Responses from mm1tt77
Coda vs Parasound It’s really hard to beat Coda. Auditory though he’s a dealer and that might make him biased provided some great info on Coda. If you like their sound signature, which Auditory did a good job describing, build quality, quality of parts combined w... | |
Need to learn about Audio Research @traudio you have some great equipment. The Hegel is a great integrated. I agree that it is likely silly to put a tube pre in front of it but if you are already planning on going the separates route, you might by the pre first, try it, might sur... | |
No love for Cube Audio speakers? Your pricing and expectations seem fair. The freight is brutal and will likely eat away at your sales price. I’ve got 2 pieces of gear listed and have gotten plenty of offers but all low ball offers. The are Preamps so freight isn’t that big an... | |
Preamplifier options - seeking help to determine which one I’d reach out to Yamamoto to see which Pre they recommend pairing with your amplifier. Synergy should be great with both but they may have designed one of them to specifically pair with your amp. The double volume sounds like it’s a different la... | |
My Denafrips Aries 15th has too much mid -bass, anybody else?? @richardbrand confused, the DAC is a R2R latter design. Nothing wrong with that many love the sound signature. The design is an older design known for its natural, warm, analogue, tube like sound. The Denafrips has the full suite of options, ou... | |
My Denafrips Aries 15th has too much mid -bass, anybody else?? Speaker placement and adjusting gain / crossover settings on your sub are great advice and the first place to start. Comments on the design difference between DAC’s are spot on, R2R will have a very different sound signature vs those with newer c... | |
Tube Pre/ Class D Amp - Who has done it? I’ve tried Primaluna, Zesto, PS Audio BHK Pre (Hybrid Tube) with SS amps, class D included. If you get the gain matched correctly, works really well, blending some of the tube magic with some of the attributes of SS / Class D. Exciting to watch ... | |
I’m considering upgrading my speakers internal wiring You’ve gotten great advice. I’d call and talk to Peter, in this hobby owners / builders, designers will often give candid, great advice on their products. Not across the board but more often than in most industries. If you have that itch, you w... | |
Devore O/96 with high powered amplifiers Through experience have found more powerful amps can really bring efficient speakers alive, especially ones like the Devore’s. What you will have to pay more attention to is the gain across everything in your set up. If you use XLR’s natural has... | |
$3500 floor standing speakers used. What would be your choice ? Speakers are really tough to recommend as they are such a personal choice based on what sounds good to you. The room, electronics play a big role in how the speakers sound with synergy also playing a huge role. The right amp paired with the righ... | |
Streamer, no DAC please? Auralic, Aurender, Lumin, Hifi Rose would all offer great choices. In the 2-3 k range new Auralic and Lumin offer the best balance of features, performance for the $$. Aurender is often talked about as the gold standard of streamers. Hifi Rose ... | |
What's the weakest link in my stereo set up? I live in a townhome, so limited on space. @vrikkian room treatment and the addition of a sub are 1a and 1b. You can experiment with room treatment with pillow’s, throw rugs, blankets and other various items. Google / hit up some forums with threads, it will give you some solid, creative... | |
What actually determines volume power? Is it watts? The question on if the OP needs more watts to drive more volume is an easier question to answer than I first realized and touched on by some but not specifically called out. The Integrated Amp has fully functional power meters. At 70 % volume, w... | |
What actually determines volume power? Is it watts? @dman777 you’ve sparked one of the best threads I’ve seen in a long time with many members taking deep dives into watts / amperage / speaker relationship. A lot of members took a lot of time to delve into the topic and provided a lot of great a... | |
To Fritz, Quicksilver, and all the exceptional makers trying to get the word out Love this thread highlighting smaller boutique brands. I haven’t had the opportunity to check out Fritz or Quicksilver but have had my eye on Fritz speakers. Aric is another fantastic brand, one man show. I had a set of Omega speakers cust... |