Esoteric DV-50: Any cdp's Significantly better?

Is there are anyone out there who has compared the Esoteric DV-50 to a number of dedicated red book only players (or other universal's) and found one that is SIGNIFICANTLY better?

I stress significantly because in my humble opinion the redbook playback (if comparison unit is just a cd cd player only )must be significantly better to justify losing DVD-A, SACD and DVD-Video capability.

I keep hearing there are better one box solutions and being a die hard 2 channel fan I would sell my DV-50 if I found a player in the same price range that sounds significantly better. But every time I do an AB comparision to other well respected units the DV-50 has slayed each and every one.

So far, it has eaten the lunch of the Classe CDP-10, Ayre CX-7, Linn Ikemi, Cairn Fog Vers. 2, Cary 306/300, Arcam DV 27A and CD 33T, Myryad CD 600, etc. It even betters a Sony SCD 777ES/MF Tri-Vista 21 transport/dac combo that I previously owned. I'm only comparing the DV-50 to single box cd or universal players, but I just wanted to mention the Sony/MF combo. I'm sure there are some dac/transport combo's that will handily beat the DV 50.

Some may say that the DV 50 should beat all the above because the of price point ($5,500 vs. average price of $3,000 for the above players). But I disagree since conventional wisdom says that stand alone players (especially with the pedigree of those mentioned above) should produce better redbook than a universal player trying to be a jack of all trades. Only the DV 27A does video plus audio. By the way, I was very impressed with the 27A as just a cd player. Of all the above I would say the Ayre was the best.

Next on my list is the Electrocompaniet EMC 1UP and the Resolution Audio Opus 21. However, I must tell you I am really impressed with the DV 50 and all the great reviews are absolutely true. I've noticed that many people who are using it or comparing to other players are using the RCA analog outs instead of the balanced outs. There is a significant improvement in sound if you use the balanced outs and I'm only interested in hearing comments from people who have compared it against other players using the balanced outs on the DV-50.

My system components are as follows:

B&W N803's speakers & HTM-1 center
Cary Cinema 5 (5 x 200) amp
Anthem D1 Statement pre/pro
Esoteric DV 50
Acoustic Zen Satori Shotgun speaker wire
Nirvana SX balanced interconnects from DV-50 to Anthem
Acoustic Zen Matrix reference II interconnects from D1 to Cary
No after market power cords or isolation equipment

My system sounds great! Those who comment please make sure to specify what specific improvements you heard over the DV 50 and what cdp were you comparing it against.

Lets not all forget that some machines can give their best in certain set ups, we do not know for sure the compatibility of the system used in the review for any of the machines. Indeed if the results were close might I boldly suggest that the system may have had some influence here. I feel these comments are warranted, because previous shootouts with apl and modwrights in particular have been decidedly close in terms of overall quality but I got the impression different in their overall presentation.

For me ideally I would have wanted to know which sounded overall the most enjoyable and realistic.

Furthermore, We have to take into account here listener experience and skill in judging hifi equipment during a sitting. As we all know most high end units can sound similar but to the highly trained, experienced and critically astute ears, these can sound like 'huge' differences. I am not trying to have a go at anyone who was at the listening session, I am just throwing this up in the air for people to relect on.
Alex, your post is sarcastic and demeaning. I played fair with you by emailing about your thoughts on the two players before going to the shootout. The contents of that email have and will remain confidential as promised. My trip to Chicago was two-fold. First, I went expecting yours to be a clearly superior player. I was fully prepared to buy your unit if the difference was as dramatic as the hype. Secondly, I wanted to hear the Blowtorch preamp and Soundlabs.

I also believe I have been gracious about the outcome. I even went as far as complimenting all of the designers/modifiers for raising the level. This was not an attempt to stroke you, but something I feel sincere about.

What I have changed my mind about is the fact that designers, dealers, and manufacturers can post to this forum. Many dealers refrain from this because of the potential for bias. In the case of someone actually designing and producing the products, there is even MORE potential for bias. After all, you have made a component that to your ears is superior. As far as the Denon 3910, it is a completely redesigned unit that you put your “name” on. The DV-50 is something you modify if you have to. If this is not true, you could have stepped up at any point in this thread to say otherwise. The other problem is that the outcome of reviews can affect you monetarily. These issues clearly are a good reason you should not post.

