Looking for recommendations for integrated with a more “organic” sound.

Hello all,

I hope that you are all doing well, and that I might tap into your collective knowledge base and experience to find a new amplifier. 

Current system includes Bluesound Node2>Denafrips Enyo>Dayens Ampino>Zu DW6 Superflys. I stream probabaly 95% but maybe 5% is vinyl or CD. I sometimes use it to watch movies in 2.0, but that’s not my main concern. 

I’m really enjoying the sound of this setup. Very organic with nice harmonic richness. Surprisingly good bass extension and smooth and pleasant highs. Imaging is good. 

What I would like to do is preserve that natural and organic sound, while also adding more inputs (Ampino only has 2) improving bass definition/control and impact, and perhaps elevating detail retrieval. I would trade a bit of smoothness for a bit more HF extension. A basic remote is also on the checklist. 

My budget is maybe $2500, but I’m not in a desperate position, I could potentially stretch it a little if I wait. 

New units are preferred, but I would consider used if it achieves my goals. 
I’m open to SS or tubes, but cost of the tubes is a concern. I’m susceptible to tuberoll-itis. Speakers are pretty sensitive, so mega-watts are not required. 

The system is in a medium sized living room which has 9” ceilings and is open to a kitchen and dining room, so there’s lots of volume. Most listening is at moderate volumes, but I’ve been known to crank it on occasion. Musical tastes are extremely varied. 
basically, I’m looking to maintain the organic tone and natural presentation while improving performance, adding input options (3 minimum) and adding remote. 

I don’t want a DAC, but a better-than-basic phono stage would be a bonus. I’m more interested in performance than features.

Is there anything out there that might fit the bill? 

Thank you in advance for your input. 



I am not sure what would or would not qualify as "organic." If you are looking for what some people term a "musical"  as opposed to a precise presentation, then class A amps, Musical Fidelity A1 or possibly a Sugden A21 SE Signature might fit your description. The Sugden has only line level inputs, so no phono stage, and you would probably need a phono preamp if your turntable does not have one. The Musical Fidelity has a phono preamp. Neither amp has a lot of wattage--class-A and all-- but both are known to drive difficult loads well. I have a Sugden, running with a pair of JBL 4349s and am very happy with it. With Zu speakers, I would think you would have no problem. The Musical Fidelity is very well reviewed in its current version. I wouldn't worry about the heat factor, yes, they get warm, but if you aren't stuffing your amp inside a rack with no ventilation, it is no problem. I don't think it is much different than AB amps I have had (with more power.)

Luxman 507x or 509x/z. We still do not know your budget. The thing I love about Luxman integrated amps is they can be an amp/ preamp/ or an integrated. They have optional tone controls which is great for not so great records, and can push most speakers. I hope this helps  

Another hybrid amplifier you might consider it the Pathos Classic Model One MKIII. 

I once owned one and wish I never sold it. It would be in my living room system driving my Tannoy Sterlings now. 

Hi there I’m not sure if you’ll find one in the us and unfortunately you’ll have to get a separate phono stage but if you can find a Graaf gm50b or the gm50b mkii even better I think it will have the sound that you are looking for and blow the socks off most of the competition hopefully you do a bit of research into this amazing amplifier and good luck in your search for your next amplifier 

I'm very pleased with a Rega Elex Mk4,that to my ears sounds quite "organic." If you could spring for the Elicit Mk5, that would be better. Both have a very good phono section.

The Gryphon audioDiablo  is a great start, Dartzeel is another 

for much less money Aesthetix  mimus is verygood and uses 2 small preamp tubes .


Have you considered it might be your speakers more than the amp holding things back? 

Thanks for a host of suggestions, folks. Several I’ve not considered before. 
I appreciate your input very much. 


Not sure of your price range, but I just bought a pair of PS Audio BHK 300 Mono block amps and their BHK preamp. They both have tubes inputs and Mosfet outputs so you can get the best of both worlds especially tube rolling.

All the best.

I would look at the more expensive Lebem tube integrated.  One of the best sounding integrateds I have ever heard.  Almost makes me want to trade my McIntosh SS integrated for one.  Note I said almost.

Agree on the recommendation of the hybrid Unison integrated as it’s got tubes in the input stage and MOSFET solid state output that’s high biased toward Class A-type sound. As the tubes are only on the input side so they should last a long while and probably are not overly expensive to replace. That’s a very nice combo of design features for what you’re looking for, and there are reviews out there that’d be worth reading. This authorized dealer offers free shipping and a 30-day return policy…

Hope this helps, and best of luck.

You must know a competent tech to put some vintage in a well working state...

But even with these cost a Sansui alpha can beat most competition in the ratio S.Q. price...

I was lucky i know a tech who did well at low cost for my Sansui AU 7700... The more recent Alpha 607i does not need more than a few adjustment...

Read about the alpha series....

You will pay way more than their cost to beat them...With luck and it is related to your specific needs you can buy an AU series piece at low cost.... Alpha series are costlier and Japanese had not sold them much outside Japan because of the Yen level at these times...

Read about them... Dont buy in a hurry....

My first amplifier was a low cost Sugden...😊

mahgister -

I hadn’t really given the "vintage" option much thought. I have a number of older units, but TBH the upkeep can be a drag.

How would you rate the reliability and upkeep costs?

ghasley - 

I have heard good things about Sugden. I see there are a couple used units out there.... Tempting. Thanks for the input!


mahgister - 

I hadn't really given the "vintage" option much thought. I have a number of older units, but TBH the upkeep can be a drag.

How would you rate the reliability and upkeep costs?

Sansui integrated of the golden era ... AU series or the alpha series...

I never look back...Unrivaled controls varieties and flexibility ...

Ratio S.Q. price is over the roof...

I dont need to upgrade...At the price paid i am in fear about any upgrade....Anyway i dont even imagine one...( i tried to upgrade my Sansui  alpha amplifier serving my headphone with a tube top dedicated amplifier and pre amplifier a microzotl, i send it back after one hour)

Read acoustics science basic which is not about mere room acoustic and quit audio reviews purchase spree...😊

Audiophile experience at 1000 bucks is possible if we know how...

unison research integrateds use tubes in the preamp stage thy can come with a phono stage

they are hand made in italy and have enough power to drive most loudspeakers


dave and Troy

audio Intellect NJ

Unison Research dealer

Perhaps a Sugden? Phono stage, no tubes but you would never guess there isnt a tube in there somewhere.


Subjective, like everything.

Tube amp to my ears.

Tube everything-preamp,amp and phonostage.Tube FM tuner also, in my case.

No particular brand suggestion, there are plenty of integrated options in your price range. Used especially will get you something nice.