eqipment on 24/7?

what are the current thoughts about leaving upper-end digital audio gear on 24/7? I leave my high-current A/B integrated on stand-by when not in use, but was advised to leave CD player, streamer, DAC, etc on 24/7. Good advise?
Depends. If you want it to sound good then leave it on. If you don't care then turn it off.
I leave my entire system on 24/7.  That way it is always ready to perform when I want to listen.  And yes, I have 5 tubes in my system and they remain quiet and musical.  Don't over think it!  And if doing so would compromise the tubes' lifespan, so what?  Great tubes are available at very reasonable prices these days.😀👂🏻
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I leave all my solid state on 24/7, the amp is in stand by. Pre Amp and Disc. player on all the time. Unless i am out of town then they are all unplugged from the wall
I have similar configuration - SS amp and tube premp.
I have been told to switch off the amp before the preamp, lest it damages the speakers. So how do you manage with switching the preamp on/off while the amplifier is always ON? No issues?
I don't. I leave it on 1/2 hr before I listening. All the electronic component should reach steady state then.
Not trying to be a wise guy, but if it only takes a 1/2 hour to sound optimum, why bother leaving it on 24/7?  Is there a sonic difference?  If there isn't does that mean that we're all leaving our gear on to be able to 'save' a 1/2 hour?  Here's the thing, I've tried both ways, and I'm hard-pressed to hear the difference.  So, even though I've been at this for decades, I'm left with the old basic, rookie insecurities.  Namely, is my gear good enough to hear the difference?, is my hearing?  I'm curious to read more!;)
My old McIntosh MC2100 originally didn’t have an on/off power switch so it was on 24/7 but it sounded really good.
I used to leave all my gear on 24/7 with nothing but positive results.

With my Kinki X-M1, I leave it on standby and it works just fine. The reason is, my media stand is tight on vertical space and the Kinki will 
heat up to where it actually gets hot.

Others who have theirs out in the open have no problems. So, it all depends.

All the best,
My SS phono/pre 'snaps' into focus after about 15 minutes, and gets better for an hour. Same for my higher end Nak cassette deck.

My amps (SS Class A) are much slower. Listenable after an hour, splendid after 10.
Both EmmLab Dac2 and Lyngdorf 2170 sounds smooth and more refined after 24 hours warmup.

Thus I leave all the Dac 24/7 on including Dave Chord and Mscaler.
As I've written elsewhere, my current, hot running Luxman 507ux integrated warms up in no time at all.

My Class D amps take days. Like 2-4 days. They used 7W at idle, so I left them on all the time.
I power all my equipment down when I'm done listening.  I do find that, after powering it back up, it takes 10-15 minutes for it to "warm up" and sound its best.
Used to keep most equipment on "standby". Now it's off entirely but warms up in an hour. My electric bill went down quite a bit as well.
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