Lack of Female Representation

So who can explain the near lack of females in our hobby?  There are far more women discussing football than audio, by a long shot.  There are a lot more women into fixing up their cars as well.  I just can’t think of a hobby, other than ours, where representation is so close to zero.

They only see knobs and flashing lights with massive price tags.

Maybe golf should add more knobs and flashing lights to keep the buggers away.

My lady is hearing impaired so count her out.....   she does love music and totally gets my " obsession " as she calls it 

I've been in the same home for 30 years now. Every couple years we have the septic tank pumped. Always without fail it is done by a man. Never once has a woman come out.

I've never had a male dental hygienist. 

Years ago I visited a girlfriend in Denver and took her to a hi-end audio store (don't remember the name) to share sonic bliss with her. To no avail. She glanced at the coffee table on which was a spread of magazines and remarked, "Oh, these are here to give the wives something to do." 

Spot on. 

+1 @painter24 great story you shared. 

@simao I don’t know what you’re talking about. I’m a master at quilting, decoupage, and needlepoint - so much so that I’ve become quite the rage on TikTok, Instagram, Facebook, and aol email accounts. 

@toro3 i had a similar experience at my local HiFi dealer in Summer'21 when I went to audition equipment for my return to Hifi after 20 odd years out of the hobby.

I couldn't drive at the time, so my partner (soon to be wife😊) had to drive me; I was a little worried, as she had no interest in HiFi, and an extremely casual relationship with music generally, although she knows what she likes, but unlike me doesn't feel the need to go searching for new music/bands/artists. So, I was a little worried my partner would be bored out of her mind, and feel a little out of place in the store staffed by middle aged men, all completely obsessed by the hobby.

I need not have worried; the guys in the store were very polite, accommodating, and shared eye contact and directed conversation to us both. Which made my partner feel comfortable from the off.

This attentiveness only increased during the auditions (several amps and pairs of speakers); there was one pair of speakers we auditioned, (which I won't name here 😜) very briefly - I sat there politely listening, knowing I couldn't live with these speakers, but out of politeness to the chap helping us, giving them a fair shot. Anyway, my partner, I could sense was becoming fidgety, and then proclaimed out of the blue, "I know I don't really know anything about hifi (with a rye grin), but these (speakers) sound bloody awful" 😂😂😂

The chap helping us started laughing; "I know what you mean, they're not for everyone" 

My partner; "I'd have to leave him if he brought these home"

More laughter 🤣🤣🤣

Following this exchange, I almost became redundant in the proceedings 😂; obviously not wanting to be partly responsible for the break up of a relationship, our demonstrator increased his attentiveness to my partner even more, and sought her approval on subsequent speakers 😂. 

We spent the majority of the afternoon in the store, but any fears of my partner being bored, or sidelined in a male dominated environment were gratefully quashed; as described, she became a very active participant in the process, which was lovely. We had a really nice afternoon. 

Big thanks to what is now my regular dealer too, and like you @toro3 ​​​​​​, I probably owe them a drink 🍻😄

I can’t speak to why there’s a lack of female representation. I ran into an interesting experience, though, in regards to an inlet to my wife having a better understanding about a year ago. She had never been to a brick-and-mortar Hi-Fi store. More attention was provided to her than me which made her a participant in the conversation regarding audio - she naturally garners attention when she walks into a room, but this was different. I think this helped normalize the hobby for her - seeing that I’m not some odd duck amongst our peers/generation (late 30’s/early 40’s). Probably owe that store a beer or two now that I think about it - or better yet a future purchase. Found it interesting nonetheless.

Waking up an old thread.

I live with wife, two daughters and a female dog.  My listening room is the only room in the house where the dog refuses to go.  The two legged housemates like music, but not music while remaining static.  My spouse gets angry when she sees wires and bass traps.

Treat a female with respect...not like she's simply clueless about everything. If she's a music lover, ask her what she likes in and about music. Ask her if aesthetics are important if the system is going to be living in her common areas of a home. Seek out her music for her. Present something new that she might like based her preferences. Sometimes pull out a great recording that will simply knock her socks off sonically.

Ask what she's comfortable spending on components...leave the high cables out of it. Show her some good quality equipment that will be reasonably reliable. Does she have a record collection she's been storing for future enjoyment? Or does she prefer the ease of digital formats? 

