So we're all tired of hearing about nothing but Covid-19 (or, as I term it, the C-Plague). What can we do, as audiophiles, to help with all this.
I was amazed, and delighted, when I went to the Cardas website to see that they are doing their part. Go to their website and you'll see their director, Angela Cardas, wearing a mask. If you click on the Cardas Nautilus logo in the upper left corner, you'll see pictures of people there in the factory making masks with sewing machines. I called the company to congratulate them, and spoke with a woman named Darla, who said it was their way, during this economic slump, to keep their employees working and also their way of trying to "do our part."
I'm not writing all this to advertise Cardas products. They are a very good company, but trust your ears, not anything I write, when it comes to buying their products. They do get credit, however, for helping me come to a realization that pushed me in the right direction. I called a woman I am friends with, who is 85 years old and is a good seamstress, to suggest she start making masks. She already was--and is. By phone she has organized several other women to do the same, and right now they are needing more material and elastic. I managed to gather about 50 pounds of material and am starting to gather elastic while also getting more material. But I don't sew. I can't help out with that. Any ideas as to what we--all of us who are good with our ears and focused with our budgets--can do to help out in other ways?

I realize this is an odd topic to bring to an audio forum, but it was a very socially responsible audio company that got me to thinking about it, and frankly I believe I should be socially responsible enough to do what I can to get other people to thinking about it. While also being open to other people's ideas about ways someone like me who is "just an audiophile" can help.

Thank you, in advance, for any and all ideas on this.


Regarding masks,
"Again people are becoming ill from them. "
How exactly? What is happening?

I do agree to some extent. I am sick and tired of them.

"Professionals are publically speaking out that the vaccine is designed to make recipients MORE susceptible to contracting the virus!!"
There are multiple vaccines being developed as we write this. Which ones are designed that way? Not all of them, I would guess.
Against a stupidity that is in fashion, no wisdom compensates.
I’m going to go on the record stating to whom this applies won’t understand it....
“Do you have any idea how crazy you are?” - Carson Wells to Anton Chigurh in No Country for Old Men
stereo5, i can appreciate your thoughts on Bill Gates and yes he and other wealthy business men have contributed a great deal of money towards this vaccine with great enthusiasm and I only need to direct your attention to the Georgia Guidestones and what they have to say about keeping the population under a certain percentage. I don't need to watch the main stream news to get my information, they are just another arm of the deep state to keep America dumbed down.

The reason that this country has more reported cases of corona virus is because they have been labeling a lot of deaths as Covid 19 to drive the numbers up and the hospitals have been paid thousands of extra dollars to do so. A nurse (whistle blower) from a New York hospital has confirmed this to be true. Why, because they want to keep us in a lock down right up to November 3rd elections so that most everyone has to do mail-in ballets as this opens up mass fraud.
The reason there are different camps here is because many people believe this virus does not exist and is a form of psychological warfare that has become the biggest hoax ever committed on the world population. And then there are many people that think that this virus is no worse then the common flu but more contagious. You can make up your own mind.
There was the request and "need" for many more respirators. It was known that once patients were put on respirators there was a much higher likelyhood of death.
Wow. And you’re a literate, functioning adult?
Please direct yourself to my previous post....
Glupson, people are becoming ill from over-using masks because they are causing respitory conditions.

There is no deep state, that was made up by the president his first day in office.  No state wants to be shut down, they can’t afford it. Voting by mail is the safest way to vote, after all the president and his family, all service members and also myself vote by mail. Fraud is being mentioned so that if the one in office now loses the election, he can claim fraud and try once again to steal the presidency.   Why is voting by mail open to fraud yet many states already allow it and the Armed Forces Has done it since day one?   Like I stated earlier, I thought this was a fairly educated group.  I hope you didn’t get your diploma from TU. 
isochronism, your exactly right and that is how they drive up the numbers. Some people check into the hospital for other illnesses and are heavily sedated and then put on a ventilator to cause death, just another victim of corona.

