For Vandersteen owners & lovers: Which other brands do you like?

If you didn’t own Vandersteens, what would you own instead and why? Or, if you switched to another brand what did you choose?

First, let me say that I am a Vandersteen owner for 20+ years, now on my 2nd pair of the 2CE, the Signature III. I have owned other brands, and heard many others and even liked some. 😀 I don’t change gear frequently once I settle on something. Lazy & frugal = me.

I am on the verge of being on the verge of getting the Vandy Treo CT. I have auditioned them at length. I have also heard the Quatro CT and if budget allowed (including upgrading my front end) I would get them for sure. I’m not a fanboy—there is a reason why Vandersteen has sold something like 100K pairs of the 2CE. They sound very good and all of their models are a real bargain/value in their category, imo.

I have heard and liked, for different reasons, Maggies, Magicos, Harbeths, Focals, Linkwitz-Riley, and other brands. Others that I have not heard intrigue me too. I keep circling back to Vandys—maybe it’s what I have known the longest. I have flirted with the Larsen 8 or 9, which is a totally different design (AbSound has reviewed them well), and also the MBL 120 and 126 (omnidirectionals).

I know I could be happy for life with Vandersteens (Treo, Quatro, or dreaming—the Kento or 7). I am interested in detailed opinions of alternatives in the $10K range though. Thanks!


In the '90s, I was in the market for a pair of speakers.  It was between the Vandy's and Magnepan, when a pair of Apogee Duetta IIs fell into my lap.  When they died, I auditioned again Vandy 2CE Signatures and Magnepan 1.7is, both within my budget at the time.  The Maggies won out by a lot.  I did get the chance to listen to the Trios, and they are a very different beast compared to  the 2CE or even the 3As.  I'd love to compare them to the Maggie 3.7is.  To me, there's just something about the planar sound that keeps drawing me in.


I've lived in the same shack here on West  Beach for 29 years. I've had plenty of time to work on my system in all these years. Had to have my woodstove moved to a side wall so my system could be located on the end wall of my living room.

House is only around 1200 sq. .ft; but the living/dining/ kitchen is all located in one long room, though the ceiling is lowered in the dining room and kitchen. Living room is cathedral ceilings.

I have a wonderful system, and the house is a very big reason for that. I have not needed to provide any room acoustic treatments, I feel very fortunate about that.

I'm 75 years old, taking care of my Dementia addled wife (still a lovely person, though), I've had a stroke a couple of years ago, my right side of my body is numb, but I can still walk, talk, and look the same, but its cut my activity level down a great  deal, but my hearing is still good, thank the Gods up there.

Music has been a constant my whole life, even though I wasn't able to pursue a carreer in it, it's a major factor in my quality and enjoyment of ilfe.

I listen to classical, jazz, blues, and a bit of rock 'n roll. Listen largely to CD's but I also use my DIY Garrard 401/Denon 501 quite a bit too. It has amazed me lately at how it sounds with an Acutex M320 III STR cartridge.

Lots of fun (I hope for you too), regards,


Greetings, Dan! I’m in Port Angeles. I thought when we moved here we would spend a lot more time going to Seattle but we really don’t (but should more). I do trek down to Tacoma to the local closest friendly Vandersteen dealer.


Patrick, I read you're in Washington State, I wonder, where? I've been ensconsed on Whidbey Island since 1971. It's a hard place to meet other A-philes, I'm the only one I know on the 63 miles-long island. Poor me. 

I do love my system, though. (and my wife).



I run my Vandersteens with Audio Research and AudioQuest cables with great results.

Moving from the 2CE Sig 3 to the Treo CT is a huge leap.  Probably bigger than you realize.  I'm sure you would be absolutely thrilled with the Treo CT.  That carbon tweeter is really something, but you might also consider the non CT Quatro on the used market.  I'd expect them to cost about the same and they would have the edge in bass, if that's more important to you.

look at legacys the signature 


they offer a huge amount of benefits and can esily compete with far more expensive loudspeakers:


bass down to 22hz

very efficient 98db yet easy to drive

very advanced drivers Heil AMT tweeter and Midrange

carbon and Silk  lower midrange


best bang for the buck loudspeakers on the Market

Dave and Troy

audio intellect NJ

Legacy dealer


A review of the previous generation Vandersteen Treo, by John Atkinson. He loved them, so I wish he would review the newest CT.
Treo review from 2013

--> Hi jc4659
Actually, I have been keeping my eyes out for used Quatro CTs and Treo CTs (there is a pair listed here on Agon for sale in PA ... like new, xlnt price but for local sale only and I am in WA state).

"My" Vandy dealer in WA is brokering the sale of a 3 year old but mint pair of Quatro CTs for the seller, who upgraded to Kentos. They are spectacular in rosewood (which is probably a $4000 upgrade now for that wood). I mean, drop-dead gorgeous. $15,000 with the 7 crossovers.  Anyone interested can p/m me and I'll give the contact info. $15K is about 50% over budget for me, sadly. 

+1 @erik_squires 

If you would consider buying used, what about a well cared for pair of 5A's?  If only considering new then I'd wait until I had the funds for Quatros. I am using Verity Audio Parsifal Encores and agree with many of the suggestions offered by others above.

