Crazy crazy crazy

If we ever get through all this craziness and Axpona kicks back up meet me on the second floor at the bar. I’m buying the first round. Stay safe friends.
@isochronism , you’d best catch up on the latest in that ’sport’. Some of the entrants might surprise you and make your debut rather short.

I’d advise a ’generous’ sized bikini bottom. How you interpret that is...well...

"Well, #59 has suffered yet another ’pop-out episode’...the string bikini was an unfortunate choice since it’s stretched enough to form what looks like an uncomfortable noose...."

Don’t forget to home, the back yard.... ;)

Your neighbors will Not understand.
Yeah on one hand hundreds of thousands of dead people through gross incompetence. On the other hand transgender people may play sports. The mind truly boggles sometimes.
Well ... maybe not if the opponent is like those Eastern European Olympic shot putter's of the 60's.
oldhvymec, I'm alway's open to smoking the peace pipe with anyone whose' views differ from mine. New Executive order allow's certain preferenced "people" to participate in women's sports. Maybe I'll take advantage of that. My sport of choice will be bikini mud wrestling. 
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T. Hanks is being (has for a while now) called out for involvement in some very bad behavior. An appropriate titled thread for his name to be mentioned in.
@mahgister *G*  Thanks, and back 'atcha....

I do have my moments....unfortunately, no one's around usually... ;)

It's nice that the US has shared a collective *sigh* of relief long overdue.
Adults are back at the wheel....
Loved the virtual inaugural 'party' with T. Hanks as the host.  We ought to have that sort of thing more often, beats buying bombers and such.  A free verse poem from a young woman that startles with similes that both delighted and defined a nation's needs and knowns.

Apart, we're just a bunch of strangers lost and lingering.

Together, differences denied for discussion delayed. we can literally do the improbable.
The impossible just takes a bit longer.

And all soundtracks of our lives play the same beat of our hearts.

A good weekend to all, J
I know this system very well “now everything will be normalized “
America was in it at least 60 years but for wake up is never too late 
@Arch2: Thanks for the offer. If I can get to Chicago I will certainly meet everyone in the bar. Will it be big enough?
Now, please can we get back to arguing about equipment.
I’ll stand over here with the "MC, Sit, Stay" (good*s*pat*) crowd....;)

Although I may not agree with Everything he posts, he’s certainly free and welcome to do so imo...
Writes well in a intelligent fashion although the soapbox is showing some wear ’n tear on some of the crowd.

I suspect he doesn’t care for my presence and the occasional remark, I’d hope he allows me the same. If he has opted to block me, oh well.

Someone else will eventually point out that his sneakers leak. *smirk* Re
One thing for sure, nobody in his sound mind can hate you wise man !  I do the same than you, being less wise most of the times tough! 😊

My deepest salutations....
I'll stand over here with the "MC, Sit, Stay" (good*s*pat*) crowd....;)

Although I may not agree with Everything he posts, he's certainly free and welcome to do so imo...  
Writes well in a intelligent fashion although the soapbox is showing some wear 'n tear on some of the crowd.

I suspect he doesn't care for my presence and the occasional remark, I'd hope he allows me the same.  If he has opted to block me, oh well.

Someone else will eventually point out that his sneakers leak. *smirk*
I don’t worry about anything but the present l don’t live in a vacuum .I get my flu shot, and China virus shot and ,I have spent the last year modding -upgrading Loudspeaker Xovers , my dac ,upgrading cables and gear , and just trying to make the best of a bad situation . If we could have a  Audio show, like the Rocky Mountain show ,or any show for the fall that would be a major  victory .I have been tired of the  dam mask thing 3 months ago . Eventually you may even get a card to show you have had the vaccine . It may not be until next year where we can loose the masks inside, and depending how big a Power trip the state you live in !!
Thank you everyone, this has been a high point for me after all the nasty news. I had a great time. Now I've used up my Agon time budget. Back to the music. See you next week.
Keep me informed please.... thanks... 

I think that some device for my room will help the maturation..... 😁

Can I just say that without doubt and with no room for argument that Islay Malt is by f-a-r the best alcoholic libation to imbibe on the planet.  The only questions that remain open and subject to a certain degree of debate are which brand and how many years old.  All else is resolved (unlike the many audio dilemmas that still plague us).
i dont want to read all the posts , why everybody here go to axpona?

I get it, Audio high point location exposition?

I confess that if i could i would go i am very curious about Berning ZOTL amplifier.......   😊


Do not worry, you did not offend me at all. Even geoffkait and millercarbon have not been able to get through, and they are professionals at it.

