Funniest sales pitch

What is the funniest sales pitch you've read? My current favorite is one I just read today. It was,"I'm selling these speakers because they are too good for me."

Showing 6 responses by jax2


Wife chopped dick off when she saw the bill for these speakers - need money to have doctors sew it back on! Holding it on ice till these are sold. (Now c'mon, you really expect us to believe that "JWBobbit"?!).

Bigjoe- there was some guy on eBay a while back - perhaps he's still
doing it - who was offering to 'host' an advertisement on his bald head!
I forget whether it was a tattoo or temporary thing, but the price was
pretty steep as I recall.

By far the best sales pitch I've ever read on any e-trade site was on eBay
and was widely publicized. It was some guy selling his ex-wife's
wedding dress. He modeled the dress himself, hairy chest and all, but
that wasn't the funniest part. The guy's sales pitch was bust a gut
laughing hilarious! I think he ended up going on several talk shows as a
result of the auction and his pitch. I'm sure you could still find the
listing somewhere on the Internet though the auction was long over. I
think it had something like 12 million hits when I viewed it and that is no

Here's the eBay listing for the famous wedding dress guy. It broke an eBay record with over 6 million hits by auction's end!

You can find articles about him online doing a search under "ebay wedding dress guy"

…The theory being the very best cables come from the bodies of the
most scantily clad women. They grow'em right outt'a their breasts and
derriers! Based on the same theory those automotive tool
manufacturers use in creating those wonderful calendars. Personally I
would not purchase a torque wrench that was not endorsed by a
beautiful naked woman. Naked women are actually the authority on
virtually all products that a man could ever want. Wann'a know the very
BEST there is? Ask a naked woman...or at least a woman in a bikini. I
wonder if there is an entire staff of scantily clad chicks behind Consumer
Reports? I really should visit their home offices!! Ever notice how when
your wife wants something from you in the ways of domestic chores,
personal gifts, favors, or general consent on some issue, that it
frequently is brought up before, during or after sex...when she is at least
partially or fully NAKED!?! They know about the other head, and the
pea-brain contained therein! Or maybe that should be "pee"-brain?

Y'don't need no stinkin' blue LED's! Just tits and ass. You could sell pickled farts with T&A! Oh, and if I ever request my wife bend over that way, you can bet it ain't gonna be about reduction of standing waves. If you can get your wife to agree to having several asses around your listening room my hat's off to you my friend, although if I had several asses like that surrounding me in my listening room I think the music would be the last thing on my mind.

Here's one from just today for a pair of interconnects, a direct quote:

"Smooth and tube sound cables"

It's not the poor use of english that is as amusing as attributing a "tube sound" to a pair of interconnects. Incidentally, they are a pair of in that horrible interconnect-brassiere advertisement (on which there is another thread here on the Gon'). Perhaps he meant "boob-like" sound?