As far as my background, I have been an audiophile since 1972 until now and a high-end dealer from 1980-1992. I have sold and owned more equipment than most get the opportunity to. The drive to Chicago was nothing as I’ve logged more miles for this hobby than I care to count. My ears are insured by Lloyds of London – just kidding. Vie been involved in hundreds of listening sessions and shootouts, many of which provide a clear outcome.

IÂ’ve heard all the hype before, but this thread and your sincerity had me interested in the APL Denon. The shootout just DIDNÂ’T prove that one player CLEARLY was THE BEST. Yes, we all heard differences and the scores were close because the outcome was close. As I said previously, each owner thought their player was the best, but we all agreed that day that the outcome was closer than we all expected.

I also said previously that I had NO problem with the way the competition was handled. This is because with the space, proximity of outlets, number of cables, and amount of people and equipment in the room, there was no way to get things perfect. If you want to “split hairs” the DV50 was listened to last (which I thought was unfair to the others) giving it a slight edge as being the most recent heard. Each of six music selections were listened to entirely on each player before moving on. Normally, I would prefer a single selection played on each player before moving to the next. The power cables used were different on each player. There was no isolation or bases used. The DV-50 was listened to single-ended instead of balanced, giving it a disadvantage. Some may consider that significant. If you want me to take the differences that I heard to the typical audiophile level, the facts are that the DV-50 was clearly superior. It excelled in bass definition, inner detail, and timing & pace. Even though the tube units were “warmer”, the DV-50 was more musical. It was equal to the other players in every other category. Are you all happy now? In my opinion, the owners shouldn’t have voted anyway.

Everyone is now pushing for more information, score cards, etc. This thread has become bigger than life, and the subject tarnished. I wonÂ’t give the scores on each item because it really doesnÂ’t matter. These will just become more ammunition for the thread to continue and continue with no real meaning. Is anyone really using this information to purchase one of these players? I doubt it.

I believe we all agreed to agree that day not only because it was difficult to choose a clear winner, but because we were having a great time. This is what the hobby is all about anyway. I really donÂ’t care whether you, Alex, believe it was close or not.

I’ve been involved in hundreds of listening sessions and shootouts, many of which provide a clear outcome. FOR WHATEVER REASON this one was more complicated. In actuality, there was a larger improvement when Brian applied Optix and Nordost Eco to one of 711 smilins CDs. This difference was bigger than the differences between players – seriously.

I think the Chicago group took the high road on this subject and I wish for this issue to now end.

Tom Roberts
I am a female audiophile. Anything wrong with that?
Hey Jwells, the last insulting remarks that 711 made toward AVGURU were only a few days ago. Read the posts.
Still waiting on a response from 711???
In all honesty, I think we need to forget about this thread and go on enjoying our hobby and choosing equipment that makes us PERSONALLY happy!
That is my goal. I buy to suit my own personal tastes and enjoyment. To hell with what others may think about my system or individual components!
Have a great one, GUYS!
Don't shoot the messenger.. but the October 04 edition of What HiFi compared the Merdian G-98,DV-50 and the Onkyo DV-SP 1000 which sells for 1600.00 in the states.
The Merdian and Onkyo both pased up the DV-50.
The Onkyo was rated 5 and called the"real star"of the three
The merdian was rated 5
The DV-50 was rated 4.5
The Onkyo was said to have an edge for video and the Merdian, an edge for audio.

The Onkyo was compared to these other players as opposed to what they called "lower tier players" like the Denon 3910 and Pioneer 59avi in there comparisons.

DV-50 owners should not be too insulted as the Onkyo was compared as comparable to an 11K Linn Unidisk in a German rag also, much to my suprise.
i didn't read alex's post as being sarcastic at all. keep in mind that i have been known to be notoriously stupid, though.
The only true shootout is a blind one with different components being switched in and out without the participants knowing what is playing at any particular moment. Once a person knows that which player is playing he is going to be biased. That is why I had suggested a switcher. Maybe next time.
Way to go!
Alex, you just can't stand the fact that a SLIGHTLY modded Esoteric DV-50 by a DIFFERENT modder than YOURSELF, sounded equal or better than YOUR FULL-BLOWN Denon 3910!
EARS, sorry to burst your bubble, but the Onkyo DV-SP1000 isn't even in the same league as the Esoteric DV-50 or Linn Unidisc audiowise!
One of my friends DID own a Onkyo DV-SP1000, and another one owns a DV-50. When we installed the Onkyo in our systems, it wasn't even close! The Onkyo sounded muted, overly warm, distant, and rolled off in the highs in comparison!
Have a good rest of the day, guys.

