High Fidelity Cables?

I’ve noticed for the past week or so, that my favorite cable manufacturer, High Fidelity Cables, is closed due to Covid.  Anyone know anything more?


Showing 3 responses by calgarian5355

I'm wondering the same thing....is HFC out of business now?  I don't see any remarks from Jessica.  I have an order outstanding with them....Not sure what to do now....I knew they were having supply issues in the past, but they usually delivered (albeit late!).  If anyone knows anything definite, please post.

If HFC is forever closed, it really is a sad day for audiophiles....In my 45+ years in this hobby, I've really only experienced 2 or 3 a-ha moments....and the HFC power cords/interconnects was one of those moments.  I think Rick is a brilliant audio inventor.  Based on what I've read about his contact enhancement products, I'm thinking this was a potential a-ha moment as well....If Rick does re-invent himself....I hope he sticks to creating new products....and finds someone else to manage all other aspects of the business.....

It appears that Rick Schultz is producing product again.  Apparition is his new cable.  Do a search on Audiogon listings.  They look pretty amazing!  I'm not sure his business model, etc...but I'm thrilled that he's still inventing new products!