Dynamic range - effect on different speaker cables - even very high quality ones

I have siltech Emperor double crown speaker cables. I recently bought Tara Omega Gold. 
The difference was very strange, and significant. I could not put my finger on it and changed interconnects to see if there was a compatibility issue. The Siltechs brought out superbly the main "players" and that sound was bang in my face - great. But it was a bit lean in other areas (more periphery sounds such as tinkling of percussion here and there - that sort of thing). 
The Omegas were exceptionally clean and detailed with EVERYTHING coming through, top to bottom, but no particular light and shade that the Siltechs gave. As such, a great pure sound but a bit soulless and didn't give me the bite that the Siltechs did.
I cannot survive life without the hit that the Siltechs give, so have kept those installed and I use the Omegas in an analogue set up (also lower dynamic range it seems) to enjoy those more

My false assumption before was that different cables had different qualities, and (or but) the basics of each recording would be dealt with principally the same i.e. just a different "house" sound
My dealer was nonplussed too as my description of the differences was a bit out of the ordinary, and the difference were VERY stark. I have tried many different cables over the years and never encountered this issue.

By asking around he came up with an interesting "reasoning"

Normal "players" or sources chuck out at a dynamic range of 70db. My DCS upsampler/clock/dac sends out at twice that, and the cables may get over saturated with the sound and act differently. It may appear that excessive dynamic range was not particularly an issue when they designed the cables and so the effect might be unpredictable?
Does anyone have a practical experience of this too - and I suppose the theory buffs out there could confuse me yet more.

Just to clarify, are you saying I cannot tell the differences between 2 cables each having an rrp in excess of £20k?
Post removed 
Your despair at it’s base is borne of the fact that there is zero scientific basis for any aspect of this conversation.  Hence all the facts, figures, measurements and assertions that amount to alchemy, witchcraft and wishful thinking.  “I swear I can hear a difference from the cable costing $20K!”   “A highly respected ‘engineer’ developed it!”   There’s science for you.  This whole thread is inane.  
" @OP please read  http://www.ielogical.com/Audio/CableSnakeOil.php to help understand how cable interact with components. "

I have read it and have rarely seen such bunkum. A few minutes wasted of my life. Figures all over the place and not a sane conclusion to be seen. For example  "Burn In is BUNK!"

Now that is sheer and rank ignorance. Yet again I despair of some people

  "It seemed clear to me that when a person expresses confusion, ignorance of the potential outcomes of mixing cables, which can vary widely, as demonstrated in the OP, that they are not employing proper methodology in system establishment. Ergo, my response was more relevant than realized. "

Are you saying I am ignorant of the potential outcomes of mixing cables?
That is a stupid thing to say, where did you get that from? I was writing about the effect of different cables, demonstrating very clearly that I am aware of the effect of different cables. And not employing proper methodology in system establishment ... ??? Are you a civil servant with no proper job? Writing incomprehensible words like that shows a lack of touch with the real world, but I have come to that conclusion some time ago. Gosh I despair of some people ...
How is it a low end result if they both do the same thing? More audiophile bumpkin. 
I said the dcs vivaldi upsampler increased the dynamic range
Nonsense. The quote says it has increased dynamic range meaning that it can, with adequate source material, play with reduced noise or with the same noise @ 1v out but capable of 10v out which no program contains. Unless it is a range expander [dynamic gain amplifier] which reduces level below a threshold and increases above, it is going to play 40dB material with 40dB dynamic range.

You are not beginning to approach cables properly until dealing with full sets.
Unless this is a joke, more nonsense. Cable need to mate with the components they connect and the overall system.

@OP please read  http://www.ielogical.com/Audio/CableSnakeOil.php to help understand how cable interact with components.

I never knew wire could be over saturated with sound. I think most know changing resistance in cables can change the sound the question is why pay thousands for wire tone controls when it's so much cheaper and easier with EQ.
I can’t wait to read the objective, unbiased, non-self-interested peer reviewed journal study.  Such crap
The primary reason I answered tatyana69 as I did is because I have worked with sets of cables for many years now. It seemed clear to me that when a person expresses confusion, ignorance of the potential outcomes of mixing cables, which can vary widely, as demonstrated in the OP, that they are not employing proper methodology in system establishment. Ergo, my response was more relevant than realized. 

