High Fidelity Cable replaces NPS 1260

The product is going to be called NPS Q45T. Not out yet, but on their Facebook page.



If you are talking about the three to one adapters, i have used them stacking as many as 5 to 8 on each other. Putting the Q45t on each one in use with Ricks MC05s. It work great. With the MCO5s it gets heavy and i used a 2x6 brace under the adapters so they would not pull out from the wall.


@whostolethebatmobile hey 👋 Just came in to ask, whether you have tried that trick with multi/double-adapters you mentioned with the Q45T specifically? Or anyone else in here?

Thanks :)

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An update.

Got my NPS Q45T 4-14 and applied it to all connections but AC 4-16.

WOW, WOW, WOW! The change in SQ is equal to or greater than moving from a $3K cartridge to a $13K cartridge. Now music is unlike anything I have ever heard.

The sound is enveloping. Bass lines are brand new. Reality is through the roof. Cymbals are newly full and “complete”. Reed instruments clearly contain the sound of the reed. I could go on but a very noticeable thing is that before when listening to a Pop vocal, I discounted the instruments and enjoyed the nice midrange sound of the voice. Now, the instruments are as clear and important as the voice. Transformative. At night, for 2 channel HT, I hear so much more. Like the sound of a car’s engine. The sound of birds, etc. 

I was thrilled with the original NPS 1260 and had high expectations for the new Q45T. My expectations were exceeded. Incredibly so. Even my wife came into the room and said that it sounded very different and very good. High praise indeed.
Rick said that it takes 40-60 hours to fully take effect.

As far as availability, Rick is no longer selling it. Has licensed it. The Cable Company will have it and a new site called contactenhancer dot com.

The current batch is sold out but it should appear at those two sites soon.

Thinking of the question whether Q45T adds clarity or tonal density: IMO it doesn't add anything, it takes away gunk, noise, glare, crosstalk etc. so the natural stereo imaging, detail, and tone color come through. Similar to using SR fuses or Shunyata power filtering, but taken to the next level.

agisthos -

Unfortunately the site is down, but I remember reading that NPS-1260 used a Stabilant 22 base in Rick's own words. I would be a lot happier if I could give you a link, but that's not possible with the site down.


 I spoke to  Rick back when he first came out with the NPS1260 (not the Q 45)  and he was trying it on his car might have been a BMW i do not recall for sure. But he was excited about the results. On his car battery and tip of spark plugs ( I have no clue if positive or negative results) He did use it on his car stereo system. If you try please post your findings.

@whostolethebatmobile Are we sure Rick is using Stabilent 22 as the dilute base?

I want to try this stuff on not just an audio system, but on the spark plug and battery connections on my classic BMW.

@donkaz I only brought the licensed enhancer out of the closet to flush out a breach of license issue that's been ongoing for some time. The cable & fuse division will be offering ready to use audio products once I get advertising status on Audiogon, until then I am not selling anything. Sorry for the mixup.



ianb52 - it hardly matters which AC outlet you treat. Every outlet in the house will improve the sound noticeably. The ones closest to the stereo AC feed will obviously be the best, but not by a huge margin.

Just keep going with the AC outlets. It doesn’t stop. 2-3 feet wider today, 20 feet wider tomorrow. 

Use cheap multiple or double adapters to avoid contaminating the wall outlets. 

 When I type in contactenhancer.com nothing comes up.  I would really like to try the nano Flo however getting to purchase it seems to be a problem. 

That's a good suggestion. I've got one coated plug in each zone of my Denali v2 distributor and I could try coating the other outlets in there. I was just a little concerned about the AC outlet and residue because I rent currently, and was just imaging a family with small children moving in after me. If it was my own place I would do the main AC connected to the Denali and use a couple coated PS Audio Noise Harvesters in other outlets.

It's wild how wide and spacious my system is all of a sudden. Despite all my Shunyata cabling and power filter, fancy fuses, optical isolation etc there must still have been enough noise in my system that was increasing L-R channel crosstalk. It sounds about 2-3 ft wider now.




Deleted my post because on reflection, I’m not qualified to comment on the safety of Q45T. Personally I would not worry, is as far as I’ll go.

If you like what you’re hearing on the AC, try the multiple adapter with 6 x double adapters, pins lightly painted and plugged in to the strip (see my earlier post). No need to paint the pins of the multiple adapter, that way you don’t get any in the wall outlet.

