Integrated amplifier for Fritz Speakers

Hi All,

I started a discussion about "Monitors for 14 x 20 Room" back last November. There was a lot of good advice and Fritz Speakers kept being positively mentioned.

At the time, I thought WAF would be low for a larger sized monitor. Now I think I have the stage set for Fritz speakers and am thinking either new Carreras or Carbons. 

I would prefer an integrated amp because it is one less piece of equipment io place in in a constrained space.

I would also prefer solid state to solid state, in order to have this system as problem free as possible.

Your ideas and suggestions, please 








I don't know your amp, but a passive pre can make the sound more detailed and immediate but also a bit sterile sometimes IMO, try to replace the Axiom with the Don Sachs and see what happens. Also, any single piece of cable, connector etc., including the electric outlets, can change the sound in many ways, including making it more sterile, so I'd also try switching every single cable with those from the main system, one by one. My 2 cents...

I imagine the Fritz speakers would also sound wonderful with the Don Sachs pre and F7 amplifier. 

You know, I love my Luxman but in your situation I might be tempted to find something really juicy like a Conrad Johnson integrated.

@mapman If I were you I’d strongly consider trying the Glow Audio Amp 1 with the Fritz.

This is interesting; but I not sure I want to fuss with tubes. Were you thinking the Glow Audio 1 or 2? Would five watts be enough to run the Carbons?

@donquichotte I don't know your amp...

You make some good observations. My opinion is that the Niles amp is not that good...I hadn't thought about the passive pre...maybe I should consider an integrated as space is an issue (the Don Sachs would never fit).

I was thinking maybe a Van Alstine control amplifier or give a PS Audio Stellar 300 a shot. Both are slim and would provide abundant power.

Typical problem - so many choices and I have heard but a small fraction of what is available. 

@erik_squires Luxman

Can you describe the house sound for Luxman? I am also looking for an amp that would work with both Zu Soul Sixes and for Klipsch Forte iv's.


Thanks all!





Amp 1 I have heard. Amp 2 is probably a decent option as well. Both very nice and very affordable to try. You might check with Fritz about that specific model but the special thing about Fritz speakers is their crossover design that provides a very easy load to drive. I’ve heard Fritz Carerra sound top notch off a similar flea power tube amp at a show and frankly I was very surprised how little power those Fritz needed. . It should deliver the more relaxed sound you are after and cost not much. Absolute spl level would be the limitation but it would probably do fine up to very decent volumes. The Amp 1 drove Audio Notes to good levels in a decent sized room.

Had a conversation with Fritz about amps for the Carbons. He mentioned Belles and Van Alstine.

When I explained that I was using a passive preamp, he thought the 120 SET Control amp might not be my cup of tea. I really do not have the space for an active preamp, so I think that eliminates Van Alstine for this setup.

He also suggested Canary and felt they had a lot of good gear. 

I mentioned Glow Audio and he had not heard their amps. My impression was that he was subtlety suggesting 50 to 100 wpc would be better than a low power amp...I do not want to misrepresent the conversation, but my inference was that more tube watts was better....he certainly was not trying to talk me into anything.


good. ed iubtling

I am surprised he said that about the 120 SET amp. It is a 60wpc amplifier with a passive attenuator. It seems to me based on your OP that it would be a good candidate for your needs. 

@mesch I am surprised he said that about the 120 SET amp

His remark was in the context of me currently using an Axiom II passive with the speakers, which Fritz felt was a pretty good passive. He was thinking the passive in the 120 SET would get me where I wanted to go...which is to eliminate the "sterile" sound of the current setup. 

I suppose that the SET 120 would be a definite step up from the Niles amp I am currently using with the Axiom.

My problem is that I do not understand the sound signature of the SET 120. Is it forward or laid-back, warm or cool, detailed or not, dynamic of not, etc.

I am looking for a bit warm and liquid.


The SET 120 amp and Control Amp along with the SET 400 would fall into the warm and liquid with good bass category.  I have a friend that used the Control amp with Carrera's for several years and then used it as an amp only with a Supratek preamp.  I used the SET 400 for several years with Carrera's.  As the SET 120 Control amp is nothing but the amp module and a passive preamp in one box if you wanted to keep using your Axiom no reason the SET 120 amp shouldn't work plus you have a 30 day money back to work with.  

@dsper have you decided on the Carerra or Carbon ?

I ask because I've used some of the same Scanspeak drivers in a few speakers I built, and upgraded, similar to the Fritz Carbon 7 SE MK 2. Warm, full body, nice.

The AVA SET 120 control amp and this speaker could be a nice combination for you.  I've studied Frank's amps quite a bit, his design, mosfets he uses, and this particular amplifier . You might ask Fritz about this again too, I think he recommended a similar combo. Return policy options on both make it low risk and possibly fun to try fwtw.  I like this idea. Might be a nice little system, best of luck.   


I use the Carbon 6s in my bedroom system. My integrated amp makes 5 Watts/channel. I don't run it out of gas and the system plays as loud as I want. Images float easily in space; the speakers are very good at imaging and detail. Not bad in the bass range either. I run a sub below 45Hz.


Hi All, 

Finally, I have my Carbon SE mk2's sorted.

I acquired a factory refurbished Marantz  CD60 player and an AVA SET120 integrated and things have come together.


Imagining, soundstage, bass, sense of aliveness and musicality are all there.  

With this setup,  the main thing I seem to miss is the last bit of detail and nuance. Not sure if it is the speakers, the amp, or the source!

But we are comparing a $4,000  system to my main rig that is multiples as costly.  Half of my main system dollars are tied up in a Mojo Audio DC and PS Audio PMT.

Anyway, I  can heartily recommend my Carbon setup. There is a warmth that is beguiling and you can just listen to music!











With this setup,  the main thing I seem to miss is the last bit of detail and nuance. Not sure if it is the speakers, the amp, or the source!

I’d be looking for a good DAC.  IME Marantz gear tends to soften treble detail and nuance that a better DAC could provide.  Just my $0.02 FWIW.