Funniest sales pitch

What is the funniest sales pitch you've read? My current favorite is one I just read today. It was,"I'm selling these speakers because they are too good for me."

Showing 3 responses by ultraviolet

My new favorite: There's a $50,000 pair of speakers on here that the owner is calling "Giant Killers"
Nope, found a new one today. Black Mountain Cable. Girl in a thong bent over with cords draped across her back. Never heard of the company, for some reason I just want to buy some... A picture really is worth a thousand words.
Yes, that type of advertising never gets old. Though for a second, I wasn't sure what they were selling. At first I thought it was some sort of acoustically inert thong that your girlfriend or wife could wear to reduce standing waves and that sort of thing (not that my wife's ass is that big mind you. Perhaps if I got several asses though…I’ll have to run it by her…). Though doubtless the thong would be made of some “proprietary” material, most likely cryo’d (insert frigid wife joke here), have blue LED’s and cost $999.99 so I guess I’m glad it’s not really for sale--because I would buy one. Then when I saw they were cables wrapped around her, I figured they would be made by “Dominatrix Cable Co.” or something along those lines.