Of course you can go further...all 6 double adapters have socket holes as well..just need to get a tiny amount of Q45T into those sockets, using an AC plug painted with a thin layer of Q45T. Coat it, plug it once and remove it.

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My god. How is this possible?! Put some Q45T on my power cables and fuses, and wow.

Someone may have mentioned it, but are there any potential health hazards from the ingredients, having residue around/in outlets etc.?


More potent would just mean more of the main (black) active ingredient mixed into the Stabilant 22. If you used more of this ingredient in a batch, it would indeed be more potent. The only downside is, the thicker the mixture gets, the more likely it would destroy the beneficial properties of the Stabilant 22 base. In other words, it would become conductive and possibly cause a short on data cables etc.

But for spade connectors etc., the thicker the better. The active ingredient works better the more you use. Literally, forever. Rick Schultz hints at this in one of his videos and he's right.

Sorry folks, but I have keep my feet up, so as not to step in the ever rising BS about NPS 1260, the Q45T that is "twice as effective" and now a more potent batch of Q45T.  It just never ends!

By the way, I use and like 1260 and Q45T, but let's not get carried away and lose sight of people that say they have been left high and dry by HFC- to say nothing of employees of the defunct company.



Thanks for the up date- let us know what you think or any other info when it is available at contactenhancer dot com.

Did the Nano-flo unleashed to the world ? Just curious if they have been offering for sale yet ?

No Q45T yet. But Rick has been communicating by text a lot this week and he was clear that he has made a new, more potent batch of Q45T and mine was now shipped. I am confident that I will receive it within a few days. Will certainly report when it comes and how it works. Rick was clear that it takes 40 hours to break in and 70 hours to fully take effect. He also suggested that it is best to remove any 1260 with alcohol and cotton swab.

And it will soon be available at contactenhancer dot com.

I was concerned until I texted Rick and was answered right away.

Have no doubt that I will receive my Q45T this week. 
Sent a screen shot of my PayPal invoice and he responded “Perfect, will ship in 1-2 days.”.


Unfortunately, I remember this happening several years ago prior to Rick moving to the United States from Canada. The company suddenly closed up shop and moved. I truly hope anyone that has currently spent money on an order gets compensated. I'd suggest you contact your credit card company for a refund. That's the only way I recouped my loss, back in the day, that I referred to above.

Another thing I’d like to know - does the nanoflow work when painted on the outside insulation of wires (for example AC cables), or must it touch the metal to work? This is very important, to ascertain the potential benefits of nanoflo vs. Q45T.

Rick - I don’t have samples of nanodiamond or Stabilant 22. I was wondering if anyone else had tried it. I think there’s huge but unconfirmed potential.

ps - I am currently negotiating with a supplier for some sample quantities of various nanodiamond varieties. Purely for my own interest.

@whostolethebatmobile - do you want me to put a megger on it and verify?

We really aught to respect those Agon users who are concerned that their High Fidelity Cables refunds or products will be delivered. Please ask further questions
as per request:


Tom - From the Daicel website

"Insulators such as plastics and rubber could be turned into electrical conductors by dispersing nanodiamonds into them. (Tunnel effect)"

If you read the website you’ll notice that each nanodiamond has an exterior coating of amorphous carbon (with unique electrical properties).

Has anyone ever tried mixing nanodiamonds in Stabilant 22? Pretty easy to make I imagine. Try googling Dinnovare, Daicel corporation Japan.

@mglik - Why do you suppose agisthos wrote,

"This thread should be reserved for HFC and the serious discussion of whether these guys are going to get their 10's of thousands of dollars in purchases refunded or delivered upon."

I hope that your information is correct? Certainly there is speculation regarding a lot of money invested. All the best.

I expect to receive my NPS Q45T this coming week.

Communications have been good and normal.

Have been quite anxious to try the Q45T since the results with just my fuses and phono cable treated with the original NPS 1260 has been nothing short of stunning!

Overall, the SQ became a major leap more “real”.

I will certainly check in after the new stuff gets applied.

Rich did tell me that it is not necessary to remove the 1260 before applying Q45T.

I do expect it to be easier to apply.

@jetter - understood. Peace


High Fidelity Cable replaces NPS 1260

The product is going to be called NPS Q45T. Not out yet, but on their Facebook page.

Unfortunately this thread has a title that didn’t indicate the nature this has taken with people discussing how to recover from a nasty or unfortunate state of affairs.