Methodology is irrespective of the level of equipment, and one can spend prodigiously and still get mediocre results, or results that are not completely satisfactory, for the capital spent. Sensitivity to direct guidance in that regard will not change the fact. The amount of capital spent has zero relevance to use of proper methods to attain superior sound. If tatyana69 wishes to ignore my advice, he/she will likely continue to flounder and not move in any directed way toward improvement of the system with cables. It's playing at system development (A lot of us do, and it's fun, too, in its own way) when you simply place in assorted cables, completely disregarding - often arrogantly so -the work of cable designers/manufacturers who design their cables for a specific result. It takes more money, time and effort to do comparison of sets, and that is why most avoid it. But, it is the only way to advance a system directly toward one's goals. Disagree? Fine, do things your way. But, let's not play the game of, "I spend more than you, so my methods are superior," as that is nonsense. 

In regard to tbankin63's comment; I am currently working on review of a set of cables that cost thousands. The designer is a person who safely could be said is one of the most knowledgeable engineers on cables on the planet, and who specifically used the science, measurements to direct development. One of the greatest defenses of being chintzy in audiophilia is the attempt to skewer people who are deemed "unscientific". That's a bit harder to do when a world class engineer used LCR measurements to design cables, and discusses openly how the changes to such parameters obviously change the sound. 

You can look for the review when it comes out at dagogo.com  


Many employ poor methodology in establishing systems, which is why I developed my principle:  The greatest impediment to advancing an audiophile system is the audiophile. 
" Point being its very hard to get it all just right. Its also very hard to know when it is being done just right. That’s because the exact same problem we hear with this one speaker cable is repeated across every wire and component in our system, and on up the recording chain as well."

Did your actually read my post? The problem is NOT repeated across every wire or component. That was the whole point of my message, so I really cannot appreciate your generalisation, when I specifically described my reality and obvious, and strange  differences in two cables with rrp in excess of £20k each.
Another poster wrote his $390 cable was the best ever. Chaps, can we up the game a bit and try and explain the issue. If no-one knows, then fair do, the issue will be unexplained until I find the right source/font of knowledge. I just thought some Audiogoner might have come across. something similar. No problem if not.
Pompous, ignorant drivel from top to bottom.  Science deniers with Zero evidence to support any underlying premise.  Highly refined science (art) of being nasty to each other while wasting thousands of dollars to fund auditory hallucinations.  Try a blind comparison with a coat hanger.  Whatever...
" Here's an idea, don't invite the opinion of others on an open forum,"

Yes I had the expectation that replies would be relevant and specific. Silly me.
Clearthinker - it seems you disagree with DCS
The latest generation of our proprietary Ring DAC™ incorporates a number of important technical advances that have resulted in enhanced dynamic range, reduced jitter, improved channel separation and greatly improved musical realism. "
The dynamic range is in the recording.  Locked in.  It can't be increased from what it is, whatever gear is used.  Yes in most current commercial recordings it is horribly compressed.
All that is needed is replay gear that has at least the dynamic range of the recording.

Dude, you need to chill out. There's no reason to lash out at  douglas_schroeder or anyone else.

I don't read his post as having the intent to be insulting. Perhaps he means "just playing around" loosely, and he's not actually accusing you of being a hifi lightweight, as you seem to infer. Here's an idea, don't invite the opinion of others on an open forum, if you're so sensitive you fly off the handle when someone's thoughts aren't expressed in exactly the manner and tone your delicate ears require. Don't be so quick to try to mount someone. There is no competition going on here far as I know.
Ask DCS ( great engineers btw ) what they think of the theory and the cables....
Guys, can we lower the temperature a little bit?  Hurling insults at people doesn’t advance the conversation one bit. 
I have looked at your system - it seems your level of quality is well below mine, so you need to grab what is called "humility". Compared with my system I can quite justifiably say you are playing at it and behind the game a bit. Decrying others when you have some way to go yet is delusional (reminds me of a few others on this forum)
My Bryston 7b3 amps just have one output set, so parallel is not feasible. I do have Bryston 28bsst2 amps that have 2 pairs, so could try that, but that would entail not using my favoured jumpers which complement the Siltechs like  no other I have tested
"You are not beginning to approach cables properly until dealing with full sets. Otherwise, you are playing at it - as most audiophiles do. "

"Full sets" .. no idea what you are talking about mate
I am "playing at it"? 
What a pompous comment ..... based on what?