I usually ask if they offer gin-tonic and then ask for that without gin. For some reason, ordering tonic only gets confusing to bartenders while this way they pick it quickly. Same will go for the fourth round at Axpona. Everybody is invited. I may even bring my Bluetooth speaker so there is some audio equipment involved.

As far as hats go, no need for Hat ID technology at Axpona. If man wears a hat inside, an etiquette book is in order.

That Talk but not walk thread was really an exercise in diversity, bickering, and wild fantasies. This is just a little friendly chat.
Banning someone when needed is a very useful tool in some cases among others.
For example I have read one person wish cancer upon another here on several occasions. Banned! Some bad behavior cannot and should not be tolerated anywhere ever.
Ok i got your point! oufff

i must confess that none of these possibilities ever crossed my mind....I thought that a minimal ethic must be written....I am a bit too naive about disccussion it seems....

I dont know what to say about this.....I think you are right....

Banning someone when needed is a very useful tool in some cases among others.
For example I have read one person wish cancer upon another here on several occasions. Banned! Some bad behavior is undeniably bad and cannot and should not be tolerated anywhere ever. I have made that clear to my kids over the years and so far knock on wood with very good results.
I trust everyone until they prove themselves untrustworthy. A much happier way to go through life. I’m sorry for you.
You seems a very good soul tuberculin, i apologize for my misunderstanding of you....

But just a word to say that banning someone is not a solution in general....

My best to you.....

I am sorry I offended you. You may not have noticed the little smiley face I left (I don't know how to get an emoji). You're not all drunks, some take water (and Shirley Temples) (and Roy Rogers) (and Trigger) like me. Just having a little fun on this fun thread. Am I not allowed?
They'll get Hat ID working pretty soon.

I'm glad you didn't take everything I said as offensive. I respect you tooo much to have you angry at little 'ol me.

Have an extra three fingers for me and relax...... (not my middle finger though, please. I need it.)
Told you once before
And I won't tell you no more
Get down, get down, get down
You're a bad dog, baby
But I still want you around
"And you’re all a bunch of drunks. :)"
"All" is a little stretch here, to say the least. Not everyone expressed interest in alcoholic beverages. Some even mentioned they would not have them.

"Hat ID doesn’t work."

Nobody implied that, so far. I implied that Facial ID may not work on hats.

Otherwise, check "Talk but not walk" thread from within last five years. It is way more diverse than this one. Kim Jong Un, Karl Marx (I think, but I may be wrong as he comes up every now and then in different threads), and many more make their appearance there.

Talk but not walk? | Audiogon Discussion Forum
This, so far, has been the most entertaining thread I have read in five years of reading here. Bravo! posters, you have a thread of 4 pages (so far) and haven’t talked about audio once (unless you count the acronym AXPONA).
MC has shown his true colors and needs to get laid. Hat ID doesn’t work. Covid-19 is bad. The communists are coming. The inoculations do/don’t work. And you’re all a bunch of drunks. :) I prefer the herb myself.

I trust everyone until they prove themselves untrustworthy. A much happier way to go through life. I’m sorry for you.

"If you wear a MAGA hat you'll likely be having a conversation with the FBI. Facial ID works really well even on traffic cams."

Hat is not face. You may need Hat ID.

What is this? Purgatory?

I support millercarbon staying.
MC can't avoid the vitriol directed at posters and the community when people criticize him.


If you wear a MAGA hat you'll likely be having a conversation with the FBI. Facial ID works really well even on traffic cams. If you were there they'll get you.

Great article!   Really does a nice job of addressing anger, classifying various forms of argument and placing them in a hierarchy based on levels of effectiveness.  Everyone should read that!
I just love love love to talk politics but this is an audio forum. What happened to the forum moderator? Did he storm the Capitol Building and got rounded up in an airport sweep? 
mmm, taking in account the 'New Normal' and 'somewhat' as an exponent factor....and applied on a global scale....

There's no 'going back'....nothing but the shock waves that relentlessly push into the future.  And, as before, the future will be what we make it to be. Although we're mostly just along for the ride. ;)

Live it or live with it.  What will be will be.  Simple civility ought to be a nice start....

How long it will take will be how long it takes, since humans are hardly unified on much more than 'survival' in a general sense  We're ok for 'long-range thinking', but really bad on the 'follow-through' part.

If AXPONA is vaguely slated for August, I'm reasonably certain that y'all will be spared my attendance.
The 'LLC' part of my existence has just been bonded on a project that will start in July and run into December.

Lucky, I guess...for whom and/or why....

"If this was 1917-20 it would be 4-5 years before life became somewhat normal."

How long in 2020-2021?
"Whenever Axpona resumes tell me the time and place for my free wine and I'll be there."

