High Fidelity Cable replaces NPS 1260

The product is going to be called NPS Q45T. Not out yet, but on their Facebook page.


Quick update on Q45T today: either my ears got used to it, or a reality, but I no longer feel my system sound any “lean”. On the contrary…


The separation, dynamics, bloom, soundstage extension, are all positive, and in spades.


This is certainly a great purchase, and I don’t regret my $350 one beat.

I agree with my system also the lean is gone. All the qualities that you mention are also in spades. I own an appliance repair company and have been using 1260 for almost a year now. Mostly on wire terminals that are burned off the heating elements in dryers. Spade connector on the heating element after cleaning off all the carbon on them leaving 1/3 the size. I’ve usually cut in a new terminal on the power wire and connect into what was left on the element terminal without much success. It has almost been a year now on those repairs and still they are going without taking out the new wire terminal.  Saving my customers lots of money and less work for me.

Thyname, I agree +1, Iam 80 % done on all my 3 systems.Every system level of musicality is way beyond I can Ask for.Applying q45 to all my wires I felt like they were replaced by a more expensive one, As good as my Tyr Nordost ic, HF ct 2 ic , Tellurium ic, phono Cables, all have sounds more Dynamics, fast, a lot more like bass and slam.. After Iam 80 % done I felt I have spend more than 5k on Cables.Iam happy I discover the q45.NASAMAN state he felt like he upgraded 5 to 10k amp.I thought he exaggerates but yes same experience here.

Posted to High Fidelity Cables website- appreciate any input/opinion for forum members:

"Own and use NPS-1260. Considering NPS-Q45T, but have a few questions: The Q45T description says "not to disturb the connection"- I was told that 1260 applied connections could be removed and re-seated as long as there was visual evidence of proper 1260 coverage. Is Q45T different in that regard? This is relevant as I rotate gear in my system occasionally. Second- should all 1260 be removed prior to Q45T application? This seems difficult, if not impossible, because of solution residue, such as in female connector where 1260 was applied to the male connector. It was suggested that full benefit of 1260 might take up to 6 weeks- is that the same time frame for the Q45T? Finally, will there be videos showing proper application of the new formula? Thanks!"

I cannot help much here @crummwoody as I never had 1260 (Just did the NPS-Q45T recently), but my guess is the application videos should be identical. 

If you rotate gear often, don’t use them (1260 or Q45T) yet because they aren’t cheap (unless they are not cheap for you). Just wait until you settle then give them a try. However, like me and many others here, your curiosity got over you and want to try them? fully apply them in a very thin layer as possible between 2 metal surfaces of the connectors. Avoid gaps.

If removed or disrupted those bonds, re-coat again in a very thin layer.

Yes, you can apply Q45T over 1260 and they can still go together. However, wipe off 1260 before applying Q45T will give you more accurate of Q45T’s sounding signature. In my opinion, the Q45T is better than 1260. It gives me more music so I personally wipe off 1260.

Great luck and have fun with it.

Good to have opinions, but to be clear, High Fidelity Cables (HFC) wrote that one could disconnect and re-connect without re-application of 1260.  To quote the company: "We move cables around often and find that a re-application is not always necessary. In fact, it is maybe every 3rd or 4th disconnection that we will treat again. We recommend evaluating the remaining visible NPS-1260 and re-applying if it shows to be diminished" HFC 9/10/21.  My question was whether Q45T was different in this regard.


My whole system was treated with 1260 and really enjoyed it. I am slowly changing to the Q45t. Right now i am about at 55% with Q45t in the system and 45% with the 1260. They do work well together (not on the same end of wire). The 1260 wipes off fairly easy with a soft cloth. I only had one connection where it was hard to get off. The 1260 does need to be reapplied several times if you are moving things in and out on a regular basis. Unplug something once or twice and repluge it did not effect the sound for me. Doing it more than that and i would reapply 1260. I have not tried it yet, but i am sure the Q45t should be about the same. The longer you leave it in placed the better the sound.

Good luck

@crummwoody Q45T is thicker and also darker than 1260, visually. It’s as dark as a marker so not to worry too much about should you or not to re-apply.

The Q45T is more visible to see what’s on, what’s off.

What you should worry now is to make sure HFC isn’t running out of stock. Order them today..

John and Pete68 , is it really safe to apply q45 on the power cord both ends?No sparks?

@jayctoy For power cords, unplug both ends before applying either 1260 or Q45T is highly and highly recommend..

@nasaman   RE:  Running out of stock.  Their site isn't even operable as I write this...  so, there's that.


Should be safe- i coated the prongs on the unit the the power cord plugs into and the prongs of the power cord. Easier to clean off if you do not like

crummwoody the site could be down for upgrade or new site Try High Fidelity facebook page. I get faster answer there. Maybe not monitoring on the holiday?

