Kal was right!

I drove about an hour today to listen to/audition a pair of the Perlisten S7t speakers; I was very intrigued by the review in Stereophile.  I brought along a bag of CDs to play along with a KT150 tube-based integrated (most likely the unit I would use to drive them here at home).

My pair will be delivered in the week.

I wasn't really in the market for new loudspeakers, but after hearing them with my amp and then with one the distributor used, I had pretty much no choice.

If you get the chance to listen I suggest you do.


Congrats on the speakers repulso and since it's a year later and you're an audiophile the burning question is do you still have them? 😆 JK and hope they are as good as you thought at first heard them at CAF last month sounding very nice.

Congrats non your s7t's! I got lucky at axpona and walked into an empty room so I could grab the sweet spot and listen. Soundstage and imaging with the intensity of a mini monitor with bass and dynamics of a full range speaker was what I heard. A local dealer I like dropped the line tho' saying there was just too much competition at the price point. IDK, I really enjoyed them and very nearly bought a pair myself. 

what are you using to five the Vandersteen 5As and what difference do you hear with the Perlisten speakers?

Good luck with the new speaekrs.

Congrats!  I love hearing stories where people hear a component and just “know” it’s right, because it’s very special and rare when it happens.  I’m a big Vandy 5a fan so would welcome your thoughts on both if you can. 

Very nice review here but we both like the all new Dynaudio Audio Focus 50 Active Wireless speakers better, our last speakers we will ever buy !


The speakers finally got here Thursday night, and Steve and his partner showed up Friday to unbox them and place them in my room (thank you Steve).  I have been playing music all day and night through them since.  They have been opening up and settling now for a few days, and I am more impressed than I was in Steve's room a few weeks back.  I have been driving them with a Luxman 509u integrated and Luxman D05u SACD player.  These are the best speakers I've owned or ever hope to own (they seem to best my 5As, need to someday test that?), so non-harsh at high level (It's 6am here and I'm playing a Nat Cole CD at lowish volume, magical). Steve is having a set-up man come by Monday to place the speakers (I did my best yesterday), and I don't anticipate him moving them much from where they are.  Imaging, tonal character, deep bass, non-harsh highs, sumptuous midrange, and pure beauty.  I feel incredibly fortunate.  

Well, I was getting kind of interested in the smaller S5M monitors...until I was given the Canadian price!   Starting at $17,000 for High Gloss Black,  Gloss Ebony is $18,500.

Yikes!  That keeps them firmly out of my price range, especially for a stand mounted speaker!

I'm getting the Constellation Integrated to power these speakers, to see if I agree with Michael Lavorgna.  It will be a month or two in coming, so by then the speakers will be broken in and tried with a number of amps/integrated amps I have here.  Maybe there will be more than one winner.  

Without subwoofers, dont look to the Atma-spheres. Impedance is the issue not efficiency. I own MA-1s. 

Good choice….they were setup at Capital Audiofest last month. They were very impressive.


Stereophile measured some demanding impedance though.

I wouldn't be too concerned in my case.  I've found my CJ Prem 12s to have little problem powering some demanding speakers I've owned, including my current Thiels and the brutally demanding MBL omnis.




They are 92 dB/2.83V/1M. This is a job for a 100 watt plus class A amplifier. If you like tubes go for an Atmasphere MA1. This assumes subwoofers down the line. If you really wanted to knock yourself out of the ballpark Parasound JC1+s will definitely do it. 


I'll be very curious to read how it goes, rpeluso!

I'm intrigued by these speakers and the fact you drove them with a tube amp is cool.  I use Conrad Johnson Premier 12s, 140W/side tube monos.  

I'm actually most intrigued by the smaller S5M monitors - the towers would be too imposing in my room and the specs for the monitors look impressive!

Thank you Nonoise, an excellent review of the loudspeakers.  I am now even more eager for them to be here.  Soon.  I have three options for driving them (well, maybe 4), and will try them each in turn.  Three tubed, one ss.  

I had auditioned these and QLN Prestige 5. For my application the QLN's won out. But the St7 was a very very very close second. Wife liked the QLN better and she is younger and makes more money than me so I need to keep her happy as she will be choosing the Nursing Home I go to. LOL.

Great speakers enjoy.

Not that you needed convincing having already bought the pair, here is a glowing review of your new speakers.

They do look rather nice.

All the best,

It's nice to see someone who bought a product based on actual audition instead of imagination and video reviewers who don't play music.  You spent a lot of money, but you have the satisfaction of knowing you liked what you bought.  I'm sure they will give you many years of musical enjoyment.  

Writeup is promising.  Nice looking speaker. Their cherry finish or ebony would be my choice.

Nearly $20k MSRP but... MIC. Suppose that would be double if made in Wisconsin? 

Enjoy them.



Wonderful to get a speaker you know you have to have and the manufacturer is tongue in cheek realistic about their low frequency performance but the speaker is intelligently designed and should be able to cast a fine image. Next on the "to buy" list has to be a matching pair of subwoofers and a two way crossover. That should get to to where you need to be on a permanent basis I would think.  

I think they retail for $7800 each. Would you mind telling us what you paid for them?

In Michael Lavorgna’s review of the Technics SU-R1000, he loved the pairing with the Perlisten S7t speakers, which he’ll have a review of at a later date.

Have fun with your new acquisition. 👍

All the best,

I have several; Vandersteen 5A, Von Schweikert Unified 3 Mk2, JBL L100 classic, Snell CIV.