Integrated amp for 2500-3000

I have a vintage set of  Cerwin Vega Dx7 and  parasound DAC. I'm looking for an integrated amp, or integrated tube amp. Can anyone give me any suggestions? 


Check out the Technics SU-G700M2. Just under $2900.

I own this and have stopped looking to upgrade. 

All the best,

Consider the Heaven 11 Billie amplifier, and watch videos of their reviews. Tube preamp section, 120 WPC 8 ohms, 215 WPC 4 ohms......$2,000 new. I set up an affordable system for a friend using the Billie amp, and it really is excellent

If you don’t need a phono stage the Hegel H190 is a great value. The DAC is fine, although I’m not an expert. I use mine mainly for streaming and it sounds good to my ears. And, it has enough power for most circumstances. I bought mine when they really reduced the price because the new H190v was soon released. It does well with CD’s. For vinyl I have an Arc ref phono 2SE and VSi75 integrated.  I think you can find a great deal even on a new one.

Don’t dismiss the Yamaha integrateds at this price point. They are much quieter than most of the aforementioned alternatives and thus more resolving (yes, noise floor matters). The 2200 can compete with many separates systems under combined value of ≈$7K, therefore it’ll be ready for if/when you ever upgrade speakers. I’ve owned about half a dozen popular integrateds in this price range and none have given me more musical satisfaction than the 2200 or 2100. The former is tonally a little warmer than the latter but both are excellent values on the used market. Actually, you can find new-in-box 2200s for about $3K from some of the B&M dealers. 

Cary Audio has an ss integrated amp, 75 A/B wpc, with streamer that has Tidal, Quboz, and is Roon ready. It has an equalizer that can make things better for those times when you want a fun sound or to make up for room acoustics. Pre-Out and Main in with option to include DSP. It is also exactly in the price range you are looking for and New. 

I have had one for 7 years and Very pleased with the performance.

Consider the Yamaha A S2200 which can be had here and there for about $3000 (list is $4200 or so), solid-state, of course, plenty powerful and very well built.

Tube amp, a new Willsenton R8 and a tube upgrade would be well within your budget. Stock, it is a very good amp, especially for the money, and upgraded, more than very good (I have one with upgraded caps and resistors and a tube upgrade, plenty of power for 4 ohm speakers.)

I would also suggest the Peachtree Carina GaN at $3000. Complete integrated with DAC. Plenty of power--200W--and an excellent performer.

If your speakers need some grunt delivered by the amp Coda, Hegel, Krell, Music Fidelity, Parasound all should provide that extra heft / control.  An all tube Integrated could do the trick but a unit that can might be out of your budget.  Hybrid options are great recommendations.  

I have a Mint Belles Aria 75 watt integrated...Highly regarded...Superbly musical.

@alnubis, Your received several suggestions for many integrated amplifiers.  Is it possible for you to audition some of these amp suggestions?  Based on my experience, the only way for you to know what amp you like is to listen to it.  

Is this possible?  Please keep us posted on what you decide.  thanks..

I have a Supernait 3 driving a pair of Harbeth's and love this amp. I've owned Luxman, McIntosh, Coda, Sugden, and many other SS amps and the Supernait is nicely done. Never heard the Hegel but seems solid too but wasn't sure about all the digital filters, prefer to keep it "simpler". 


FYI: the Hegel H190 has been replaced by the Hegel H190v. The H190v is an updated version of the H190, offering improved features and performance. It includes enhancements such as a high-end DAC, a phono stage, a top-tier headphone output, and various streaming options. The H190v is priced at $4,200.

Maybe a preowned Hegel amp?  


How about a preowned NAIM Supernait3 integrated amp?

See MFG link

“In the six years since the last NAIT integrated amplifiers were released, Naim's research and development team has worked on a range of amplifier improvements. The results is upgraded power amplifier sections for SUPERNAIT 3, delivering greater pace and intimacy to their musical delivery – whether it's driving a pair of loudspeakers or your favorite pair of headphones”.  

@alnubis  I believe your speakers would work better with SS amplification. The Vincent SV237MKII has that coupled with a tube based preamp stage. Vincent integrateds are know to provide a smooth presentation, with even tonal balance,  and good soundstaging. I once owned one, the SV226MK, which I enjoyed. They represent great sound for the money and I believe would mate well with your speakers. New their cost is a little over your budget, however the one mentioned  by @hasmarto and sold by Upscale is not too far off.

Unison Research, Unico Nuovo. It'll be ready for any speaker you throw at it down the road. 

Upscale has no restocking fee, just the shipping fee. It's a great team of knowledgeable and kind people  

Definitely try the Vincent Audio SV-237MKII Hybrid integrated (150/250) from Audio Advisor. The sound is very enjoyable/musical, and it has a lot of useful features. If you don’t like it, just return it - they have a generous 60-day return policy with no restocking fee,

Right now, Upscale Audio has an open-box unit priced at $2700, but I don’t know what their return policy is.

@mesch  these are 255 watts 4ohm speakers. The space is about 12×18  you're saying because I have big power speakers get a ss and a tube amplifier. Any suggestion? 

I have a Rogue Audio - Cronus Magnum II driving my Cerwin Vega E-312's. You should be able to get one within your budget. The pair are amazing. I auditioned about 12 other, many higher end speakers and the E-312's had the best presentation of them all.

How about a little more information. 

Are you willing to purchase used or want a new integrated?

Do you know the impedance of these speakers, size of room and loudness levels you listen at? This needed for power requirements. In general I wouldn't use a tube amplifier for a low impedance speaker.

Likely a solid state amp or one having a tube preamp would be the best bet. 

Way back when I had some VS-120s - very fun speakers. Full transparency, I haven’t listened to my own suggestion, but purely from an aesthetic standpoint the HiFi Rose RA280 may be a nice match. Seems like it would have enough drive as well.

Audiolab 9000 or Rega Elicit in your price range are excellent integrated amps. Hegel H190 is in your range too!

Vincent Audio
(my order of preference)

I own the Musical Fidelity M-6Si integrated amp and am VERY surprised it sounds this good.  The M6si offers excellent performance, facilities, and power.  The M6si is configured as 2 independent monobloc power amps with a separate preamp. It is, in fact, a preamp with 2 monobloc power amps that just happen to share the same casework.

The M6si has 220wpc. It has very low distortion, outstanding noise ratio and extremely flat frequency response.   

I had a Lyngdorf integrated with my DX9 for a while. It’s got amazing room correction and did wonders for those Vegas. Could probably find a used 2170 for well under 3k or even a new 1120 although I’ve never heard it. Those old Vegas despite being rated with good sensitivity seem to like an amp with a little bit of balls IME so not positive the 1120 would cut it.