…….As far as the Denon 3910, it is a completely redesigned unit that you put your “name” on. The DV-50 is something you modify if you have to. If this is not true, you could have stepped up at any point in this thread to say otherwise.…….

>>> My DV-50 mod is complete re-design similar to the one in the Denon. It incorporates new clock, new DACs, power supply upgrades and new analog stage. Please read this:

…. The power cables used were different on each player. There was no isolation or bases used. The DV-50 was listened to single-ended instead of balanced, giving it a disadvantage. Some may consider that significant. If you want me to take the differences that I heard to the typical audiophile level, the facts are that the DV-50 was clearly superior. It excelled in bass definition, inner detail, and timing & pace. Even though the tube units were “warmer”, the DV-50 was more musical. It was equal to the other players in every other category. Are you all happy now? In my opinion, the owners shouldn’t have voted anyway…..

>>> The above justifies unfair comparison. “The tube units were warmer, but the DV-50 was more musical”?.....strange.

I believe we all agreed to agree that day not only because it was difficult to choose a clear winner, but because we were having a great time. This is what the hobby is all about anyway. I really donÂ’t care whether you, Alex, believe it was close or not.

>>> It is not about belief; it is about knowledge and experience.

……I’ve been involved in hundreds of listening sessions and shootouts, many of which provide a clear outcome. FOR WHATEVER REASON this one was more complicated. In actuality, there was a larger improvement when Brian applied Optix and Nordost Eco to one of 711 smilins CDs. This difference was bigger than the differences between players – seriously……

>>> I like that - “For whatever reason”….:-) I can not comment on your DV-50, but I’ve heard Dan’s Sony 9000ES here in my system on two occasions. I am sure that many would like the sound of the Sony, but the difference in musical presentation was HUGE, actually night and day. There is no way in the world you can come up with similar ratings for these machines. If you do, then it is not “for whatever reason”, it is a problem somewhere in the system you have used for the shootout. It might be just a cable, but it is enough to “pinch the hose” in a way that everything sounds similar. I’ve heard this before and I thought you might be aware of it as well. With the experience you claim to have, don’t you think that it is a little strange all of these COMPLETELY DIFFERENT machines to sound similar?

Tom, I did not mean to offend you. I do not blame you either. I heard you have Maggies at home which I can trust as they are linear (uncolored) speakers. I am going to soon complete one demo unit because many are interested to hear it. It would be really great and fair if you are willing to listen to the Denon in YOUR system for 3 days and then come back and tell us the outcome.

Now that that's over..........
Which component will the Chicago Group be evaluating next?
Audio_girl, unless you have heard the "slightly modded DV-50" and the "full blown" Denon 3910 in your own system or under FAIR conditions, your posts do not make much sense.

I can not stand the "fact"? You must be kidding...:-)

Alex, I'm certainly willing to take you up on that offer. In return, you will receive a fair and concise evaluation between just the two players in a different environment. There are at least two other seasoned audiophiles here that would be willing to post their thoughts after hearing it in my system as well. If you could make the demo with balanced outs, that would be helpful, but not absolutely necessary.
Might I reiterate once again my surprise at the results of the test. I have been using the so called most 'radical step forward in cd redbook sound reply' unit in the shape of the Reimyo DAP 777. This was used with the Marantz DV8400 highly modded transport. Yet Alex's older APL -SACD 1000,was superior by a large margin in every possible way. Now either that unit has been hyped by the press (that includes numerous magazines on line and in paper format), or the APL unit is something very special. That is not to say that the other units in the shootout might not have been special.

How much better could the DV-50 have been with the clock upgrade? if it is considered to be not quite up with the best in terms of its cd redbook replay in standard form.

Please dont shoot me down, as I have not heard the DV50, i am going on what others have said in the press and on this thread.

