system simplification is look into the best Coda amp you can buy and confirm with Doug Dale if your preamp will gel with it based on pre output impedance and gain.

Good luck!

+1 for@laginz. I acquired a used SST Son II as an interim move towards perhaps mono blocks, but I am so pleased with it that I am staying with it. It is sonically really good, quite compact and biased to approximately 10 watts Class A. They drive my ATC’s really well. Simple box, but a great-sounding amp.

As an aside, I had a long conversation with James Bongiorno about the amp design shortly before he died. He was in a partnership with Wyred for Sound to finish the amp. I built the original Ampzilla in 1975.

I have taken the cover off and replaced shorted rail fuses (my bad) and the internals are quite tidy.

Don't laugh but I heard two Fosi mono amps powering Spatial speakers and it was pretty amazing. I know the OP wants to spend more than that but holy moly, it really competed with the Orchard amp right next to it. (We A/B'd the two.) 

You have really nice amps that provide the power you need for your 87dB speakers, and that you like the sound of. Is it really necessary to change? They are not Class A so there shouldn’t be too much heat and it seems they would do fine in an open air type rack. Unless you are moving to Class D, I doubt you are going to make a meaningful sonic improvement or even a lateral move with a smaller sized amplifier. I don’t see your system so it is harder to comment but you could try a different rack, downsize the number of boxes in your front end (i.e., if digital, look at Grimm MU2 or similar) and keep the amps. Unless you plan to quit listening, why give up something you really like.

I don't know about the Hawks but I once had Obelisks which sounded terrible with my 300wpc expensive power amp. I later heard them with a smaller McCormack amp and they were so good I regretted selling mine. The guy demonstrating indicated that the Shahinians were particularly sensitive to different amps and didn't work well with all. So if the Hawks are the same be careful which amp you eventually buy.

Going used Audio Research is a great value proposition. I switched to Audio Research SS D240 MKII. There are many models around this design. Its fully balanced dual mono configuration offers highly musical (full range) transparent and powerful audio. Until recently, I was driving PMC MB2SE and they sound great from bass mids to highs. Like a few others have said here going Audio Research, and I’ve come from Pass XA25, Esoteric F05, Line Magnetic 518ia, and Krell, AR is the best overall sound I’ve heard in my systems.

we are a coda dealer

 the .8 will give you much of the sound of your monos with a little less warmth

in a smaller package

the .16 should outperform your pass monos


Dave and Troy

Audio Intellect NJ

Coda dealers

Then maybe a stereo version. I used Pass amps for decades.

Although once I heard an Audio Research Ref tube amp in my system (with ARC Ref 5SE at the time) solid state was out forever. My listening sessions went form less than an hour to more than two. I am sorry I hadn’t made the change years before… but better now in retirement than never. Also, not surprisingly, ARC preamps mate spectacularly well with ARC tube amps.

I like my Coda Continuum No 8 V1.  It's not huge and fits in my cabinet.  Only 62 pounds.  Plenty of power.  They have different configurations for this amp.  The V1 that I have runs in Class A up to 18 watts. 


They are currently just behind speakers with as short a cable as I could go. 

@stevea11757 Wrote:

I currently have them on platforms in front of my rack so they take a lot of real estate. Hoping for suggestions that might actually fit back in rack.

I would move the mono amps in back of the speakers, to save real estate and keep the speaker cables very short 12'' or less.


Take a look at the Gold Note PA-1175MK 2.  200 wpc, reasonable size (won't strain your back) wonderful sonics, reliable, can be left on 24/7 and draws next to nothing when music not playing.

I love my Audionet amps, I have both Maxs and Heisenbergs, but they are large.

For a small SS amp that i found amazing checkout WestmisterLab:
