How much does your system retail for?

$23,000 - $24,000 I estimate. (Two channel, this does not include TV, VCR, etc.)

Please, keep the exagerations to a minumum, do not count CD's, equipment you have bought and sold, is packed away that you don't use anymore, etc..

Put the total first so it shows up at the begining of your post.

This is just for fun and curiosity of the diversity on here, don't take it to seriously. Simply evaluate what the retail value of your system is.
$430 is what I have invested in my system. I have been very frugal out of neccesity. But it makes pretty good music to my ears.

All vintage-

Marantz 2252B receiver- $30 thrift store 3 years ago

Thorens TD 160 /Linn Basik LVX arm/ Goldring 1042, AT440ML, Denon 110 Total from misc. sources over last 2 years- $220

ALtec 604-8G's in factory 620A cabs- $150 from church yard sale about 1 month ago.

About $30 in cables.

I am getting ready to refurb 2 Heath W4 AM 20 watt amps in the near future. I will have about $200 in them when all said and done, which will replace my Marantz.

It looks like I may be the budget guy on the block. It really sounds very good for such a low budget, and am looking forward to getting my tubes going.
Way too much... Let's talk about music?!
My records are still worth much more monetarily and otherwise. Peace
The highest one that I have seen on audiogon was the obgyn doc.I added up his list from 2004 and it came to just under $500,000.00 and he was just getting ready to update his video equipment.He had to add a third central ac unit just to cool his room and I asume no tax or setup fees were listed.I am sure many of you guys have seen his set up on here.His cables and interconects cost more than my new car.
$ 15,800.00 for 2 channel HT with Plasma TV included
Pioneer Elite Plasma, Plinius, TAD, Totem, Marantz, RGPC, Hsu, SignalCable
I was surprised when I added it up to $50,500. I wonder if I missed anything?

WOW $50,000 and I have cheap speakers!!!

Of course I don't have my new TT/arm/cartridge yet, so It's really only $25,000... But I already paid for the new stuff?!?
Now, you do know that you're not supposed to include your motorcycle in the tally, right? :-)

By the way, Albert Porter just loaned me some PAD cables. Soon enough, I'll be hitting those crazy numbers as well, given how good these things sound!
Albert comes across as a real nice guy till you here some of those cables. Then he's like the heroin or crack dealer down the street. Run before he gets you hooked! ALL the cable in my system is Purist ---> look what he did to me!
You got that right, Nrchy. He's now pulling his Dominus PC from the CDP to send that to us for an audition. Thankfully, my wife has a tremendous set of ears, and a particular fondness for people named Albert. We just broke all the rules of sanity by purchasing interconnects whose per pair price exceeds that our our amps! Oh, but that sound is sooooo addictive. Yes, you nailed it. He's there every time to answer the addiction, that nonchalant audio pusher!
2Ch. $15,000.00 with more spent on Home Theater $22,600.00 due to I have had my amp and pre-amp over 20 years and the new HT stuff can get pretty pricey.

The garage system is old cast offs from the house and it comes in at $6180. with 45 year old Bozak's that are still singing.

I didn't add in any sales tax for NY state because that would be rude. I also can't count the stereo on my full dress Harley because I don't listen to it when I'm riding because the mufflers are quite loud and they are sweet.
$18,500 2 channel and on the march for new cables. Not counting the $5,000.00 worth of stuff I am supposed to be selling which I am currently not using.
A ridiculous number retail; a semi-ridiculous number is out of pocket over the past 3 years. I REALLLLY enjoy the sound I get, however this is the WORST hobby imaginable for an instant gratification person(experience talking here). There is ALWAYS something better, no matter WHAT you have..........

Trying my hardest to avoid the ultimate irony of finally, years from now, having the PERFECT system, only to no longer be able to really HEAR and appreciate it due to hearing loss, etc (i.e., AGE!!)
With the new front end I'm back to around $61,750. Give or take a few $1000?!? Wow, am I glad that I didn't pay that much for it!
I agree with others.. Thank God for Audiogon. Mine would retail for around 20,000 for just the two channel side.

WOW is that scary or what!! But Albert does make me feel better!
This thread was started by the Audiogon wives’ association? Rumor is they’re preparing Christmas lists for themselves and will use this information to extrapolate the new equation for their own shopping needs… hmm, where are my credit cards… :-o

Not counting three Bang & Olufsen systems sort-of hanging around the house I'm holding at about 30k for my 2 channel system... I am still amazed by the incredibly clean and absolutely crystal clear sound my Pipedreams display every time I listen...

Honestly, music is my sanity and restores my soul keeping peace with my mind...
around 70,000 all plinius 102s dual mono ballanced,one silver one black,plinius p8-center-m8 preamp,sa 100mk3 for surrounds all silver, transparent bi cables, interconnects. magnum 102 triode tuner w/remote,kora hermes dac,pioneer elite 64 hdmi ect... mirage om 6s ,10s ,mc2 ,bps400 .1 ,stereo bag end infrasubs 18 from plinius rcas ,classe sp300/most everything purchased new,nothing wrong with used but, like a good woman: i prefer being FIRST!!! chow... pictures soon
Around 30K. I can't believe I just typed that, but it is true. Two years ago when the salesmen asked me what I wanted to spend I said I could MAYBE stretch it up to $2500 for a system. Of course, what I have now was purchased for much, much less than retail, but it is still an absurd number. What is more absurd still is that I could happily take it up to 80K retail and probably still find a way to long for an upgrade.

