Funniest sales pitch

What is the funniest sales pitch you've read? My current favorite is one I just read today. It was,"I'm selling these speakers because they are too good for me."
It is really heavy! Pick it up! Go ahead! Try! This was what met me several years ago when I was searching for an amplifier . I did not know anything about amplifiers then- little less than I truly know now. It seems that there is something to it. But at the time I just thought this very slight, elderly man was really very funny. I could not get away from him! Could not appease him with anything less than actually attempting to lift the damn thing. It WAS very heavy! It also sounded like shit. Well, at least I thought so at the time. Nice man, though.
Here's one from just today for a pair of interconnects, a direct quote:

"Smooth and tube sound cables"

It's not the poor use of english that is as amusing as attributing a "tube sound" to a pair of interconnects. Incidentally, they are a pair of in that horrible interconnect-brassiere advertisement (on which there is another thread here on the Gon'). Perhaps he meant "boob-like" sound?

A joke:

Two friends meet each other asking asking how things going well/bad...
One of them sais:
--Can you imagine I've got an Elephant for $10k! It's a beautiful animal. It waters my flowers and garden, plays with my children and dog and generousely helps me with home improvement!
--Wow I want also an Elephant can you sell yours to me?
--OK I can only sell it to you for $15k since it's my very dear animal.
In another week they meat each other and asking how things are going:
--Oh So terrible! This beast almost stomped on my wife, killed my dog, stomped all over my flowers and garden, almost destroyed my house... I don't know what to do!!!
--Eh, with this mood you're never going to sell your animal!
"The only reason i am parting with these is that my beloved cat, Mollie, was diagnosed with cancer last week, and the vet bills deem this sale a necessity. "
Hey, I am well endowed and I have the Bobonium to prove it. (And, I did sell the expensive Sansuchi to my brother.)

And now, three big Bronx steers for “THE” Bobonium convention next month in the Big Ah! Pple (yes, the Swiss bought it, so what.)
I saw an ad a while back that actually used the term "well endowed audiophile" for pushing some hyper-expensive (probably bobonium based) stuff.

Here comes a real one from the fresh add:

about 1 year old, excellent condition, havent used in over >8 months since selling everything else and getting a new hobby (BMW M3!) selling house and moving to apartment, so out of the hobby for good (though you never know?)
This make no sense...

here we have a pretty rare telefunken amp,tuner,preamp,and cassette deck all in very good working order. it really cranks out the output. sounds better then my 2252b marantz more punch more midrange and bass. very nice system sell the Marantz!!!!!
It was with great delight that I saw the advertisement featuring the thonged mono blocks.

I wasn't familiar with the manufacturer, however. Is Crack a British product?
Y'don't need no stinkin' blue LED's! Just tits and ass. You could sell pickled farts with T&A! Oh, and if I ever request my wife bend over that way, you can bet it ain't gonna be about reduction of standing waves. If you can get your wife to agree to having several asses around your listening room my hat's off to you my friend, although if I had several asses like that surrounding me in my listening room I think the music would be the last thing on my mind.

Yes, that type of advertising never gets old. Though for a second, I wasn't sure what they were selling. At first I thought it was some sort of acoustically inert thong that your girlfriend or wife could wear to reduce standing waves and that sort of thing (not that my wife's ass is that big mind you. Perhaps if I got several asses though…I’ll have to run it by her…). Though doubtless the thong would be made of some “proprietary” material, most likely cryo’d (insert frigid wife joke here), have blue LED’s and cost $999.99 so I guess I’m glad it’s not really for sale--because I would buy one. Then when I saw they were cables wrapped around her, I figured they would be made by “Dominatrix Cable Co.” or something along those lines.
Marco, absolutely right. For example, Ellen DeGeneres prefers "Snap-on Tools."

Not certain what her significant other thinks.
Â…The theory being the very best cables come from the bodies of the
most scantily clad women. They grow'em right outt'a their breasts and
derriers! Based on the same theory those automotive tool
manufacturers use in creating those wonderful calendars. Personally I
would not purchase a torque wrench that was not endorsed by a
beautiful naked woman. Naked women are actually the authority on
virtually all products that a man could ever want. Wann'a know the very
BEST there is? Ask a naked woman...or at least a woman in a bikini. I
wonder if there is an entire staff of scantily clad chicks behind Consumer
Reports? I really should visit their home offices!! Ever notice how when
your wife wants something from you in the ways of domestic chores,
personal gifts, favors, or general consent on some issue, that it
frequently is brought up before, during or after sex...when she is at least
partially or fully NAKED!?! They know about the other head, and the
pea-brain contained therein! Or maybe that should be "pee"-brain?

Nope, found a new one today. Black Mountain Cable. Girl in a thong bent over with cords draped across her back. Never heard of the company, for some reason I just want to buy some... A picture really is worth a thousand words.
If those $50K speakers are "giant killers", the other speakers must literally be "Paul Bunyan" sized : ) Sean
I like the one about selling equipment to pay for the boob job for the stripper girlfriend. To me, the big tipoff that the seller is not a REAL audiophile is that he has his priorities straight.
My new favorite: There's a $50,000 pair of speakers on here that the owner is calling "Giant Killers"
I'm selling my entire Vinyl collection, all pre 1980, scratched and warped but in otherwise excellent condition. Selling to get back into 8 track.
I'm selling my entire collection of 200 CD's because I can't figure out how to get that cellophane wrapper off any of them.
I am selling my multi-million dollar rig at a HUGE discount, due to a reversal of fortune, and impending legal fees.