Are you above all this then?

What is your system, that says that I am playing at mine? Please advise what the end of the play line comprises.
Keep it simple use both cables in parallel as two others have mentioned.  You will have the best of both.  Cable saturation, maybe with a few thousand watts.
You are not beginning to approach cables properly until dealing with full sets. Otherwise, you are playing at it - as most audiophiles do. 
I didn't say upsampling increases the dynamic range, I said the dcs vivaldi upsampler increased the dynamic range

Upsampling doesn’t increase dynamic range.  This is what happens when the ignorant explain the sound of new cables.
Use the cables at the same time by connecting each to your power amp at one end and to your loudspeakers at the other end.  I think doing it that way is borderline absurd, but others have tried it and reported positive results.  As far as cable saturation goes, I think he made it up.  One more thing, how does upsampling increase dynamic range?

It helps when using terms to understand what they mean and use them properly. Otherwise you make a complete hash of your thought process.

Normal "players" or sources chuck out at a dynamic range of 70db. My DCS upsampler/clock/dac sends out at twice that, and the cables may get over saturated with the sound and act differently.

We’re talking about speaker cables. Its super easy to show what complete BS this story is: turning up the volume will increase the signal and the louder you go the more compressed it will be. But you don’t mention this, because its not happening. Because its BS.

There are major differences between cables in terms of dynamics, but its not dynamic range, that is something completely different. Do a search, read the terms, learn them. Something your dealer should do. This is Audio 101 after all.

Geez my O2 sat is barely 95 and already my brain is like warp speed compared to this wanna-bee. The dealer I mean. I don’t expect every audiophile to have learned even this basic stuff. Dealers I hold to a higher standard.

The differences you are hearing, people love to make up all these technical explanations. Nobody really knows the technical explanation. What we do know is the signal is constantly changing in volume. These fast changes are what we call dynamics. They can be massive like when an orchestra swells or micro like when a violin string quivers.

This all happens across a wide range of frequencies. The timing or rate at which each of these different dynamic swings happens can vary tremendously depending on the frequency of the sound getting louder or softer. Each and every individual instrument has its own unique set of characteristics. We call it timbre, we call it timing, we have all these different names for it.

Point being its very hard to get it all just right. Its also very hard to know when it is being done just right. That’s because the exact same problem we hear with this one speaker cable is repeated across every wire and component in our system, and on up the recording chain as well.

What is very easy on the other hand is to hear and notice different little aspects of this very big picture. Lots and lots of guys get sucked into one thing or another.

You like the "hit" that the Siltechs give. Great. Good for you. But there really is nothing the least bit new or different about anything else you have noticed- most especially including the dealer and his cockamamie theories about the dynamic range of your DAC affecting your speaker cable.

Ahh, its good to be back.
From the description of the sound you're hearing the Tara cable must have much more resistance (measurable).

and to  onhwy61
What do you mean by parallel?  and your saturation comment is wrong too - basically a posting that is impossible to comprehend

The dynamic range is provided by the dcs upsampler.

Message to mozartfans - I have no idea what relevance your message is to my post. And if you do not think there is a better wire than  navships silvercopper, maybe you should try more ...

Why don't you just use both cable at the same time and get the best of both worlds?  I suggest you parallel them.  BTW, your cables becoming saturated was a joke.  You just didn't get it.
I have navships silvercopper high tech cable throughout my system, including speaker internal wiring.
Nice gains vs the radiohsak/chienese generic $5  interconnects etc.
Honetly i do not think there is any  better wire.
I hada  tech guy make a  pair of $17/ft interconnect with solid copper RCA connects,,sounded aweful.
paid like $325...these navships are stunning. He is now making serval pairs of inters with silver and copper RCA's, will posta  vid after testing,,,..Bottom line I am nota  believer there is some cable out there that is superior to what I have.
Might be, but not interested. So lets say there is a inter than delivers a miniscle sonic gain,,at what price?? = $$$$$. I paid under $50. 
See what I am getting at?

Normal "players" or sources chuck out at a dynamic range of 70db. My DCS upsampler/clock/dac sends out at twice that, and the cables may get over saturated with the sound and act differently ...
Dynamic range is more likely a function of the recording than the source component. I'm not aware of any commercial recording with DR in excess of 100dB and most commercial recordings don't even contain a 70dB DR.