Come Back Geoff Kait!

Has anyone heard from Geoff? 

I miss his humour and acerbic wit. 
I looked on AA General Forum, but did not see his post regarding Agon loading issues
As I stated, he also "had" posts on the AudioGoN loading issue topic, but he deleted them, like I said.  I didn't see the one on  "why do members keep going back to the Gon ? "

Thanks for pointing that out!
Sorry ...but I don’t miss the nonsense, puns, or his emoticons, at all...the forums have actually become fun to read again.

I believe that he was almost singlehandedly responsible for the deterioration of this forum.

You can rationalize it all you want...but he was a bully to most and probably turned off a lot of possibly productive posters.

@ml9764ag agree the forums are back to some sort of normalization. Well said!
I can feel his ego growing from here as he reads about how much people miss him.
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I can feel his ego growing from here as he reads about how much people miss him.
Just by his voodoo’ist "snake oil" clan.

I say "let sleeping dogs lie"

Cheers George
I can feel his ego growing from here as he reads about how much people miss him.
I can feel his ego growing from here as he reads about how much people don't miss him. 
There is no stopping it.
(tooblue forgot to click his heels....)

"Ions & Tripaths’ & Krells’...Oh, Why?!" *The hooded ensemble begins to chant....*

*The Head KT90 Tuber steps forth, brandishing what first looked a whip. Thrown on the slab of polished shungite, a Avanti Allegro IC is the evenings’ sacrifice....the throng chanting rises to a frenzy as the cable is slit, gold RCA to RCA.....the druming stops*
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YUP, don’t miss it a bit, and a I admit, to, running on a bit to much, myself. Page after page, use to make me go away for weeks on end. Direction matters, YUP, I got it.. Then the two or three would start doing their little back and forth, to the point of "what are we talking about", three pages of that, then a single line of something worth a flying CRAP, would come out, NO I don’t miss it a bit...

I’m EASY.. really I’m easy..., I wonder what would come out of his pockets if he were turned upside down and given a little shake, lithium, or LSD, I wonder... :-)

Hope he’s not mixing stuff again. Calling all cars ,calling all cars, We got a guy on the loose, with springs on his feet, telling EVERYONE about direction...YIKES!!

Thank you very much...

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Hmmmmm....seems mine and a few other posts have been removed after I received an email (via audiogon) from GK proving he is still kicking.
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I received an email (via audiogon) from GK proving he is still kicking
Well you sure know how to ruin somebody's weekend......
He said "I was full of s&%$ as usual!"  Then he added a silly emoticon.  my post got removed because I quoted him.  Go figure.
tooblue....As usual, warlockcraft and weird science (the cable slicing..) does entrail, I mean, Entail 'results' that not everybody appreciates...🤦‍♂️

GK hisself is likely ticked at me for interrupting his hiatus....😒
Perhaps...*sigh*  No....I need to drive, step off curbs, use sharp implements....that 'existence' stuff....

Oh, well....Accept nasty, grimacing Fate, with it's slavering jowls.
Just don't open packages with no return address... ;) 😷

I always enjoy reading your posts.
They are creative and quite fun to decipher.
You have a Babel fish too?
I got mine at a little shop next to the restaurant at the end of the universe...
I was given mine while trying to figure out what the question was to the answer of 42.......

Now I cant get the darn thing out!
Hey, tooblue!

The secret to understanding jerry's posts is that he is an expert in the utilization of obscure references. He's also quite good at word play, which he cleverly uses in his imaginative stories, which can change from sentence to sentence.
You have to think of them in the vein of a word puzzle.
Either that, or the doctors haven't quite figured out his proper dosages.....

It’s obvious what happened to GK: he bought a new AC cable and it blew him away!
OH, the ignominy!
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Maybe you need try a little harder Glupson.
It seems just myself and Carp are Douglas Adams fans.....

Why are you coming down to that other guy's level of no class? I expected more from you.
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