Ken Lay
Reminds me of one of my favorite jokes, "The doctor asked for a urine sample, a stool sample, and a blood sample - so I just handed him my underwear."
KP: I don't quite think that this is a marketing approach i want to take. Something about me supposedly being a groupie and the imagery that this would conjure up for most folks leaves a bad taste in my mouth... : )

Maybe i should do like the Clinton's did i.e. donate my old socks and underwear to Goodwill and take a tax deduction. After all, due to the high demand for these items, they are probably worth hundreds if not thousands of dollars : ) Sean
Sure, Sean. How about "these socks were 'worn' on stage by Robert Plant; I was a young groupie at the time and..." well, and so on.

"I'm selling this unit to fund the purchase of a large batch of Viagra pills to save my failing marriage!" :o
His originality in marketing paid off in a big way too. He was able to get $3500 for that used wedding dress. I wonder what i could get for some of my old socks and underwear if i were to come up with a creative story??? Should i try it here or on Ebay first??? Anybody wanna help me write the add??? : ) Sean
I nearly pissed my pants when one of my friends sent me the link to the wedding dress auction. A prize winner, for sure.
Here's the eBay listing for the famous wedding dress guy. It broke an eBay record with over 6 million hits by auction's end!

You can find articles about him online doing a search under "ebay wedding dress guy"

Bigjoe- there was some guy on eBay a while back - perhaps he's still
doing it - who was offering to 'host' an advertisement on his bald head!
I forget whether it was a tattoo or temporary thing, but the price was
pretty steep as I recall.

By far the best sales pitch I've ever read on any e-trade site was on eBay
and was widely publicized. It was some guy selling his ex-wife's
wedding dress. He modeled the dress himself, hairy chest and all, but
that wasn't the funniest part. The guy's sales pitch was bust a gut
laughing hilarious! I think he ended up going on several talk shows as a
result of the auction and his pitch. I'm sure you could still find the
listing somewhere on the Internet though the auction was long over. I
think it had something like 12 million hits when I viewed it and that is no

this 1 wins, hands down,BOSE WAS MADE BY MCINTOSH, im not kiddin one bit.

there is some nut selling a bose 1801 amp on ebay right now claiming that bose was made by mac.

i wish i had known this fact before i invested 15,000 in mac gear.

i coulda saved a ton o cash if only i had bought a bose lifestyles system.

I'm selling this $10,000 solid state amp to go back to $500 tube system. Or I'm selling my $10,000 Wolcott tube amps to get a used $500 NAD amp.
So, from what I read...

"Not enough room in my stripper girlfriends rack because of her upgrade, my wife found out and won't let me keep it (or the girlfriend). So to my wife I say that I only opened it up once to play with the upgrade and then I put them back. Yeah, my wife's getting too much power too, so I decided to sell both the wife and stripper girlfriend on eBay to pay for another upgrade, but decided to downsize and get a Hummer instead, that is, a Hummer without a VIN."

Enjoy... :)
"This ______ sounds as good or better than those costing 2 to 3 times this price."
Way too much power (for my inefficient speakers, ha)..... I decided to go single-ended !!
Occasionally I have seen ads that say " serial numbers"! Yeah, baby! Count me in!
I always enjoy:
Dumbell model 12 - much better than the model that replaced it" Of course it is. Maybe we should all buy old Pioneers, SAE's, Monster Cable and Advents to get the really good stuff.
Or - "bought two, only needed one", then you see the second one come up a week later.
Another favorite in the threads last week- Glowing reports about how your world's changed since acquiring your new sub while you've got two of them listed for sale, and guess what! - bought two only needed one (two available).
This thread should be required reading before being able to place an AGon ad.
perfect-like new......minor scratches-otherwise original box...good for its age......all in the same paragraph
Won't fit in my rack so it has to go is definitely a classic. Strangely enough, I have a friend who does buy equipment only if it will fit into his armoire. But, he is always sure before he buys.

Jonathan, I also remember the "breast enhancement for the stripper girlfriend" pitch.
Rgairns.. "won't fit on my rack, so it has to go!"

I saw one like this(LOL) The guy was selling his multi-thousand dollar amp because it wouldn't fit on his $150.00 rack.. talk about your red flags!
I always like the ones that emphasize that the unit is "barely used" like it's some sort of collector automobile or something. I want to see something like, "used constantly, and it works and sounds like a dream".

I also like the $100K speakers that "were bought five years ago, used for one day and then have been in storage since".
"If you're looking at this ad, you know how incredible these XXXX are." Four paragraphs later, I think I'm beginning to get an idea.

"If you pay my asking price (on a $350 interconnect cable), I'll include the shipping."

Or, leave the retail price blank when it's only 10% higher than the asking price.
What's a good reason to sell? I've bought way more stuff than I can use while trying to find synergy in my system. I'd like to sell some of the stuff that didn't stay in my system and all of it is nice gear with rabid fans -- it would be great in somebody's system, but I just can't use it all! And -- yes -- I even have a multi-channel amp that I bought thinking I would build another multi-channel home theater in the house somewhere and have never opened the box. Thanks to you guys, whenever I go to sell these items, I will be hearing snickers in my ears if I put ANYTHING in my ad to explain why I am selling.