For mobile listening with a phone, suggest some great noise cancelling earbuds, like those from Jabra. Does she work out? Need water proof/ sweatproof, that will accept incoming phone calls with out a hitch, and can even work as a hear-through noise cancelling device that you can leave in the ears?

Treat a prospective female customer with respect and patience, and you'll have a longtime repeat customer. Young women are busy these days, as are young men, under 35-40, with young kids...who typically don't have lots of time or patience to assemble a prized music system, and many young families will opt for a home theater system as a gathering centerpiece. 

Truly highend audio comes a bit later when the responsibilities shift away from raising kids through high school and college...and vintage audio from the 70s is huge right now. It can be a starting point for future high earners. It's what their parents listened to growing up in the Golden Age of Hi-Fi.

Women are not dumb...and typically have more acute hearing than men. Female "audiophiles" are a bit more practical about the gear. Performance/value has been my experience...but they need to be able to hear it to justify it.

I've been in the same home for 30 years now. Every couple years we have the septic tank pumped. Always without fail it is done by a man. Never once has a woman come out. At least with audio there are some women who are into it. Septic tank pumping, not a single one. 

There's your market. What can you do to get more women interested in a career pumping septic tanks? Get on it!
I hear ya. After all these years and $$$ my wife still says, "when are you gonna be done with all of this? It always sounds the same..."


Let's ask the women. Oh wait! There aren't any here. A had a friend over doing some listening one day. We were espousing the various qualities and attributes etc. My sister strolled through the room and exclaimed; "It sounds the same as my car stereo". What to say? She is educated (she's a PA), has money and is very engaging (We are playing pickleball tomorrow), yet the audio is completely lost on her. That's why there's only one chair in my sweet spot. Joe 
I dig, you dig, he dig, she dig, they dig,...

It’s not a poem but it is very deep
At least Bob Dylan understand Swedenborg a bit here....

I will give you a clue:

Imaginary numbers when discovered appear like a duality impossible to solve...But with the introduction of complex number this duality transform in a polarity...

If you meditate that you will understand...Outside of dead materialism...

By the way female and male are a polarity not a duality....

 I apologize for my useless lesson anyway....
If it's not the place then why bring it up. You can conceptualize it any way you wish but in practical terms you're a dualist. 
That’s all well and good but you still didn’t address the fundamental flaw in your thinking. You’re a dualist.
I doubt that you will listen to me...

And anyway it is not the place...

But i will explain it all in a nugget that contain like an egg the last 2 thousand years history of european civilization....

A duality is an external relation between 2 concepts or objects created by the nature of language in his external relation to perception and thinking...

All the greek philosophy is the history of a gradual distantiation from the participation to the cosmos to an external relation with the cosmos which is the "modern reason"... We can detail this history from Parmenides logic to Aristotle logic and from Aristotle logic to Stoic school logic.... The original "logos" is a polarity not a duality...

In a polarity the relation is internal not external...

I cannot go further but i will give to you a video about the mandelbrot set to have an example of what his a polarity in abstract term... A duality is static, a polarity is a dynamic phenomenon... A duality oppose two realities, a polarity compose what SEEMS 2 realities and reveal their absolute unity....lIke in the mandelbrot set geometry...

Goethe is concrete but i cannot resume goethean studies here...

I suggest "the metamorphosis of plant"...

«Death or birth is  the reversion of the internal and of the external»- Emmanuel Swedenborg
That’s all well and good but you still didn’t address the fundamental flaw in your thinking. You're a dualist.
You might want to think about this, let me know when you figure out the problem. Report this
The problem was already figured out by Goethe....2 centuries ago....

But humans are slow learner....

If you want an easy introduction....

But if you are able of a sustained effort:

But no video replace serious books...Or meditation...

I am not dualist, because the body is a temporary illusion
You might want to think about this, let me know when you figure out the problem. 
Consciousness is not female or male nor white or red or black....

Consciousness is not the body....

I am not dualist, because the body is a temporary illusion, like my audio system is a temporary illusion when i listen music....I forget it....

Time is only a thermodynamical illusion....I forget it dreaming or thinking....