I originally came to share my comments on a newer contact enhancer that had already been mentioned by somebody else.

I sincerely hope buyer’s purchases are fully refunded, or they at the very least get that which was paid for.

This thread should be reserved for HFC and the serious discussion of whether these guys are going to get their 10’s of thousands of dollars in purchases refunded or delivered upon.

Agree 100% with the seriousness of this thread to those who have lost their cash.


I think Rick should at least communicate with those customers who ordered? If Rick will not be able to resolve this issues , if even he wants to go back to do cables again and other products, Basically his business will be affected , in terms of trust?

Then go start a thread regarding any potential legal recourse for monetary recovery from HFC. Start a go fund a lawyer collection page. Good luck tracking down geographically where the culprit or culprits are at this time...and who owns what assets both the physical and intellectual property. Spend more money. This all sucks. For those owed and for the entire clientele, employees as well as the entire audio industry. The connection here is between 1 or more contact enhancer products and their pluses and minuses either past or present. 2 mentioned are no longer available and 1 will be available very soon. Past present and future there appears as if there is only 1 valid and logical choice currently which is a mighty fine one for sure. Tom


All your opinion. If there are any issues worthy of the moderators’ attention, I’m sure they will address them.

Go create a nano-flo thread and post about it there. I genuinely hope its better than the HFC stuff.

But a couple of you are blatantly spamming your commercial interests here.

This thread should be reserved for HFC and the serious discussion of whether these guys are going to get their 10's of thousands of dollars in purchases refunded or delivered upon.

@acman3 - marketing 101, and yes I suppose the recreational pharmaceutical salesmen practice marketing strategy too (a play on words, like back home when they say, wall coating technician = house painter, vertically challenged = short, or a few roos loose in the top paddock). Every now and then I’ll accept the free morsel being fried up as I shop through the produce section, and less frequently go off to purchase the product. In this case I had a taste and I’m hooked.

@steakster - I don’t know the term tonal density, so I cannot answer that one, sorry.
From listening impressions, the lower frequencies are not overcome by the higher and mids, and there does seem to be more articulate bass (the recognition of what kind of drum, or that it’s synthesized is more readily achieved). I am using stand mounts in an average sized room, and it’s very much in the recording the lower bass levels to mids and highs ratio, in my case I am hearing the bass more so now regardless of the track.

I don’t know about other listeners, I take a little more time on well known tracks to dissemble what I can hear that’s different, usually recognising more readily a lesser performance than incremental gains. This is easily an effortless perception of increased resolution on many well loved tracks.

Transients (particularly higher frequencies) and decay of things like cymbals, bells and synthesized notes is clearer and I have noticed the system is more revealing, without presenting as harsh. I have silk dome tweeters, which are noted for that sonic characteristic of not having a shrill sound.

I’m waiting on more product to go inside components on connectors and fuses etc.
I have built a fanless music server, and I’m going to treat the JCat Femto’s PCI Express, power for SSDs and Sata connectors. (as for the server, I’m not actually expecting much difference, but a little goes such a long way, why not try it I figure)

@steakster ,  I have found that nano-flo adds both.  Huge improvement over TC.  It's like a 3-d conditioner.  Listening to albums I am quite familiar with shows a greater sound stage, but more impressively, the sound and separation of instruments is significant.  It's like a "better" button. I suspect all things nano, regardless of name, are going to be a game changer.  My experience is with "the new kid" and it's awesome. To be transparent, I was given a free sample that covered my power alone. Based on that, I have  purchased enough to treat my whole system

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I forgot to mention another benefit of the multi-adapter power conditioner I described in the previous post. If you don’t paint the points of the multiple adapter (just do the double adapters), then you do not need to get any Q45T residue inside your ac wall outlets. And you still get 6 treated AC contacts, with surge protection if your multiple adapter is like mine. You can use as many of the units I described as you like, each additional one will improve the sound to the same extent as the first.

I’m sure it will work pretty well with standard Q45T. There are ways of making it much more powerful. Although I haven’t used Q45T I know it’s not as powerful as it could be, because if it was, it wouldn’t be black.

“How about schilling your contact enhancer business in another thread?”

You mean us audio enthusiasts should share our enthusiasm about a product we have actually tried and like, somewhere else, because this thread has absolutely nothing to with contact enhancers? I suppose a new thread would be easier for people like you to target and get shut down.