Bar on the second floor.
no drinking required my friend. Meet us in the bar.

if they have it it’s yours.

I don,t even drink. But it would be my pleasure to sit down for one with you. Thanks for your kindness and generosity. 
BTW, can,t fathom how anyone could take your offer any differently.

drkingfish - Thank you. Very nicely written explanation.

lupson wrote: "I may be the dude with mRNA hat." I’ll one up you - I’m wearing an Epigenetics hat!
MILLERCARBON.  It is not a war on Communists.  COVID-19 is Mother Nature's current defense for Earth's grotesque overpopulation by humans, who are too self centered to protect our planet from our selfish destruction.

I was born in Waco.  I have kin and spent time in Moody, Mcgregor, and Temple.  I love Texas...Use to be a WHOLE different Republic, when I was a kid..

 Austin too, I have a few deaf cousins there (and outlying communities).. LARGE community of non hearing folks there..

I already had the COVID and yes I know I can get it again.
Mask only prevent the spread and I wash my hands like crazy. Before you freak out I do wear a mask though it is not required in TX. Unless you are Austin (bad down there, El Paso, Houston and Dallas proper)

I was sick for a week but i took a full month to be 70%. Still have back pain, neck pain and get rashes but that maybe my Simplex 2 flaring up (just kidding)
I will get the shot once they get to letting us youngsters have it.
OK I got my Sars - Cov 19.  First shot on the 14th. Yes I did fine. I got a little achy. I ate a good meal and took 600 mg Ibuprofen with two glasses of water every 6-8 hours.. I feel fine.

Moderna / 011J20 (or ZO) A. Horrible penmanship.

Second. I have never seen so many health care workers, that close together in my life. TALKING!!! Every protocol that was in place for social distancing was being violated by the health care workers.  Where is the friggin BOSS. I was just watching MYSELF, I couldn't keep my distance safe BECAUSE..

1000 pound clusters of "three" all over the place TALKING, with clip boards. While the NORMAL 20% did ALL the work, including herding the TONNAGE, out of the patience ways... 5 times I said "6 feet is 6 feet, MOVE, PLEASE" standing in door ways TALKING from one side to the other as patience walked by...?????????????????????????????

YOUR tax dollar barely working...

The actual people I worked with, AS usual were the professionals.
I love efficient, hard workers, that make it look easy to just be there and make you feel safe and cared for... MY MOTHER.... Yup... 

Get it folks.. 28 day I get the second dose, THAT is the actual vaccine to offer pretty good immunity after another 10-15 days.  40-42 days total.

NOW if I can keep from getting ran over, between now and then...:-)
and remember, I'm still a carrier just by virtue of walking through it... 
I still loose the shoes on the wet porch, and remove my outer clothes.

IN HAND to the dryer, and tossed for 15 on high. Clean my hands and the dryer handles. 

I been taking the dog twice a week to the islands (poor baby, in a cage). She Rats there for an hour or so. No contact with people.  Were both getting some exercise. Hate rats, both kinds... Though good eatin' one kind any ways, gotta have a tail...NO long pig....

Regards..  Now Back To Mrs Patsy. Crazy...I like Linda Ronstadt's version too.
CV19 is serious, people are getting sick, some of  which will never recover completely.  People are dying alone  gasping for breath (ask me, I've seen it)  The virus is mutating as is normal and these vaccines are just the start of many to come, more effective and longer lasting.  There might not be an Axpona 2021  (I have no inside info) but like pandemics of the past this too shall pass, more quickly than previous ones because of our unbelievable technology which will only get better.  If this was 1917-20 it would be 4-5 years before life became somewhat normal.  20,000,000-50,000,000 died.  Some studies say up to 100,000,000 died worldwide.
The vaccines do not alter your basic DNA nor are they a communist  plot.  The  mRNA  vaccines  never enter the nucleus of the cell which is where our DNA is kept.  It does not affect or interact with our DNA in any way. It has been studied for over a decade on other diseases. It instructs our cells to make a harmless piece of the the spike protein which displays it on it's surface.  The initial protein (which only gives instructions and is not or ever been part of a live virus) is then broken down and destroyed. Our immune system recognizes that the protein doesn't belong there and begins building a immune response.  To keep it simple that's the story.  I have the first dose in my body and look forward to the second dose.
Whenever Axpona resumes tell me the time and place for my free wine and I'll be there.
Best  to all, stay safe and healthy and be optimistic.  We are and will win this battle

« At the end we need not only our friends but especially our so called "ennemies"; consciousness is mathematically speaking only one universal honeycombed cellullar multi scaled grid dynamic memory »- an anonymus geometer

«What the hell is this geometry? A pile of projective metaphors?»-Groucho Marx