How much does your system retail for?

$23,000 - $24,000 I estimate. (Two channel, this does not include TV, VCR, etc.)

Please, keep the exagerations to a minumum, do not count CD's, equipment you have bought and sold, is packed away that you don't use anymore, etc..

Put the total first so it shows up at the begining of your post.

This is just for fun and curiosity of the diversity on here, don't take it to seriously. Simply evaluate what the retail value of your system is.
Bryston 4BSST - 2800
Bryston BP-20 - 2400
ACI Jaguar / LFM - 7000
Arcam FMJ-23T - 2100
Dodson DAC-263 - 2600
Audience AU24 IC - 502 per pair (x2)
TG Audio SLVR PC - 500 x 4
Symposium Svelte - 200 x 2
Symposium Roller - 300 x 2
DH Labs Q-10 SC - 200

Total - 21000
Shoot, it's amazing how fast that stuff adds up. Look at Ehoehn's system. Not really anything that I'd consider overly extravagant, but it still comes up to more than 20 grand. Thank god for A'gon and the joys of buying used
The retail value of my system is around $17500. However, the amount of money I have invested about $8800-.

Happy Listening,

HT/2ch hybrid: ~34,000 (i added up 33,820 but i know i'm forgetting a ton of small-but-expensive little things like PCs, brackets, labor on some in-wall wiring, etc)... god, i often think i'd rather have a (slightly) used porsche boxter s or ///m3 coupe, but every time i get home and really listen, i realize you can listen to music in your car but you can't be MOVED by it, no matter how fun the vehicle... i like to think in the terms of those master-card ads:

Home Theater: $35,000
Lord of the Rings: Fellowship of the Ring Special Edition: $35
Pizza (including delivery): $15

Feeling the hair raise on the back of your neck: Priceless :D
Around $80k for my 2 ch, plus another $38k for HT. I bought most of the 2ch pre-owned from AG, but mostly new for the HT gear when I first started. Thank god I have learnt.
Can't believe I've never seen this thread before! Ok here goes: $17,700, the good news being actual expenditures are about $8240. Thank God for Audiogon!
Just including the main system that is used for 2-channel music reproduction only the retail replacement cost would be within a few $s of $40k. This is a staggering sum in my opinion, as this excedes the cost of my two cars.
$1439 Albert?...I'll send you a check today...hey...I'll make it an even $1500...better start packing, it'll probably take a while...I'm sure shipping wont be cheap...will you split the cost with me? hehehe
About $2700 retail. I paid around $1450 and it sounds wonderful.
NAD C320BEE Integrated
NAD C541i CD
Paradigm Studio 40's
AudioQuest Opal x3's
Olympus Demeter speaker cables
If you want to have some fun, go to the link Boa2 posted, and hit refresh every 5 seconds. Amazing! I don't feel so bad now.
HT system ~ $22k
2 Channel system ~ $17k (and seemingly growing exponentially)

More toys...I need MORE TOYS!!! AAARRRGGGHHH!!!!
I am in the $50k club now- where's my membership card? :o) On a serious note, it seems that I am doing about $10k/year in upgrades- and I am fairly young, so by the time I am 40 I will be at or around the $220k range. Bare in mind that's in today's dollars, by then it will be approaching the 7 figure range- is there a cure to this sickness?
Not including cabling(which really would not amount to much), i am sitting at 1/10th of tireguy's msrp.

And damn it, I'm really starting to like my system!
2 channel system MSRP - $21k / add another $6k for the intergrated HT system. i have my system listed here on audiogon if you desire to have a look see.
I'd say about $800 retail, way lower in out of pocket.. but im still in high school, what do u expect??

lmao. you guys crack me up. i knew you guys like to spend, but daaammmmmnn!! im only 17 and with the new acquistion of my athena as-f2 speakers, i am definetly "seeing" (or hearing, in this case) why this hobby is so addicting! this is gonna be a looong journey. check back with me in few decades .. hehe
Holy Cow, I feel a lot better about what I spend on audio...I've got a lot of extra stuff around but my "A" system has a Theta Compli, PS Audio HCA2 and PCA2 and PSB Stratus Gold i's.

I just use various mid-low end Kimber, Cardas and Monster cables, etc.
Lost my way on my prior post.........I was stunned by some of the amounts spent by other people.
11k not including the 125K for the house addition to really let the system open up and have a nice view while listening. I love it! Great thread to use to feel better at least until you get past 200K
Roughly $575.00 I win!!!

