
Discussions chinook9 has started

Upgrade: Terminator Plus or PGM156 3172
Anyone compare Nobsound Springs to EVA pads?6210
100V Accuphase/Luxman with transformer??9475
My last Integrated Amp: $5-10,000?22681116
Integrated amp for Q Acoustics Concept 500?13931
Focal 936 K2 compared to Q Acoustics Concept 500?19248
Focal 1028/1038 BE and 30 Watt Class A Tube amp8319
Another MC402 Question149311
Cost Effective System Improvement?354334
T6.3AL250v Fuse: Slow or Fast Blow???????24644
Recommended Phase Inverter 12AT79531
Red Plating??441427
Replacement for SED 6550C Winged C73048
Anyone Tried Unmatched Power Tubes?41206
Any Black Friday tube sales?12649