Something just doesnot smell right. I could be wrong though.
i don't see why anybody feels insulted. if they'd had my cd player there and trashed it, i sure wouldn't give a damn. think of it like this - who has to listen to the damn thing - you or them? if you're happy with it, what else matters?

beyond that, do any of you actually feel that there's *ANY* validity to this supposed shootout? do you *know* these people? what reason do we have to trust their ears? (and please, i'm not trying to insult anybody at the shootout - you shouldn't trust my ears any more than i should trust yours) and who honestly believes you can achieve definitive understanding of a player's attributes, even with amazing aural abilities, after hearing but a few tracks played on it?

even the magazine reviewers live with a piece of equipment for a few weeks to a month before they write their review. and even then, how can you make a judgement based on one opinion?

and alex is right - can't stand the "fact," audiogirl? the fact that you can seriously take any of this as "fact" is disturbing.

once again, folks - keep this fun and keep ego out of it. make your own decisions and take everybody else's opinion with a grain of salt. (especially mine - as i stated earlier, i'm notoriously stupid)

the only valid view is your own.
Audio_girl, I completely agree with you regarding the SP1000. I owned the Integra version for some time and your observation is dead-on-the-money (I can't describe these things myself...but I know when something's missing). Ears, however, is a die-hard SP1000 fanatic. The last time I criticized the SP1000/DPS 10.5's sound (in the AVS forum) he accused me of bragging about how much money I spent on other players for comparison.

I agree that the SP1000 is a great player for its price range and has excellent build quality. But its sound is so far off the DV-50 and the Meridian level (even the Krell and Lexicon level), it is not even funny. I couldn't even imagine comparing it to the Linn, but I have never heard the Linn.

Ears won't give up though. I am glad he is happy with his unit. But he gets very offended by those who do not share his opinion.
With the exception of a few slurs from the pig pen, the comments from the shootout have been entertaining and rewarding. I too would have preferred a blind test but, I do like the 10 category 5 point scorecard approach. I hope to be seeing more of these shootouts in the future. Even hope to participate is some.

I should also mention that successful entrepreneurs always exhude plenty of confidence in their product. It's expected. Here Alex deserves a complement. I certainly hope his enthusiasm, confidence and colorful opinions in his own products and handiwork never wans. And, the same goes for other vendors, modifiers, etc., out there. It is this enthusiasm that drives them for higher goals. I just wish the Ram and Modwright fellows would also chime in from time to time. Shill and hype keep the audio business thriving so for goodness sakes let's not loose it.

I would also encourage vendors and modifiers, and all for that matter, to disrespect any slurring and invective behavior by merely not responding or disregarding the post(s). To respond is like getting in a pig pen with pigs. Things will just get nasty and dirty and the pigs - well they don't care.
OK, I guess my efforts to focus on the music went for not...

However, we all have to thank Audio Girl for tonights object lesson:


Unfortunately, the same must be said for shootouts, and the axiom holds even more truth for those well-meaning endeavours. #;)>

A digression if I might:

In my opinion, the hallmarks of a good audio review have always included the following elements:

1) A known baseline of comparison (reference system/partnering components and software

2) An accurate description of the component's sonic attributes, preferably in more than one system or at least with different ancilliary components. Ideally (although rarely) compared against said reference/baseline components.

3) Devoid of adjectives such as as or 'best' or 'ultimate' or when they are used, they are used in the context of elements 1) and 2)and occasionally in the context of the reviewers own musical priorities (some of you may remember the "golden years" of TAS in the early 90s when the magazine regularly published articles featuring one of their reviewers system(s), listening room(s) and listening biases)

Now back to our regularly scheduled program:

Shootouts introduce so many additional variables into the 'reviewing' equation that drawing meaningful conclusions is virtually, if not completely impossible.

Indeed, in this most recent shootout, the participants themselves are finding it hard to find meaningful differences between source components that have as different a pedigree as Dobermans and Chihuahuas. Each unit had a different transport, DAC chipsets, Power supplies, and analog output stages and yet they 'sounded more similar than different'.

Personally, I find it very hard to believe. Perhaps there was, as some have suggested, an overriding characteristic in the system that negated or minimized the differences that, based on my (admittedly extrapolated) experience, almost certainly existed.

Where does the excercise leave us?? Yet again, the quest to find a foolproof method of auditioning by proxy reaches its ultimate, and preordained conclusion.