Um, I would never put Thiel and Vandersteens in the category of similar sounding. The treble balance is so very different.

If your willing to purchase used then look at/for Thiel CS3.7s .

They like Vandersteens are coherent in their design .

I appreciate the replies! Some brands are familiar to me and I’ve even heard some of those. Others I would have to look up and read about. Since I am somewhat lazy, the thought of driving near and far, or even very far, to audition some of the more esoteric brands makes me tired. I’m going to SoCal in a few months for a few weeks and may have time to visit some dealers. But—my sloth may overcome me and I will then just get Vandy Treo CTs and I know I will not be unhappy.


I’m still a Vandy fan, just wanted something different currently

I get it! I used to laugh at the guys who say "I’m a Ford man" or "You won’t catch me driving anything but a Chevy!" 😁

Variety is the spice of life and all those other cliches, and yet I’ve had Vandys for so long I feel like I’m cheating on my wife emotionally, by looking at other brands. It’s MY issue (I am loyal to a fault)! If I had the dough, I’d have a bigger house, a perfect dedicated listening room, and a living room system (maybe with Larsen 9s), a listening room system (Quatro CTs or Kentos, and MBLs for variety), a bedroom system etc, and they would all be different. Alas, I’m lucky to have one small 12X15 room all to myself, and one system. No complaints.


Commercial speakers:

- Fritz

- Monitor Audio

- Sonus Faber Amati Heritage

Should say that in a hotel room, Vandersteen and Fritz always stand out as eminently listenable. 

OP- Thanks! I'm still a Vandy fan, just wanted something different currently. Completely understand why you want to stay with the brand. They are wonderful sounding speakers. In the end, all that matters is what makes each of us happy. 

Hope you find a good deal on the Treos or Quatros, they are worth waiting for.


I own 5As, still love them, but have Perlisten S7t and enjoy them more.  


I heard the Josephs at the Seattle show recently and they sounded VERY nice. I'll look up the others...thanks.


Uh, as a big Vandy fan I’d never point you in another direction as I find it highly unlikely you’ll find something that’ll unseat them. That said, if it was me and you have access to any of these other makes I’d highly recommend you listen to Joseph Audio, Usher, Boenicke, ProAc, Audio Physic, Reference 3a, and especially Verity Audio. Not saying any of them are “better” than Vandy, but those are the ones I’ve found that do many of the same things and certainly worth listening to if you can. Just my $0.02 FWIW.  B&W, uh, no. 


Congrats on the B&Ws and getting a good deal! To be fair though, they are in the same (new) price bracket as the Vandy Quatro CTs, and I would buy those in a heartbeat and never look back. They are special. Cheers.


If you’re reading this, a certain person whose handle begins with T, don’t think I am a heretic or defector or don’t appreciate your advice and generosity. I do! I get analysis paralysis or over-analyze and second/third/fourth guess myself. It’s a drag.


You should post this on the Vandersteen forum

I would never do that...that is Richard V’s house. He has been generous with me in offering information (even calling me once) as have others on that site. One member just had me to his home to hear his Vandy 7s (WOW), and thinks I should get Treo CTs, and he isn’t wrong. I am interested in what current or former Vandy owners who love/loved that Vandy sound think of other brands of speakers that also appeal.

The speakers I have not heard that appeal because their design is so different (omni or cross-firing, with a much more "live" presentation) are the Larsens and the MBLs. It is a different experience than front-firing speakers. In the case of the Larsen, they can be placed against the front wall and are much less finicky as far as placement and room interaction goes.

In the end, I will likely get Treos but it never hurts to to a bit of research, right? I remembered you have Treos and you're right... adding a Vandy Sub3 or two at some point gets me close to the Quatro in a phased acquisition.


Patrick, may I suggest you go and hear some Tannoys? You may fall in love with them as well (it's been 55 years for me).



Triangle Signature Deltas at $8500 pair. Air, depth, width, and beautiful mid-range. 

You should post this on the Vandersteen forum (go to website and look for the forum tab).

I own the Treo CT's and Sub 3's. They really come pretty close to a pair of Quatro's. So, if you don't have the budget now, you can buy the Sub 3's later and still get the sound you love, at a very reasonable price.

Other speakers I wanted:
Magnepan, Sound Labs, MBL.

(working on getting the latter, but not in a rush).



I've owned 3 pairs of Vandersteens (1B, 2C and 2Ce Sig II). Also owned Electro-Voice, Genesis, Boston Acoustic, Acoustat, Klipsch, Mission, Monitor Audio, Pioneer and B&W.

Just sold the 2Ce Sigs. Still have the Pioneers (living room), the Monitor Audios (bedroom), and recently purchased the B&W 803 D3 for the dedicated listening room.

For me, the 803s do everything I like a speaker to do. They were the store demo models and I got them for close to your budget ($11K).

Compared to the Sig IIs, the 803s are more dynamic, have more bass, have cleaner bass, mids, and highs, image better, play louder, and just flat out sound better. As they should considering they cost $20k new vs $3.6K for the current Sig III. That's how I hear them. I LOVE how they sound. Just my 2c. YMMV