High Fidelity Cables?

I’ve noticed for the past week or so, that my favorite cable manufacturer, High Fidelity Cables, is closed due to Covid.  Anyone know anything more?


Showing 4 responses by tweak1

RicEVS has a new product for speaker cables

The EVS Speaker rf filters

According to Ric make the sound more musical and more detailed.  You hear more separation of instruments, more hall sound, more air, lowering of noise and lowering of edginess and distortion.   You hear more micro details....string resonances.....lips smacking.....more of the wood sound.  This is not subtle....you have not heard your system till you have filtered the noise coming down your speaker wires.  Even at low volumes you enjoy the music more......just more real.





Thanks. I did not know that. I received a sample of PPT from HFC and assumed it was from EVS Ric



You’re not the only one to confuse RICK and RIC, who owns TweakAudio/EVS, who modifies a lot of kit as well as sells some tweaks

FYI, I bought Graphene Enhanced Contact Enhancer from Mad Scientist Audio, who has US distribution, but orders go through their www. I had a sample of RICKs Graphene Contact liquid, and they look and apply identically, BUT, a 2oz bottle from MSA is only $75!

I am amazed with the results