Say Good Night Gracie....
I have followed this thread for quite some time now. I was led here as a result of being a DV-50 owner. I wanted to research things on Agon about my CDP that other owners had experienced. As I continued to follow, I realized there might be something even better out there.
After input from many people I have come to respect in their opinions I decided to call Alex. After a couple of chats with him, it was easy to understand I was talking to someone who was several levels higher than most in know the technology of audio. I even discussed the possibilty of modding my DV-50. Once again the more I discussed this with Alex it seemed clearer to me that APL 3910 would be a superior machine.
I do not claim to have the "audiophile experience" that many have here. Nor can I use the fancy language that so many subscibe to.. I have however been involved with music for over 40 years as a musician and singer.
It is only now in my 50s that I have made a decision to build and buy the 2 channel system of my dreams. I have only been working on this for a couple of years now and bought and sold tens of thousands of equipment.
Sorry for the long-winded preface but these are my observations of my DV-50 vs. the APL 3910
The DV-50 wasn't even close.
It was as if a blanket was lifted off the soundstage. I think this means the APL was much more transpaent. I listen often to female vocals. Natalie Merchant, Amanda Mcbroom, and many more were now performing for me live. The space where the notes end and the space starts were nothing less than breathtaking. Each pause between notes were as meant to be, as important as the notes. I think you guys call this blackness. The bloat in the bass I found in the Esoteric was gone in the APL 3910. The pace and speed of the 3910 was lively and body involving. I think that is referred to as "musicality" . there was a sterility to the DV-50 I could never understand. Almost like a sound built in a lab.
The odd thing of all of this is that up until I received my APL 3910 there was not a finer cd player in my book than the DV-50. It did all the things right as far as I knew.
My purchase of the DV-50 was the best I had ever heard. That made it the best as far as I was concerned, until I heard the APL 3910.
I guess the real question is how many things are out there that might be better, and it is me that don't know it, because I haven't heard it yet.
The question is , "Is it enough to know to ourselves that our unit is great sounding to our ears in our own home?"
It's quite probable that we are all right, given different systems,ears,musical tastes and budgets.

Esoteric DV-50: Any cdp's Significantly better?
To me YES! The APL 3910
There were meaningful differences in this listenting session between each of the three players, I can assure you of that.

It was easiest to compare the APL unit against the Modwright because they each excel in different areas. The DV-50 sort of trailed behind, or was in between the sonic strengths and weaknesses of the other two units.

Alex, I like your sense of humor. Maybe I can speak with you or meet you sometime. Your unit excelled in certain respects.

BTW - we didn't all agree to agree. I've stated my preference and I'm sticking to it. I respectfully disagree with Tom. The other units were not universally "warmer" -- certainly not the APL. And if the Sony unit was "warmer" it was just a tad.

As far as conditions, the DV-50 had the longest warm up time of any unit; Steve walked in and just plugged his unit in and was ready to go. Bon arrived later.

Brian asked ahead of time if anyone needed a balanced setup. I know that Tom thinks the DV-50 would have done better running balanced interconnects, but oh well.

Let me put it another way: If someone said here is a check for $7000, you can purchase just one of these players and if money is left over you must return it, I would pick the Modwright 9000ES.

As Tom stated, he came to the audition prepared to purchase another player if his unit was blown away in his opinion. I thought similarly -- before spending my money I would like to compare. So, to me, the admittedly short afternoon had value.

I admit, my ears may be leaden, take what I say with a teaspoon of salt. But I don't own any of these modified players and I am not beholden to their owners or the people that modified them.

If the EMM gear had shown up, or the Kern 777ES, and had either wiped the floor with the other units, I would say so. Last Saturday, I found the Modwright unit to be the most enjoyable unit in the room.

- Eric
Carmantom and others:
Just a reminder, the Esoteric DV-50 used in the shoot-out at Mr.Walshes was NOT a stock unit. It had a few mods from Reference Audio Mods. So it is not fair to compare a stock DV-50 to it.
"Let me put it another way: If someone said here is a check for $7000, you can purchase just one of these players and if money is left over you must return it, I would pick the Modwright 9000ES."

so, you can make a definitive statement like that, without hesitation, after listening to the player for such a short period of time? you really think that you fully know all the nuances of that player well enough after, what, 1 hour MAX of listening to it in an unfamiliar system? beyond that, you're so sure that you understand and know all the nuances of all the *other* cd players there, played in an unfamiliar system, after only having heard a few test tracks on them?

I was not comparing for the sake of comparing the modded dv-50. I was simply comparing the DV-50 stock as the intial thread asked for. I have no idea what the modded DV-50 sounds like.
I am not a fan of the "shootout" term. However I do like the concept albeit limited in scope, and I like knowing that others too suffer from DAC.