Got mine last week and let it settle in a few days. Had the 1260 but this new formula is next level. More naturalness, details, dimension, and tone. I’ve applied on all analog and digital cables. Reminds me what I experience with grounding. Awesome stuff!

@68pete You could be right about the holiday.  However, the site was up and running earlier today, when I posted my questions.  If I don't hear back in a couple of days, I'll try your FB suggestion.  Thanks!

Crummwoody I believe they have enough stock when you order, don’t wait too long.

Anyone applied Q45T that also has QSA fuses in their system? Which made the bigger difference?


HFC is closing (for the next few days or this full week?) due to a huge Covid surge at their shop. 


@nasaman  Good to know why website is down.  Thanks for the inside scoop.  What is your affiliation with HFC?

Hi everyone. You all will know me as Jessica who answered all your questions on the website. I also managed the social media and sometimes phones. I'd like to correct something John has said. I was told on Monday (2/21) that HFC was closing forever. This came as a shock to me, as I'm sure it did all of our employees. I'm only saying this because I've grown fond of seeing you all here discussing the products I put love and effort to bringing to you, and deeply desire to see everything made right in the end. 


If John is correct and there is also another wave of COVID that hit the office over the weekend, I deeply wish them all a safe recovery, but this is not the reason for the closure.

Holly Molly! Shocking news.

I am glad I got mine already.

Hopefully permanent closure is business related and not health issue. I hope everyone is safe and healthy 

From what i have gathered so far Covid has hit High Fidelity Cable health wise and not being able to get raw materials. Do not know how long it will last- a week or longer???

If Jessica said it I believe her, I feel bad with HF closing? I texted Casey as well to confirm it, will update.I hope Rick and all the crew are fine.

What happens with all of the orders placed and paid for, but not received?



High Fidelity is no longer? I can’t believe it! Such an innovative company.


It might be prudent to get in touch with possible payment sources to discuss  options for prepaid customers. If payments can be cancelled they can always be reinstated when business is safer for the consumer.

For those of you waiting on orders, I was getting ready to talk about PayPal protection. Then I remembered that my only direct purchase from HFC has been the recent NPS Q45T. I had to use my CC number, no PayPal option. Received mine a week ago, but if I had not, like @lpretiring suggests, I would be on the phone with my CC company tomorrow, just in case.

Regarding the HFC shutdown news, assuming it’s true and a very credible source has posted it right here on this forum, I only have one word which seems to be cropping up day after day during this Year Of Our Lord 2022.


Nasaman do you have latest update you can share?i believe HF will bounce back.

@jessicahfc So sorry you found out so abruptly, i hope all goes well for you! With your attitude you should do well. Do you mind saying if Rick told you or was it a text ect? Was business down much? Thinking of you, marc brown

Legally I don't think I can talk about the state of the business, and I truely hope that they'll be able to make all the orders right by you guys. All I'll say is that it wasn't a surprise, and I had been preparing my resume since fall.

I feel sorry for all the employees that this news will touch, for myself I run with a couple of sets of CT1 Ultimate Reference RCA’s that I have been very happy with.

Exogal recently closed with supply chain issues


Lots of consumer electronics firms closing right now with banks pulling the plug due to supply chain issues like the above.

Jessica thanks a lot for your help when I almost cancel my order, and you are able to help, I really do appreciate your help.Thank you for giving us update here. I pray you will get a job very soon🙏Stay safe.

Wow.  I logged in to report back on progress and ask a question and did not expect this news.  The economics of this business have to be pretty difficult.  It will be interesting to see if the company is revived in some shape or form.  The Q45 is so good that I was considering looking at High Fidelity power cables.

after doing my speaker cables, I applied to my ICs.  This brought another improvement but was not as dramatic as the first application to the speaker cables.

I am curious if anyone has applied this or the 1260 to usb cables.  


Yes High Fidelity Cable is gone very sad indeed. Yes you can apply the Q45t to USB cables or the 1260 to your USB cables. Report back you findings

@68pete  "High Fidelity Cable is gone"  Have you been able to confirm this?  I have been unsuccessful in reaching the company- believe me, I've tried- via phone, email and Face Book.

I ask as their web site still says High Fidelity Cables is temporarily closed due to covid.

Also, they still have active listings on Audiogon selling new products.  In fact Audiogon states they are not aware of business closure.

Confusing, to put it mildly.

I will be in Frisco on Tuesday fro meeting with Toyota.

May swing by McKinney and see if they are locked down or what. Maybe one of their neighbors knows whats up?

Hello crummwoody

Yes as i understand it High Fidelity Cable is no more. Between Covid and getting raw materials. It was impossible to get things done. Keeping trained people when you have no material to work with and Having some material then no crew to work because of Covid. It could make a come back on a much smaller level down the road??? I'm hoping they bounce back.

What they have left on the shelf (audio gone) to sell is any body guess?? As far as back orders i have no clue.

Rick and crew has all ways treated me good and i am very sorry to see this end this way. Rick made designed some really outstanding products.