High Fidelity Cables?

I’ve noticed for the past week or so, that my favorite cable manufacturer, High Fidelity Cables, is closed due to Covid.  Anyone know anything more?


@ozzy Talk to his former employees he left high and dry. I did and everything was auctioned and proceeds went to the landlord. That is enough for me to stay away from this guy and his company. 3 strikes your out, he has two right now. 


If anyone has been cheated from High-Fidelity due to their business failure by not receiving the product or getting their money back, simply post it on this thread.

Again, I am under the impression all have been taken care of, either with product or their money back.

Please let us know.


I do not think he has one yet or will? I reached out to him through his listing on AG.


Does Rick have a website yet? I've only found items in the AG Marketplace.

And he has some NOS MC-0.5's for sale.

Ricks new cables our much lighter than the old metal wave guides. does not pull the stereo gear off the shelf.


Yes he is making the XLRs i have purchased one and just ordered another


Going by past experience with HFC, RCA cables were introduced first followed by XLR.

These new cables really look the biz. Does anyone know if he's making XLRs too?

I never have problem with the company and Rick.i did not agree when the costumers did not get their paid cables or too much delay.


I have done lots of business with  Rick its all been great. His products work very well in my system. No money loss here




Ha ha ha ha ha! I can’t believe this guy is back! He Musta run out of money so he’s coming back to the money tree! He doesn’t know how to do anything else but take advantage of others. Unbelievable, I guess PT Barnum was right! Amazing

Hello Lak

I will have it Monday according to tracking, but not be able to install until Tuesday. Will keep you in the loop.

@68pete I’ll be very interested in hearing your thoughts about Rick’s new cable.

Rick has always treated me very well. I have purchased a lot of his products over the years and have no complaint. All did what he said they would do, Make my stereo better and they have. I will be tying one of his newest cables out, hope fully next week.

This is all started for example by @csmgolf who has no idea what they talking about and just make stuff up, repeating a forum post from another anon who made stuff up.

Rick is the sort of person who does free upgrades for clients, he bends over backwards to help people out and does not deserve to have liars smear him.

He closed Virtual Dynamics in the late 00’s due to the GFC and to relocate to the US to launch the new venture HFC. 

If anyone has been cheated from High-Fidelity due to their business failure by not receiving the product or getting their money back, simply post it on this thread.

Again, I am under the impression all have been taken care of, either with product or their money back.

Please let us know.


They look like something that we ought to be sending to Ukraine. That link to ozzie is blank.

Has anyone actually lost money? He always treated me well. And from what I understand he made everybody's order(s) right, either with product or money.

Am I wrong?


It is really difficult to believe anyone would send him any money. He has gone out of business twice and stiffed people each time. How many times do people need to be fooled to understand not to do business with him?

Wow! Can't the moderators take down his ad if he indeed scammed so many customers from his old company?

It appears that Rick Schultz is producing product again.  Apparition is his new cable.  Do a search on Audiogon listings.  They look pretty amazing!  I'm not sure his business model, etc...but I'm thrilled that he's still inventing new products!  

This thread is too funny. This guy was a criminal and should be locked up. Unbelievable and people still think he was telling the truth, and that his cables were like the best ever. If that was the case, somebody would’ve picked up where he left off. He knew he had a good scam going, and then he ran out of money. That’s what they do then they pack up and leave and scam somebody else. They’re called gypsies. 

I found the Nano Flo product superior to others I have tried.

It was available for a short time before its maker decided to remove it from the market. I recognized its qualities and made a decision to buy twice as much that I needed to treat all external connections so I could also treat all internal connections.  Makes a great difference heard immediately and improves over days. Easiest and cleanest to apply. Hope this product comes back tto life and to the  forefront it deserves. Tom

Lowrider57 NASAMAN Agoners has a good comparison post on the Mad Scientist and q45 enhancer. Check it out.


Yes, Cable Company has always distributed HFC products and now the Q45. What I'm wondering is the Mad Scientist contact enhancer a good copy or did Rick license his formula. I doubt the latter.



You’re not the only one to confuse RICK and RIC, who owns TweakAudio/EVS, who modifies a lot of kit as well as sells some tweaks

FYI, I bought Graphene Enhanced Contact Enhancer from Mad Scientist Audio, who has US distribution, but orders go through their www. I had a sample of RICKs Graphene Contact liquid, and they look and apply identically, BUT, a 2oz bottle from MSA is only $75!

I am amazed with the results

So @theaudiotweak what is the new flavor of cable lube? Rick is still making his liquid audio gold and selling it through on US outlet. Did you find a better cable elixir?

Rick's creations were well-built and an outstanding use of technology. But he had a terrible business plan. How many $10,000 cables did he think he would sell? The more affordable products were very successful, it's evident in all the threads on different forums. 

My $1500 cable came in a Pelican Case, completely unnecessary and not good for business on his part. Maybe he was creating a mystique, HiFi for the upper financial tier. But to shut down the business without a word is so not cool. I don't see how he can be trusted in his next endeavor.


@glory wait some will see these posts and state their HF status or lack their of. He did leave all his employees in Texas in the lurch and unpaid.

Lo or no class for sure.

Hey 99,


“What a pathetic lesson coming from a religious freak. Scary. Preach the word of god and stiff your brothers.”  From 99


Rick is a true believer in the Death burial and resurrection of the Lord Jesus Christ so what makes him a religious freak? Where and when did he preach to you? Never!


I am then a RF also in your 💩 world.


Has he stiffed anyone out there?


Wrong.  The "religious Rick" with a k and HFC Rick are the same guy. I had several talks with him for the last 15 years. He is the former owner of Virtual Dynamics cables who had Bible psalms on his Stereophile ads. His company went belly up in 2011 then he moved from Canada to Texas where he opened High Fidelity cables. History repeating itself.

Ric from EVS is a different person.


I did and he is wrong.

Said owner had his own rescue plan ..one for the purchase or lease of expensive cars, boat, trailer and a gucci truck to hall ass back to another country leaving some valued employees dry and partners stuck. Tom

@vin99 As has been clarified before, the religious Ric and HFC Ric are two different people.

People still want his contact enhancer and cables

They do? To lose more $$$

Post removed 

There are lot of people poking their noses into business that doesn't concern them.

You Nosey Parkers should be asking where the BLM money has gone and the trillions Biden printed disappeared to.

Rest assured if Rick hadn't made or isn't making good this forum and others would be awash with complaints and FFS he's in Canada not El Salvador or Panama.

People still want his contact enhancer and cables.


Rick is a Canadian citizen, was here on a work visa of some sort. Has full family living in Canada.

As I understand it he is Canada. 

So why did he move out of the Country? To not be able to be sued?