Just bought a Hegel H390 Integrated

     At 65 years old and have had systems since 1972. I just settled my divorce, went from her wanting $220,000 to her getting $2,500 and a thank you from the judge for not getting alimony and part of her pension which I could of. 
     All my receivers and amps have been in the $1000.00 range. Don't laugh, I'm poor. After 20 years with an Adcom 555 running Infinity Kappa 8's I bought a pair of Bryston A2 wired speakers. My local dealer recommended replacing the 20 year old Adcom to avoid failure and damaging my new speakers. So he kept me in the same price range and sold me a Emotiva XPA Gen III. I loved the sound but I did have to add a sub to give me the punch that the Infinity's did. 
      So, with the money I saved it was time to buy a Mac which I have loved the looks since the 70's.  My dealer set up my Brystons for an audition with the Mac MA352, but told me to keep an open mind. I was going with the Mac before I got there as I have a lot of art on my walls which gives me a great listening environment. The Hegel was $500.00 less than the Mac at $6500.00. Finally realized it's the sound and not the looks. The Hegel is amazing. I've been lucky as my listening room was great with the old system. 
     I have to move into a new house and even if the new system sounds great I asked my dealer to recommend room treatments. He has a guy that can come out and do that. I don't want to miss out on the possibilities of the best sound.
      After setting up the Hegel I couldn't find the headphone jack. There is none, and then I thought, I don't need one as I'm single and staying that way. The remote is even made of metal with 4 screws to remove to change the batteries. Never seen a metal remote before this one.
     My other components are:
          Thorens TD160 that I bought back in 1973. Sat for 20 years until I got back into vinyl 2 years ago.
           Pro Ject Tube box S2 tube phono amp
            Nad 546 BEE CD player
            Isotek power conditioner
            All power cords in the $100.00 range along with all the other cables
            Audio Quest speaker wires. (here is a funny one. the manual for the Infinity's from the 80's recommended using               standard lamp cord) 
             Please remember I don't have money and now being retired with no pension it's a struggle, but I have my music.
             Any thoughts from you guys?

I agree with @gochurchgo that marriage is an outdated concept. If you think about it the only difference between marriage and two people sharing their lives together is a piece of paper from the State. I don't need the State involved with my relationship decisions. I am married and each of us were previously married. If this one ever ends (which I doubt) I will never be married again. Like the OP I was thrilled when my divorce was final from my first wife.

As for the Hegel, I have been following this amp for a while now and would love to give one a try.

i can't speak for others, but as far as i am concerned my congrats to the op pertaining to his divorce is for what he reports as a successful (from his view) settlement of it
@cal91  I agree.  Divorce is not funny.  But the OP's experience is his to share and I respect him for that.  Self deprecating humor is OK for me, so I don't take offense.  I am happily married but also know how hard it is to be married to someone.  I feel very lucky to have had someone to love and love me back for 23 years now.  I don't ever anticipate us getting divorced, and it is my priority to make sure she is happy.  She also works very hard to make me happy.  We don't agree on everything, of course, but we do our best to find middle ground on the things we don't.  Even though I have a serious audiophile habit, I always make my family my priority in my spending and my time.  It's hard sometimes, especially when I get a new piece of gear and want to spend hours listening to it while domestic chores and responsibilities are calling.  It used to cause arguments, but after some years and a growing maturity, I've realized that the music time can wait until the other important things are satisfied.  
I don't mean to preach here.  Just sharing my thoughts and experiences.  Getting married has been one of the best decisions I've made.  I would not trade her for my audio obsession or anything else.  I consider myself extremely blessed.  Thanks for listening and sorry for going off topic.  Happy listening!
I'm not sure I understand all the congratulations for getting divorced. I got divorced, and while I know it was the best thing for both of us, I still don't celebrate it. I consider it a failure on my part. I'm reminded of Kris Kristofferson's observation: "Freedom's just another word for nothing left to lose." I wish nothing but the best for anyone who goes through this ordeal, and hope it works out for the OP, but to me it's sad.

As for the Hegel, congratulations. I've been thinking of acquiring that integrated for some time now.
If you're asking if you made the better choice in picking the Hegel over the Mac, I'd say yes and you were wise to listen to both before deciding. Sometimes it's hard to admit there is something better than what you had your heart set on. This is true in most matters, not just audio. Good luck with everything.
I need a wife I can divorce and get alimony.  Imagine how good my musical life would sound? ;-)
For in the $5 k range that is a very good choice ,your speakers voicing also dictates the Amp. I had the H 390 ad Anthem on my list and is very good ,I bought the Marantz ki ruby it was a more tube like which matched my Amphion  speakers . Not quite as neutral as the Hegel which is a excellent choice . Best of luck 
happy listening😎 👍🎻🎶
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I just bought a Hegel H590.  I'm happily married.  Hope this doesn't cause a divorce!  ;)
Marriage is like anything else, it can be very good, but it's not for everyone.
OP, congrats on your Hegel, and enjoy it.
Divorce was a great thing for me. No way I’d do that again. It’s an outdated concept and a stupid one at that. My daughter and I are way better off. Let the codeps deal with it.

Congrats and enjoy the Hegel.
Nothing matters.....as long as you enjoy your music and the system playing it. From your description above it looks like you have achieved both! So congratulations - especially as you are retired and have a lot of "alone time" to enjoy the music. Have fun!
I became unfocused on your brand question after hearing
of a divorce at 65 years of age. Must have been a "Special
Situation". Gotta ask-Who left who?

You made the right choice on the amp so I will take the leap
to say perhaps the same on the domestic.
Congratulations on your new freedom and excellent choice of the Hegel Amp. I hope you really enjoy it, its a serious piece of kit and well designed.
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I love the Hegel for it's looks :) More so than a Mac.. So congrats to you sir! 
Congratulations!.... For the amp and for the divorce....

I am also poor, and in the last 2 years i succeed to give to myself an audiophile experiencxe at low costs...

You can read my thread for details...

You will think that i am nut but i am not at all.... I can assure you that if you learn how to improve the controls over the 3 embeddings of any audio system: mechanical, electrical, and acoustical, you will reach heaven...

Upgrading for costly electronic components is not the solution to the basic audiophile problems.... Taking care of the embeddings is....

And if you dont listen to anybody except your ears the cost is very low...

My best to you....
hegel h390 is a stunningly good piece, not just at its price, but in any absolute sense - when i got mine, i was stunned that it could do much and deliver a sound that is natural, powerful, subtle and stunning all at the same time

congrats on it ... and the divorce  :)  

Forget the Hegel ... Congratulations on the divorce. It'll get even better once your gonads drop down from your stomach and return to their rightful place. Been there, done that. Let the good times roll!
I had the 546. Nice sound. Sold it, I couldn’t take the quick auto shutoff and reindexing drives every start up.
The replacement came with a diecast remote, hex tool and spare battery.
I picked up 2 tube amps for the phones., besides jack’s on the preamp and a streamer.
Looks good.
Enjoy musical freedom!!!

P.S. The Dueland IC cable I just got is basically zip. Along with my Audio Arts spkr wire.  
Congratulations on your system and I love the comment about the headphone jack. What time is the party?
Good for you!! 

Having trouble understanding what the question is? Room treatment advice? 
Congratulations on the Hegel and the divorce.

You may be poor in wallet but rich in music. Enjoy the tunes and free time.

Well done!