The good news is that sanity is returning. I was in a store a few days back, and while greatly enjoying a $4000 system I starting to think about downgrading. I haven’t done it, but at least I am thinking rationally again.
Actual cost (some stuff bought new, some used) of roughly $22,000. Equipment only.
As every year goes by, the cost of my system seems more reasonable.

By the time I'm 100 I bet I'll think it was free.
40k, give or take. Stereo only. Mostly in the speakers. Spent around 10k. Almost there.
about 75k now, but we are building a new home with a dedicated room, so, if you figure in the cost of a house....nah, better not, no one would build a home just because they wanted a great sounding room, right? right?
$1,233,000.00 to date. I have a Bose surround system with very expensive cables just to make the Bose's listenable.
Yikes!!! I just realized that my system's MSRP is now over $100K!!!!! I must stop....immediately...if not sooner.
How did I get this F^&*ed up???

Seriously, I am thinking of scaling back down and just doing an integrated and some small really.....

i am abottom feeder and only buy used stuff have a fine sounding system and way too much gear a system retail 45,000.00 used about17,oo.oo oh yeah only gear new are my new speakers 927 be's
Post removed 
Last time I posted, I wrote my system was worth 125 Boardwalk hotels retail (and I had "paid" 40-50 hotels). I off by a factor of five - I had forgotten my Monopoly® rules. It was more like 25 hotels (assuming it costs 5 houses to buy a hotel), and I had paid 8-10.

Three years later I look at this thread and I am up to about 90 hotels (retail) and a bit over 30 hotels actually paid.

Sheesh. What am I thinking?!
$22,000 for 2 channel and another $6000 including the dual use Home Theater, pretty much locked into this for some time to come
Mine is just stupid $$$ now that I look at it...but I just need one more piece and I'll be set for a while...
Cool site actually:

if you want to see how much you vintage gear would cost now.

You want to know why I hate people who name drop about VAC or BAT or whatever on 'gon? Take a look - it tells you how meaningless their $75,000. system is in real market terms. It's amazing how much designers have forgotten, though some things have improved.

Vintage Yamaha Integrated (1978) w/ two 3 way adjustable phono's - $600. ($1828. 2005 dollars)
Paradigm Monitor 7 v.2 Speakers w/PDR 10" Sub - $1170.
Grado Red Phono Cartridge- $120.
Spacedeck w/10" Spacearm v.1 - $3000.
Cary Rocket 808 v.1 - $2850.
JVC DVD player - $220.
Audio Experience Symphonies - $400.00
Harmonic Tech Cords - $420.
RiverCable Speaker Cords - $220.
Kenwood Tuner/Integrated - $300. in '74 ($1247. in '05)
Cart - $85.
Racketballs - $20.

So... about $12,000., depending on how you look at it... of course in reality I think I paid $5600., total, so you know, it's a Soprano-style deal.
We should start a new thread namely, Who does not tell your spouse the real price of your new purchase gear(s)? I don't. Never have guts to add all up but hi-end audio salons in town recognize my face and love me for suporting their "making a living".
$44K, almost all of it modded way beyond original quality and value. I like to think it's comparable to two to four times that much, especially given the cherry-picked-for-value nature of each component, to start with.
And you of course have a room and electrics that are built to suit the special needs of your very specialized and expensive gear...
Tad under $3000.00.......1st ever post, so bear with me. I am simply just amazed at some of the capital spent on systems. This is not a judgement, mind you, because I can see myself willing to spend more and more in the future. I have been into the 2 channel home audio scene for roughly 6 months now, and I can honestly say that I haven't had this much fun, met so many knowledgeable people willing to help and share their experiences. I have never had a hobby that can be so immediate in its rewards. I would love someday to hear a sound system like Albert's or that Mike guy on the west coast(the Sirius room), but I'm not ready to hear something like that yet....because I'll just want it right now, and financially, that's not possible. I am so downright blown away with how my own system sounds, that I think I'll just keep listening to it for After about three upgrade fevers over the last 6 months, I am going to stop purchasing equipment and concentrate on room acoustics, cables and interconnect re-wire, and isolation/vibration control. Applause to all of you on your systems and the fun you have with them.
Do I detect sarcasm, Biomimetic? I have collected and tweeked my gear over many years at used prices on a shoestring budget. I am passionate about music, quality, and value (I have to be since my professional life has been a labor of love that I aspire to make pay). IMO, this doesn't make me any more deserving of a great system than anyopne else who simply wants one but it might show up your attitude a bit. I have no problem (except perhaps a bit of jealousy) with someone's pride in the expensive gear they own. Quality is an expression of caring.

I am a professional musician, instrument builder, recording engineer and producer and audio modder. I aspire to as high a level in all those things as I can concieve of. That's the choice I make. You're welcome to whatever balance of priorities you choose.

Oh, and the answer is yes and no. I did take out a wall to join two rooms for my listening room/recording studio, I outfitted it with homebrewed Roomtunes and I put in a dedicated line.

live and let buy, eh? peace.
$800.00 tops, including interconnects...the whole 9 yards. Some guess it to be closer to the $3500 to $4000 range. Best part about it is...its Multichannel, not a HT.
It's not sarcasm to point out that a $60,000 system can sound like a sony boombox in a bad room with crappy electrics. And I've seen some of the "All out assaults" on 'gon. A $5,000 system in a good room can beat that $60,000 system every time if it's in a gymnasium or other highly reflective room.
got it, Biometric, although I missed your implication without your explanation.
a little over $22K...but I got great deals while in the biz and I paid about $8K for it.
Why did you make me add this stuff up?!?!?!

MSRP around $120K. This is NOT good! Thankfully I didn't pay anywhere near MSRP, but it is still lots of dough even at half price or so.