Doge (China to USA) Tariff

I really wanted to make a move to a Doge 7 Mk2 tube DAC. But the policy to charge a 25-percent import tax because of a multi year political game means I'll be looking for something else. The dollar amount comes to an extra $500 give or take. Nope, won't support a bloated tariff. Plus, add about $275 for international shipping and there is just no way.


I think, based on the above and the trade situation we have now, buying from Doge is OUT. if you want a tube DAC or preamp there are plenty of cost competitive and quality competitive options available with no tariffs. Prices on some may actually be less with no sacrifice in quality. I will no longer buy from Doge. 

Because manufacturing costs in China are rising.


Bottom line,  there are plenty of NA brands to chose from. Servicing an import product if something breaks with todays shipping cost is not fun. 

I wonder if some Chi-Fi brands like Denafrips are just absorbing the tariff cost in their pricing? Sounds like a smart idea so the consumer doesn't get triggered. ;-)

I have noticed that Chi-Fi gear has gone up in price significantly, more than just shipping.

I paid duty on the Doge Clarity 8 tube preamp I bought. Never was asked to pay duty on any Denafrips items. But here is the additional problem with paying duty for out of the country items. States like IL which need money audit duty records and then hit up IL residents for use tax (state sales tax) on those items. So it’s a double hit. No more Doge items for me. 

Maybe it all depends on the carrier and DHL is charging the tariff to cover themselves. That would explain why Doge states it on their site. So, yes, let's thank TFG for adding costs that the consumer has to pay (which is exactly how tariffs work) and then lie about balancing the budget with all those billions we never got from China. But if you say enough times, fools will fall for it.

All the best,

As I recall, several forum members bought the Doge7 and I don’t recall anyone ever mentioning an extra duty on delivery. 

Life is short. Shorter than you think.

At this stage, my happiness has more value than a mental wrestling match, in a similar instance, I would have had when younger.

Depends on what you regard as the "good fight" I suppose.

We are always subject to be led by the nose by something or other.

Food, energy and shelter prices make me want to venture to the wood with bow and arrow. But it gets cold at night there.



I have purchased a Doge 10 amp and two Denafrips DACs  .  There were no import duties on any of them.  I don't remember the details, but the paperwork on one of them indicated a value of $77.00.

These are all shipped direct from China and routed through Hong Kong airport.  

If I could get a pair of the Doge Mono amps I would do it but they're no longer available.

Yes- thank you Trump. We need more of these policies. I prefer not to support/fund our number one communist global adversary.



Yes, we can thank our former president for balancing the trade deficit. Thank you President Trump👍

You can afford it! Look at all the money you've saved this year on gas & food.

Buys Denafrips R2R dac they have a nice nstural balance  and no extra duties 

and 3 day DHL delivery included in theprice.

Doge says they are a wholly owned Chinese company located in Changsha city, Hunan province, China.

Denafrips says it's located in Guangzhou, China. 

So it must have something to do with having Vinshine headquartered in Singapore.
Thanks, @facten for solving the mystery. 

All the best,

It's kinda odd that Jay's and Denafrips prices are just what they are. I've yet to hear of anyone paying 25% more than the price (in the form of a tariff), and they are made in China. If anyone has, please chime in on this one.

All the best,

Ah, I missed the "clicking on the American flag" detail. That would have saved me from googling the US tariffs section and scrolling thru all the exceptions (which were mainly unfinished goods). 

I'd still check with US Customs and asks them to check to see if the tariffs for what you want ever came down in 2020 since Doge mentions the tariffs at their inception in 2018 and nothing else since. It couldn't hurt.

All the best,

From the Doge site (you click on the USA flag under Taxes and Tarrifs):

"Most of you probably heard about the “trade war” between USA and China. Because China has higher taxes than USA on many products (policy decided in 2000 at the time China entered WTO) the US President Donald Trump decided to create step by step since 2018, some TARIFFS especially on all products imported from China, that are from 10% to 25%, instead Tariffs from 2% to 5% previously to the trade war.


Unfortunately, our DOGE products are belonging to the TARIFFS codes of products that are taxed at 25%. Please note that any other audio product of any other brand would face the same rate of taxes.



Please note that all our sales are under the Incoterm CIF (Cost Insurance Freight) but do not include the import duties or local taxes, that are always paid by the importer (you) and collected with a simplified process by the Carrier (DHL)."

Nowhere on Doge's site does it state what the tariff is, if any, for sales to the US.
They do have examples of other countries, but again, not for the US. That 25% tariff you quote is for unfinished goods (parts needed for assembly) and not for finished goods. 

For example, a finished speaker is not subject to the tariff but the wiring, baskets, cones, etc. are. I'd double check with Doge if I were you. Rump's tariffs came down some (15% to 7.5%) for finished gear (loudspeakers, turntables, TVs, projectors and other electronics on the List 4A ) back around Feb. of 2020.

All the best,

You can thank your former prez for putting tariffs on many exports so China replied in kind. Truly sucks.


I think they’re built to order at this point as well.

So you’re going to wait, and then pay through the nose for shipping/import taxes.

Maybe should have gone with a CDP.


They do come up for sale used every once in a while....