Perhaps you cannot pick the more/most preferable player because of many of the reasons listed above. Nevertheless, if a player is clearly inferior, hopefully, this would be noticed.

Regardless, I like hearing different people's observations, and look forward to more "shootouts" and even hearing some of these player for myself sometime.

It seems there was not a "clearly inferior" machine at the last meeting. At least we know some folks had fun. Oh well, the search if that was going to change after a "shootout!"
Lazarus28, deciding to prefer a player over another after a brief afternoon shootout is in fact somewhat less remarkable than deciding to purchase the same after an audition in a store. In the store it is only you and the consultant. In the shootout you are in a friendly audience with whom you can exchange views, and where noone has an obvious financial vested interest. Not a bad environment at all to make a decision.
You obviously must have a personal problem after reading your statements above.
You newbie members are getting a bit out of control with your exaggeration on differences between players imo.

Audio girl, the difference you suggest between these players is not very realistic.
One of the players compared to the 1000 in my set up was my Modwright signature 9000es with the more expensive Jensen caps, bybees ect.
This player would be considered by some to be at least somewhat better than the DV-50.
The reality is that it was sold and the 1000 remains.
Yes it was slightly better at redbook, but no better for sa-cd to speak of.
None of these other players are as good with video.... so overall, the 1000 was the better player.

This is the same basis for these review comparison results were the 1000 beat the DV-50 as a whole package.
I don't consider these reviews any more biased than a G98 owner saying things like there not in the same leauge ect.

And Dave, enough with the drama as there is nothing wrong whith posting about this comparison which was not done by myself to begin whith, and I clearly stated...don't kill the messenger.

I seem to remember you posting a very defensive post on another board defending the DV-50, when nobody even mentioned the dv-50.

Relax people....there just players for god's sake.

guido - i'll say that auditioning at a store is just as poor of a guide. i stand by the fact that you have to listen to something for a long period of time, in a system you know to really offer a definitive opinion on the matter. and i post this because i want readers of the shootout results to keep perspective of this. there has been some megalomaniacal sentiment concerning some involved with the shootout, who believe that the results are somehow infallible and universally true. i am just trying to balance it out and hopefully help people keep perspective.

luckily for me when i buy new gear, i know my audio dealer's system very well because he's a friend. so i can spend as long as i like listening to it. and, like he always says "you're not gonna hurt *my* feelings if you don't like it."

and the best part is that he means it. i've told him when i wasn't as fond of something, and he really doesn't get upset. he doesn't want to sell you something you don't like. so, it's completely no-pressure.

the other option, and the one i utilise the most is to buy used. when you buy used, you can hear a lot of equipment, keep it in your system, and sell it for what you bought it for. (more or less) the only thing you're out is shipping costs.
An open invitation. Anyone that wants to compare the modified DV-50 and their unit, come to my home. I welcome anyone with any player. Bring cables, isolation, or whatever, but the comparison will be with the same products on both machines.

Stock DV-50's, two-box units, or whatever. If someone has a APL 3910, that would be great, otherwise I anxiously await the APL demo unit. I'm always willing to spend the time to hear new things.

This will be my last post to this forum, so if you are willing to visit Sandusky, Ohio, email me direct.
To All - thanks for the results from the shoot out. Its been eagerly anticipated. I for one, have purchsed the APL 3910 and it is a fantastic unit. I have not heard the others, but eagerly await the chance.

Thanks again for all of the info provided over the last months. Learning never stops!!!!

