
Responses from bigjoe

Frustrated McIntosh Owner
My questions regarding upgrading your Mc-462 to Mc-611’s are this,if your not powering the amp from a dedicated 20 amp line for the amplifier alone then you will not get the amps best performance,nor will your Mc-462 be able to reproduce peak swin... 
Audiogon Anti-Lowball Offer setting
@Jedinite24 How do you consider somebody making you a lower offer than your asking price to be equal to a slap in the face ? ,im curious how you determine a set value on the gear you sell.Ive bought enough gear to drive the 2 massive systems i hav... 
Mcintosh Equalization
As a general rule eq's do more harm than good,its most likely your bass heavy situation is due to poor speaker placement as well as room conditions that only add to your bloated bass situation,heres my thoughts,when people attempt to make a hifi s... 
pre amp suggestions
Bery old thread but i cant help but notice not 1 person thought of reccomending the OP insert an Active gain control in the loop that would have added +12 db which is a massive jump in gain, its how i solved the same problem with my Rowland 501 am... 
So what's the best system out there? Everything is relative and subjective....
A small but nice sounding intergrated tube amp like the Australian brand " Melody " connected to a good sounding set of cans " over the ear,not ear buds " , your choice of digital sources to stream from & im being honest .I have more fun liste... 
Connecting a C-2500 to a MX-120 need help
The rear panel of the C-2500 is self explainatory with its brightly denoted " Processor in and out " ,however the MX-120 has no inputs or outputs denoted as being for external preamp , hopefully a member with a Mcintosh MX as his/her processor wil... 
Mcintosh mx136 vs Mcintosh Mx150
Right now im running an older MX-120 in 2 channel paired with Mcintosh XRT-28 speakers and the sound is not lacking in any area,the MX compares very well against my C-2200 and C-2500 which are both tube models and an MX-19 that was such a low pric... 
Bridge or Single ch to bi-amp Center channel B&W HTM3S
Does the Adcom amp youve chosen have gain controls on each pair of channels ? Or do you have the ability to adjust each channels gain via your pre pro or straight preamp ? If not you will most likely end up with a bloated sound at 1 extreme which ... 
Bridging an amplifier
I own both dedicated mono design amps as well as 2 channel amps ive bridged into a single channel, i even have a pair of monoblocks whos design is a 2 channel amp that's internally bridged at the factory and sold in singles as a mono amp ,ive foun... 
Stumped by preamp-amp issues
Do you have another pair of speakers you can connect to the offending Amp,Preamp and source combo to rule out the possibility of the power supplies in your speakers are causing some sort of short ? If Audio Research found no issues and Bryston fou... 
Emotiva xpa 2 gen 2 power amp
I'm a bit late to the thread but driving my McIntosh XRT-28s my Emotiva XPR-1 Monoblocks and XPR-2 two channel amp for outperform the McIntosh Mc-1201s and dual Mc-252s driving my McIntosh XR-290s ,from my experience Emotiva amps do better driving... 
Emotiva Repair
You've gotta be shitting me,Emotiva refuses to repair their own recent top of the line amplifiers ? When Bob Carver joined forces with Emotiva with the intent of building a reference line I went balls deep into Emotiva since it's so economical,I b... 
Emotiva XPR-5
Crap,Is this something recent with Agon not supporting wanted ads ? Years back there was an entire section of Wanted to Buy ads ,I will however take your advice and get on the Emotiva boards & see if they allow wanted ads ,thanks . 
Setting up a system - What to buy WHEN?
I've built at least 2 dozen systems from ground up & I've always started with the speaker system , a solid 80% if not 90% of your initial budget should be to purchase a set of " full range " floor standing speakers that go down to at least 30h... 
Tower vs Similar Bookshelf?
djones51 a friend of mine here in Agon found a McIntosh Pre/Pro at his local Goodwill for $300 with factory packing ,I hesitate to post his name because he flipped it for $1,200 and I know some people hate gear resellers .Your post made me remembe...