In the middle of a pandemic, Stereophile reviews ~ $30K equipment

While the world is in the middle of a major economic event, the last two pieces of gear posted by Stereophile to their online site average $30K a piece.

If this doesn't make you feel like you belong to their target audience I don't know what will.

Showing 15 responses by inna

But Sweden's idea of being a herd does seem to be living out. I read that Sweden is in fact a very polarized society, on many issues, including this one. I heard a number of Swedish doctors who were furious with what was happening. Had they wanted to try and establish herd immunity, that's not how it should've been done. Not enough and not broad enough the exposure of what they did. They murdered thousands for nothing. Those who made those decisions...well, I would feed them to Chinese or Koreans or whoever else eats dogs.
And $900 each Cuban Habana cigars from Switzerland out of stock is what ? 
$30k for a good piece of anything is not much for millions. Yes, millions.
Most of us are just poor but proud people. What else can we have but pride ?
No-one I know or even heard of in NYC area is going to support this opening-up criminal madness. And most of those people do have some funds to spare. Not on this audio nonsense, of course. They are renting and buying real estate in more civilized and advanced countries or at least areas in the US. Look at Hawaii and Vermont, look at Israel and Baltic states. 
Yes, it's downhill from here. Good luck with your stereo purchases, anyway.
Tape of course is best, just not cassette, though my Nak played almost daily does sound good too.
Stereophile means nothing, nor does any Danish audio company really except Gryphon. But this subject touches on some social fundamentals. Quarter of the working people sit at home doing non-essential work that only increases the cost of everything and facilitates the further development of the surveillance state. They often get paid quite well. For what and by whom ? And essential workers without whom things would fall apart quickly are having quite a different reality, including very often but not always low pay and high risk of getting infected. They also became the reservoir of the infection along with some other groups. 
Yeah, I saw those pictures of crowds in Brooklyn, in Central Park and other places in NYC. Level of brain power and solidarity are incredible. What kind of music would you play to them ?
40 millions officially unemployed, much more in reality. What kind of economy is that ? Zero durability. Do I care ? I don't even know them, hard to care. Zero solidarity too.
Things got to change, this is all no go.
Nonoise, they are not necessarily stupid, they may be very frightened and they deploy denial, at least partial denial, which is a form of psychological defense. However, this defense might cost them and in this case the others their health and even life in the extreme cases.
It appears that this virus can sometimes evoke complex autoimmune reactions that damage various body parts and systems, including blood and heart. This is also going to be one of the difficulties to develop the vaccine. You want the correct immune response, both in quality and in quantity.
Yes, it might become endemic but it does not mean that it will remain this virulent forever. That is unknown.
Yeah, I am somewhat skeptical, but this is not my specialty so it's hard for me to guess. But I do have higher hopes - as of today- that at some point the virus will get tired and bored and will leave. Might take years, though. And all those apparently coming back soon interstate and international travels..I don't want to think about it. And I want out of all this madness. Any suggestions ?
By the way, wearing proper mask is quite uncomfortable, and you can't eat without removing it..
Ain't life a ..full of surprises.
No-one cares about Sweden so they are publicly committing collective suicide.

A bit too harsh and terminologically inaccurate, but it's bad, real bad, no doubt.
I suggest we blackmail the rest of the world so they would pay for us. As much as needed. We are so slow and timid. Incredible. Quicken the spirit, step on it and get it movin' !
Black lives matter. Question is to whom ? And white lives ? They don't matter either. So what matters, anyway ? $30k equipment maybe.
God save Canada. Even if it is no paradise.