Ears if indeed your dealer is very understanding,and
willing to accept what you dont like, that to me is
wonderful,BUT I HAVE NOT FOUND ONE YET, Ive been
in this hobby for 17 years.Most of them they get upset
when you decide you are not buying.
I prefer the Shootout compare to listening on the dealers
room,no pressure.This last shootout we did is fun,and
everybody enjoyed it,I did not include my opinion,
because I wasnt in the best seat,and I am busy putting
the cd, and adjusting volumes.I trusted the group on
their opinion.
OH MY GOD, here you go again ranting and raving about the Onkyo DV-SP1000.
Get a life man.
Are you trying to tell me that my system does not have enough resolution, and my hearing is not good enough to tell that the Linn Unidisc and Esoteric are CLEARLY sonically better than the 1000 on all formats?
Get it through your hard head...THERE ARE BETTER UNIVERSAL PLAYERS OUT THERE THAN THE ONKYO DV-SP1000!!!STOCK and modified!!!
Daltonlanny is a believer! I met him this afternoon. He only lives a town away from me! What are great, fun, honest, and knowlegeable guy! He is a blast to be around.
He said my system was absolutely awesome and to-die-for. He said he has never heard such a complete and detailed system in his life.
[Makes me feel good that all my hard work and auditioning tons of components finally paid off!]
He also said that he could not believe how much better my Linn Unidisc was sonically on ALL FORMATS than his FORMER Onkyo DV-SP1000.
He said if he had the money, he would buy the Unidisc without hesitation or a second thought.
Granted we did agree that the Onkyo has a better picture, and is built like a tank. But that is as far as it goes!
If you think the Onkyo is so good, take Tgun5 up on his offer above. I think you would change your mind rather quickly!
Nice to meet you, daltonlanny!
Lazarus28, Thank you for providing us with your certainties on the best way to enjoy this hobby. If I could share them, and perhaps extend them to the rest of my existance, my life would in fact be a lot simpler.
Alas no, I have to contend with uncertainty, limitations, opinions, half truths, contraddictions, and the rest of the miserable mess that make things just inperfect and routine. But thank you for trying to enlighten us.
Hey Jayctoy, maybe in the middle of having fun you forgot I'm a dealer, too. :-)

Spoke with 711 today, who kindly called to say he found my CD that was left in his player by accident. We'll see if he has anything to say here.

guido - sarcasm aside, these aren't certainties - that's part of my whole point. i'm not trying to be condescending or rude. like i said, this is merely my opinion and you can take it or leave it. that's all. i have no problem if you disagree or find my suggestions impractical. i respect the opinions of those in the shootout and every other poster here, whether or not i agree.

like i said, i'm just posting because i felt the particular viewpoint *i* have wasn't being expressed, and i wanted it to be. so those who read this thread have more options of viewpoint. more options is generally a good thing, no?

so, i do apologize if i come off as condescending. i truly don't mean to. and i don't necessarily feel that the way i do things is any better than anyone else's in an absolute sense. it's just better for *me*. whatever works for you is cool.

take care,
Reading Ehfm's post of 2/8 about different warm-up times, I'm curious about what controls were in place for the comparisions. Seems to me the fewer things controlled for, the less meaningful/accurate any diffences you noted would be. Did the group control for level? Why not for warm-up? Were only certain other things plugged in as a control? Did people stand in different places in the room for different players? I'm honestly curious. I don't mean to disparage anyone.
Thanks Lazarus! My last posting yesterday was more reflective of how my day was developing than anything else. Your method of choosing equipment would be the ideal one, and in the greatest majority of circumstances the most enjoyable one. I would opt for it in an eyeblink, except for. . . WAF! Sometimes I feel I am a 'closet audiophile'. Isn't that a horrible thing?
Those of you who expected that the shootout would result in one unit standing have seen too many westerns. Having heard the TEAC DV-50 several times against first the Exemplar 2900 and more recently the Exemplar 3910, I cannot imagine how anyone could find it competitive, but many love it. That is what make horse races.

It is unfortunate that dealers have all but vanished denying us the opportunity to compare before we buy, but anyone buying these various units considered is going to get a good sounding unit. It may not be the unit you would have bought had you been able to compare all of them. This is the same with your car, your dog, and dare I say it your wife or husband. Be happy and enjoy. This thread is not going to tell you what to buy.
Tbg I totally agree with you, anyone who want to buy
a cdp, they should do the best, they can to audition it, in their own system, and in their own listening room.This is
the way to go.But how about those who dont have access
with this cdp? Can you tell me,what is the most practical
way for them to audition one? Like Eric stated in his
post, Modifiers wont send you a cdp for us to hear it.
In my case, I call the guy who own the sonymodwright.
And did a lot a research.I have been very happy with my
player.This thread will help someone to make decisions,
One example is Jose21 He bought the APL, and He thank
711 for his thought about the APL,He is a happy APL
owner,Dolfan according to him, He read AVguru's post
after the first shootout, He thinks the the way to go
is the SonyModwright, He is also very happy with his
Sonymod.This thread would help someone to at least get
a good idea,its a little bit of gamble.Peter is also
a happy Sonymodwright owner,1Markr is still trying
to burn in his player, He will post, when the burn
in period is done.