Technics Linear tracking TT with new Grado Silver cart. $200.00 ebay/needledoctor
Sumiko phono preamp $100.00 new
Pilot 30 watt integrated tube amp $100.00 off ebay, 40 years old. Came with telefunken tubes.
Cables $100.00 new
Model Seventeen Speakers $75.00 new

I would be waaaay to guilty if I spent more than say.. $10,000 on any audio setup regardless of disposable income. Plus I think I might feel like I was being sold snake oil at a certain price point. But, I'm a bargain shopper, i.e. Cheap.
~$7,000. i am a small fry on this website.

i'm actually pretty shocked although i'm happy to report that each time the retail price of my system went up the improvement was dramatic. what's even worse is that now that i have what i would call a legitimate mid-fi system i know it's pretty far from what an even more expensive one could do.

yes, my friends jaws drop when i tell them its 7k. i know it could easily grow to double that in a few years when i get into my 30's.
Somewhere about $35,000 and increasing as fast as I can make it. Are we all crazy or what? Great sound though. I mean just great. And worth every penny.
Too much ,for my wife to know.But hey the other day a guy at work told me he had to get a line of credit OF 60k from the bank to pay of his 40K debt that resulted from GAMBLING in Las Vegas.
That's canadian funds but still.So for all of those with the big systems including myself feel good .
Long live high-end.
The investment in the main system is approximately $27,500.00. It consist of a Red Rose amplifier, Red Rose pre-amp, BAT phono stage, Linn turntable, Sony SCD-1 CD player, Klipsh RF-7 speakers, Akai 747 DBX R-t-R and Nakamichi Dragon cassette deck. Interconnect and speaker cables are by Transparent.
I guess mine retails for about $24,000. I like buying used but everything i bought new. I couldn't wait for it to turn up on the used market!
15,700 is as far as I wanted to count before even thinking about the cables they are hooked up with. Modest compared to many. Seeing that total, more then I thought. Real problem is... I'm not done with it!
Retail of: drum roll please 3,250 with out interconnects or speaker wire giong through an upgrade process of it right now and dont have the totals yet. as of today and im getting a new cd player well used but new to me and it will bring the total up to 4,000. Wow thats scarry becasue im a college student. At least it only cost 1,700 including the new cd player w00t.
Way under 10K
Angela 300b monos $2000.00
Reference 3A MM DeCapo i $2000.00
Audio Experience Symphonies $225.00
Shengya CD-S10 Tube HDCD Player $449.00
Cable wire etc $400.00

Total $5074.00 :-)

Just as good as anything out here ( Thinks me :-o )
$450. That's right, well under $1,000. System consists of a Technics SP-10 Mk II turntable (traded for a Rega Planar 3/RB300 that cost me $200), with a borrowed Syntec arm and a NOS Signet TK7LCa cartridge ($50). Will soon install a NOS Sonus Formula IV arm (cost $150). Speakers are B&W DM2 ($6 for the pair), can't recall if they are the "Mk II" version or the "A" version. Amplifier is an Akai M8 reel to reel ($35). This is a single ended (EL84) integrated tube amp with phono stage. Also have a NOS ADC XLM cartridge. I bought two of these for $75, sold one for $90, so the one I kept is free. Third cartridge is an Ortofon OM-30. Neither the ADC or Ortofon are compatible with the Syntec arm; both should suit the Sonus arm.
$600 used.

Marantz 2270 receiver
Denon 370 Cd player - burr brown DAC
Celestion ditton speakers
Oneac power conditioner
DIY cables
DIY room treatments

I like the sound so much, that I can't find pieces to upgrade! I would goto a hifi shop and hear $30,000 systems, and I still like mine better.

I sometimes sleep infront of it - enjoying near field lestening.

I do have more expensive gears, but this set-up is enjoyable to me. If you are choosy, you can enjoy good sound for peanuts.

$10,500 if retail $6200 out of pocket to make all the mistakes I have made before I learned so much here.
$59,000 w/2nd mcintosh pre-amp and poweramps thiel 7.2's(too heavy to move) still in boxes.just got back into vinyls-start the meter again.
$675 New! (Price of CDs and computer are excluded)

Equipment consists of:

Source: Monkey's Audio playing back via Audiotrak Prodigy 7.1 soundcard

Amp: a T-Amp running on Wall Wart (SLA Battery and charger upgrade should not be too far into the future.. then next comes the upgrade caps and connectors of the T-Amp)

Speaker: A pair of Omega Super 3 (I see a small musical sub in my Crystal Ball and maybe a DIY tweeter addon running from my spare T-Amp)

I think this is one of the cheapest system on audiogon (at least for now!)


What your system retails for and what you pay are very different I hope. Thank goodness you can buy used on Agon. I would have to guess its entirely too personal to reveal what you spend but high end seems to have price points just like everything else. $1,000 $5,000 $10,000. There is no magic number I would venture to guess that most sane Agoners spend about $5-10,000 for their primary system going by the prices charged at retail, otherwise pick a number. $2,000 CD/TT 2-5K for amps similar numbers for speakers all new full priced.Nah make that $15-20k total for the "audiophile" $1,000 for the newbie.

I got a good sounding sony cd player, and AKG k-300 haedphones, and the sound is pretty darn good !
No room acoustics to worry about, so it sounds like a concert stage - in my ear.

I am planning on getting a sony MP3 - add convenients of accessing my library in a second.

And I am adding a headphone amp - Class A for $140. This will further enhance the sound - further extension on the buttom.

Anyone without a proper room acoustics should consider getting a good headphones - will reward.
MSRP $30,700 for main system, but nearly all components were bought on Audiogon for a total cost of $11,400.

$21,000 msrp for two channel only, paid about $12,000 for it though. thank you, audiogon!
Now up to $21,500 with some equipment changes. When will the madness stop?! The good new is though the retail has gone up my expenditure remains at $8240!