I would say that there is too much "male" here and we lack consciousness of whatever biological gender...

« Music is only sounds for a dog and probably not for all dogs»-Groucho Marx 🤓

I don't see what is wrong with the hobby being mostly male. So what? Why does everything have to be about sex and race?

Enjoy the music and or the equipment whomever you are... Male , Female, Cocker Spaniel, Aliens, etc.

Similar to the other thread about young people, most of the reason the audio industry has failed to capture more women interested in the category is largely due to a lack of people in the industry capable of effectively sharing what makes a good HiFi desirable in the first place.

And I'm someone who had quite a retinue of female clients compared to many of my peers. They will buy HIFi if you find out what interests them, and typically they are far more oriented towards achieving a particular aesthetic. They are far better listeners than men typically as well, and you can usually find out very quickly what they prefer or don't prefer. 

There are some companies in the industry which are very aware of this problem and are trying to change it, and there are plenty of individuals as well. I've seen in general though that the audio industry has a very misogynistic bent in many cases and does indeed turn into a "boys club" or "frat house" pretty quickly.
Whatever you say Yuvi. I would contend however that your sample size is likely statistically inaccurate. My wife and I volunteer with sexual assualt vistims as eell as the homeless and early childhood development. Im not sure which red flag you are referring to but your insinuations are unkind, unwelcome and unfair.
Facebook. Talk about wasting time.
Yes and no - user dependent.  Could make the same argument about Audiogon.  In her case, family is emotionally close but physically all over the country, sharing pictures, new babies, planning trips and vacations together, and connecting/communicating in a manner not possible before the introduction of the technology.  Efficient to communicate with 4, 5, or 6 others at the same time.  My friends are geographically closer so I mainly use it for information - bike trail conditions, etc., but I do enjoy the family photos.
“She would never consider posting on Audiogon, which she would find tedious, boring, and a waste of time, but she is way more interested in her relationships with family and friends and sharing photos and stories, in person, on the phone, or on Facebook.”

Facebook. Talk about wasting time. 
Almost all the Girls that I have talked to that  were assaulted,  were assaulted by one of these "Allies". Make of that  what you  want.....but it's one of my lived experiences. 
Sneaky men, constantly preaching is a huge red flag. 
 I apologise unreservedly, my comment was meant as an admonishment but qualifies as off-colour.
@audition__audio OK then. I will try.

One of the many ways that the Audiogon community can welcome females into the audio discussions would be to leave the off color, distateful commentary out every discussion. Ladies and gentlemen discussing audio topics like ladies and gentlemen would be a nice aspiration.
Thats what I thought and had expected. Lets solve problems without discussion.

"Blind acceptance is a sign of silly fools who stand in line".


this thread should be retitled ’come here and spout your misplaced, displaced anger and resentment’

... and hobbies are supposed to bring peace positive energy and contentment... 😞😞😞
So djones what you got? Give us a solution. How about some new pejoratives. Mansplain is so 1990s. Lets spar if you got the kiwis for it.
You're so manly. LiL ole me , I swear I almost fainted. 
@audition__audio You are better than this but there must be something else thats troubling you than female representation in high end audio.

So djones what you got? Give us a solution. How about some new pejoratives. Mansplain is so 1990s. Lets spar if you got the kiwis for it.
Lets ask ourselves why so many get upset when a topic regarding inclusion or fairness is presented.
A woman scorned. Woman can be more vicious then men and in many ways are more difficult. Anybody who has had children will tell you that.
Young men do stupid things like overcook a corner in Dad's car. Young women are an emotional rollercoaster. Being the chicken I am I let my wife deal with it....until my youngest started cutting her arms. Look at the crowds that attended Beatles concerts, young women screaming their heads off. Go to a Red Hot Chili Peppers concert and you have young males violently smashing into each other, pressed together like sardines. 
As I said in my previous post human males and females are vastly different. But, there are commonalities. Both like music, both love their children. My younger sister is also an audiophile (I made her first system, a Heath Kit all in one.) She is also the scariest driver I have ever seen.
Society should not discriminate in any way, not by color, sex or creed. But, women are better at some things, men at others. African American males disproportionally populate professional football and basketball leagues caucasians ski teams and automobile racing. This is nothing but people taking advantage of their assets. The sexes do the same. Don't be stuck in time. Both racism and sexism are nowhere near what they use to be just 50 years ago. 100 years ago women were just getting the right to vote! No one can argue that we are not headed in the right direction. But, changes in humans are generational. Socrates said give me a boy until he is seven and he is mine. Just exchange "boy" with "child". You are not going to change older people. They may modify their behavior but their internal thinking will be the same. So, a certain amount of patience is required. And, political correctness is just a way to prevent solving problems.
So djones what you got? Give us a solution. How about some new pejoratives. Mansplain is so 1990s. Lets spar if you got the kiwis for it.