You are exactly right. I bought my APL 3910 as the result of this thread and the experience of those on it. It was a crapshoot except for the information received here. That was a lot. There will always be hype for any product, but much less here than the manufacturers. For the most part I found most people's intentions here to be clean. That was to find the best CDP they could. I'm not sure anyone could go wrong with most of the products mentioned on this thread. Except of course for the unmodded DV-50 (too expensive for what I now know exist). That was my only listening comparison. I can tell you this, I told my wife (for the 1st time ever) this piece will always remain. Even if I put together a whole new system, it will be around the APL 3910 That's my story and I'm sticking to it.
Tom, I often I remember saying that. I would predict that in less than two years the APL will be long gone. I too cannot imagine anything better than the Exemplar 3910, but already there is talk about the Denon 5910. Especially on digital forever is about 6 to 8 months.
"I told my wife (for the 1st time ever) this piece will always remain."

LOL!!! did your wife actually believe you? you don't know how many times i've told my wife this...needless to say, she never believed me for a second. :-)
Tom I agree with you,As of now I will keep my Sonymodwright
I have the same feeling like you.Will I replace my Sony
in onother 3 years? The answer is No.Even if there is a
new one.It does not give you a guarantee, that it will
match your system, or its musical than what we have now.
Lazarus28 - You know, if you look at what I wrote, I don't believe that I claimed to know all the nuances of each player. That would be an arrogant statement. But, and here's the thing: YES, I did reach a definitive conclusion last Saturday, in the context of a particular system, between the three players.

It seems to me that without the ability to reach conclusions about what you are hearing, why would anyone bother with this hobby?

Before I opened my own wallet, I would want to listen to these players again in different systems. And if it were possible to borrow each player for a month and listen to it in my own system, that would be great. But listening even for a hour to these players is still better, in my opinion, than buying the unit without *ever* having heard it.

I made a judgment about what I heard on a particular day. If your point is that I may have reached a different conclusion about particular aspects of each of these players had I the opportunity to listen to each for a couple of months and been able to try and switch out the associated components, well o.k., I wouldn't disagree with that.

Tom has done a good job defending his modified DV-50; I wanted to step up for the Modwright unit. I would encourage anyone interested in obtaining a new CD/SACD player to try and audition the Modwright, however you go about it.

- Eric
I used to keep telling my wife I was almost done:

Not to long ago she said at me "Aren't you finished with that [the system and the room] yet!?"

When I said "No, it will never be done!"

She said, "Well I am glad you finally realized that!"

Boy...what a relief. A weight had been lifted from my shoulders. She is definitely a keeper...which is more than I can say for any of my gear.

BTW - please go easy on the DV-50 folks. It is still one of the better unmodded/stock units available, especially for $3.6K. And besides, I'll need to sell mine sometime, and I don't want the market to completely drop out from under it.
Forever. Wow, I've never said that about any gear. Perhaps the APL 3910 I have on order will be the first. I'd love to tell my wife its a keeper since it is her gift to me (decadal birthday -- don't ask which one).

I'll write my impressions after it is burned in, but I don't think I'll be able to decide on forever until I've had it one year (seems to be that if a relationship can last that long, it may indeed be forever).

Aren't audiophiles among the most fickle people alive?
Dbld, the DV50 is still a very good cd player,I do
agree on that, Modded on Not.Steve like his APL.
Tom like His DV50.Its obvious I like mine, I like
the musicality, and the full rich sounding sound,
I Like the bloom sounstage presentation,I am sure
they heard that when we are listening to the Cantate
Domino CD.Lets all be happy with our choices.Its only
It's very silly to think one will keep adigital player forever. The technology changes way too fast for this. I could see keeping a great amplifier forever or a great speaker, but not digital.
Krisgel even amplifier and speaker are almost
impossible to keep them forever.Too many choices.
Because of financial reasons, we sell them, so
we can upgrade.Thanks
In terms of what I have actually spent a good deal of listening time with, I would rank three digital systems in this order: l. Linn Unidisk 1.1, 2. EMM, 3. DV-50.
My concern with the Modwright SONYs regards the quality of the transport... My 9000ES required a replacement within a year of use - it stopped reading hybrid SACDs and would default to redbook.

Has the 999ES transport been upgraded?? Or does it still use the same cheap unit? And is this a part we could replace easily ourselves (since the warranty is void)?