Fake Audiophiles

-In your opinion, what makes an Audiophile a true Audiophile?

-In your opinion, what do fake Audiophiles do that makes them fake?

I know these two questions open the door to all kinds of jokes but I'm looking for more thought out, honest opinions here.

I would have to say I encountered a lot of fake audiophiles on here.

They have no real knowledge 

I would have to say I encountered a lot of fake audiophiles on here.

They have no real knowledge 

Says the guy looking in the mirror.

What is a real audiophile vs a fake?

According to the OCD Hi Fi Guy we are all fake audiophiles. 

Fake?  I really enjoy music,and music reproduction. I don’t have a ton of technical knowledge,and don’t pretend to.  Does this make me a fake? Doesn’t really matter to me.  It’s not going to change the joy I get out of this hobby.  I guess some folks get hung up on labels.  

You know, it’s super easy to be exclusionary. One camp might argue there’s a $$$ associated with the entry point. Another might argue if you aren’t building anything you aren’t an audiophile, you are just a consumer.

Personally I no longer care to distinguish who I interact with along these lines, but if you ask me whose opinions I take seriously they share these traits:

  • Not blinded by price tags either way
  • Helps others find gear that meets their stated needs
  • Encourages useful comparisons between gear
  • Understands that we all come at this hobby for different reasons and goals and joy

But if you ask me who the absolute best audiophile is, it's the one who builds a killer sounding system for half the price of everyone else. 😁

Great post!

I am amazed to learn that i am one of the best audiophile with my 500 bucks killer system... 😁😊

Heavily modified and acoustically, mechanically and electrically controlled...

Any way i am less wise than you...You are right on all counts...


My best to you....


You know, it’s super easy to be exclusionary. One camp might argue there’s a $$$ associated with the entry point. Another might argue if you aren’t building anything you aren’t an audiophile, you are just a consumer.

Personally I no longer care to distinguish who I interact with along these lines, but if you ask me whose opinions I take seriously they share these traits:

  • Not blinded by price tags either way
  • Helps others find gear that meets their stated needs
  • Encourages useful comparisons between gear
  • Understands that we all come at this hobby for different reasons and goals and joy

But if you ask me who the absolute best audiophile is, it's the one who builds a killer sounding system for half the price of everyone else. 😁


Sorry if I'm out of touch, but I can't imagine an audiophile really caring that much about the term.

Rumor has it I am a gen-you-wine bonafide audiophile in case a reference point is needed. 

The real audiophile is last one standing after debunking all the others in semi technical discussions and calling them dumb/ignorant/fake etc...

It is a pissing contest for vulnarable ego's that scream "listen to me"






The real audiophile is last one standing after debunking all the others in semi technical discussions and calling them dumb/ignorant/fake etc...

It is a pissing contest for vulnarable ego’s that scream "listen to me"

You are not wrong, we are all humans...I like to discuss myself too much... i plaid guilty for being passionnate abit too much...

But you forgot something in your rightful  claim:

Audio experience need to be WORKED and LEARNED...

it does not come by itself plugging anything in a wall...

Then i learned in audio forum and some motivated me...

Here like anywhere, there is the best and the worst...

The greatest sin will be to throw the baby with the bath muddied waters...

Dont commit this sin by impatience...

these are just words, let’s not overthink it

if someone loves well reproduced recorded music, and is willing to pursue it, work at it, spend money and effort to achieve it, they are an audiophile

same fundamental definition applies to any passionate hobby/pursuit...

Being a so called True audiophile, (which by the way sounds like pedophile🤮, so I choose not to throw the word around much) has nothing to do with any price point whatsoever. I prefer to use audio enthusiest when describing myself, which by the way seldom occurs.

In my part of the world, I have yet to meet another "audiophile". There is not an over abundance of people who care very much about this stuff. I am looked upon by others as quite crazy, but I am OK with that!😁

A true audiophile also has a Lava lamp some where within his/her/it listening room.😝