@audition__audio I was just sparring with you a wee bit regarding your comment “embrace our actual history”.

If by referring to me as a primitive you imply a desire to go back to the days of open discourse, lack of cancel-culture, teachers that dont socially indoctrinate, open college forums, willingness to embrace our actual history, rejection of societal androgenization, recognition/reward, etc then I am definitely a primitive and I wear this badge proudly.

@yuviaora Your post is just a bit over the top isn’t it? As the son of a Marine and the Godson of a Medal of Honor recipient Marine, right and wrong was hammered into me from my earliest recollection. When I say hammered, you have no idea. I had two sisters and if you pay attention, virtually every young woman has found herself in a pretty dangerous situation. There were occasions where I had to have “conversations” with young men who decided they were entitled to say or act however they wanted. They were not and they understood that clearly following those conversations. Your mention of rape is no joke, not even a little and is out of line. The very fact you typed that and chose to post it speaks volumes about your lack of or incapability of empathy for others or worse. You can fix it though if you try, which I hope you do.
It’s cute mr audio attempts to mansplain what’s obvious to all except those afflicted.
Given the cantancerous and occasionally bigotted back and forth on this thread I think a moderator would do us a big favour by just shutting it down

Setting aside that @ghasley obviously wouldn't be able to "force" his views on anyone even if that were his intent (it isn't), your reaction to his posts is wildly over-the-top.

...whenever I hear grown men preach about women’s history/ Gender Studies etc, I instantly think Rapist/Molester. 
reveals far more about you than your intended target, and in a decidedly unflattering light.

It is absolutely ludicrous to suggest that a member who is displaying sensitivity to a minority (women, in this instance) is somehow likely to be abusive them in real life.

@ghasley Keep your responsibility to yourself, stop forcing what you think the world should be onto others. Other people are not participants in your crazy religion, so try to keep the cultiness in check when you are in public. This constant preaching and preening is nauseating....
You are not owed anything by any of us... whenever I hear grown men preach about women’s history/ Gender Studies etc, I instantly think Rapist/Molester.
I have seen many a men who advertise their virtues, scream at the top of their lungs, and then victimize the women they profess to defend.

Read my post and spare me the emotion based diatribes. Never in any of my responses have I said anything about unequal treatment and never have I called for a return to more traditional roles for women. Never have I demeaned, insulted or implied any lack of worth. I just simply refuse to go along with the tired narrative of the gentle/caring ones. 

May I remind you that women's movements for years having only sought equal, not special, treatment. But I thank you for your civility and for actually responding to  content instead if just making a terse and predictable comment like the one from our resident sage djones. What other than a refusal to treat with deference do you find in my posts that you find objectionable? 

I'm sure there are a number of reasons. For my money, I don't think women like to collect things as much as men do. What's the first thing your wife says when you bring something home? "Where are you going to put that?"
Go back to the good old days of Leave it to Beaver and Father Knows Best. Women can dust the stereo and be damn glad to do it !!
@nonoise LOL…your post was terrific.

@audition__audio Did you have a tough day? All that needs to happen for others to feel welcome is to welcome them. All that needs to happen for those that are trying to learn is to help them if you are in a position to do so. I’m sure you do those things here and during your normal day.

I’m going to guess you wouldn’t be opposed to revising certain parts of history or women’s studies right? John Glenn relied, insisted as a matter of fact, on the mathematical skills of a woman of color for trajectory analysis. That didn’t make it in to the first version of history but mercifully it has found its way in to history 2.0. We all share a responsibility to assist others when a formerly exclusionary pursuit no longer excludes.