High Fidelity Cables?

I’ve noticed for the past week or so, that my favorite cable manufacturer, High Fidelity Cables, is closed due to Covid.  Anyone know anything more?


Showing 7 responses by rsf507

As I understand it he is Canada. 

So why did he move out of the Country? To not be able to be sued? 

People still want his contact enhancer and cables

They do? To lose more $$$

Wow! Can't the moderators take down his ad if he indeed scammed so many customers from his old company?

It boggles my mind why people would still do business with this guy after so many have been burned! Don't care how good his cables are.

@tranchautuan I think you are getting the run around to be frank. From my understanding Rick was the owner of HFC and moved from the USA to Canada because of some sort of passport issues. Don't know all the circumstances but at this point I would NOT give Rick or this company any more money. Be careful and hope you can recoup some of your funds.

@tranchautuan I would tell you NOT to send any funds for his new cables but ask to have his new cable shipped to you for a demo. If after a week or two they seem better than what you have then you decide. Simple and both parties are winners

@tranchautuan doesn't matter where you live he has to ship the cables outside his own Country anyways. Offer to pay ONLY for shipping charges until you can hear the new cable to see if it's worth spending more money. Otherwise do not send more money with this company. You've already been burned once don't let it happen again.