there are more cases because people don’t listen to the experts.  They listen instead to a TV reality host who does not know what reality is. If I came upon you in our state where masks are mandatory, I would call you out or anyone who is no wearing a mask. 
So phd, you’re stating that hospitals are deliberately murdering people to pad their numbers to receive more funding?
Is it wrong to be sadly amused at your beliefs?
Do you have a scintilla of an idea how disgustingly insulting that is to all the medical professionals who are literally risking their lives to save lives and to halt this thing?
Do you have a scintilla of an idea as to how mind bogglingly ignorant you’re showing yourself to be?
Do you have a scintilla of an idea what 'scintilla' means?

@stereo5  Six (6), billion... With a "b" dollars of stimulus checks were mailed to...wait for it...DEAD PEOPLE.  
How are we supposed to trust mail-in votes when the government sent six billion dollars of stimulus money to dead people?

Hiya devilboy.
Explain how the government sending out checks and people voting by mail are remotely similar.
Thanks so much...
srereo5 yes there has always been a small percentage of mail-in ballots with little consequence but if they can get the entire population to do mail-in ballots which can occur they can meddle with the results as they have done so in the past but not a large scale.

There is not only a deep state but a shadow government as well, the president is aware of this. JFK made a speech prior to his death on this problem and warned us of the dier consequences that could occur if it was allowed to go unchecked. Speech was never aired to the american people thanks to the fake news media but it can be found on the internet..Eisenhower also warned us of the military industrial complex before ending his term.

You don't have to believe me but you can do your own research
I don’t know at this point if you’re joking or you’re really this gullible and ignorant.
I’m going with choice number two.
By the way, who are ’they’? Those giant ants from that old  sci-fi movie?
May as well be in your crazy little world, huh.
So, they even had fake news back in the 60's??!
How'd they accomplish that?
You know, since there was no internet. Or cable. Or streaming.
And there were only 3 networks to choose from.
Boy, those deep state, military industrial complex, 'they', witches, chupacabras, leprechauns and eskimos were a clever bunch!
The only "fake news" is what comes out of that blowhards mouth.

I agree with you, no sense beating that dead horse once again. Don't forget the aliens in Area 51. they are the biggest cause of the deep state.  ha ha.
Sorry, the aliens in Area 51 are the Deep Space State.
Please try to keep your conspiracies straight...
Here's the saddest part to all of this-
They think they're the enlightened ones and we're the ignorant masses.
@thecarpathian  let's give the government the benefit of the doubt for a moment and assume that since they started handing out the stimulus checks, that's when people started dying of natural causes. Everyday around 7,000 Americans die. Not from coronavirus, just die in general.

That equates to 420,000 deaths in the two months of stimulus checks.
If each of those people (not all of them were eligible mind you, but just for the sake of this argument let's pretend they were), received an average of $1,000, that would equate to 420 million dollars.

So where is the other 5.6 billion or so dollars?

Bottom line is you can't trust the powers that be to be accurate or honest.

And by the way, you two (and you know who you are), sound more bluepilled with every post you make.
That comes out to 5.6 million people, btw.
That’s enough to sway an election, but who’s counting...
Told you, stereo5.
Sadly amusing.
Well then, enlighten me devilboy.
Who exactly are ’the powers that be’?
Names, agencies, departments, anything will do.
And can you make it quick, it's almost time for me to take my Milk of Magnesia, do a sit up and cry myself to sleep...

Sure you do.
You said yourself it was the government.
So, what part of the government is going to boondoggle everybody on mail in ballots?
Seeing that this thread won't survive another 12 hours, lol,  it was enjoyable having a discussion with you guys even though we disagree.
No hard feelings.
thecarpathian, yes I'm suggesting it could be true as per whistle blower nurse from New York. The medical system has some good doctors but most are taught fake information about many things including viruses and they are another controlled arm of the deep state. An example, a doctor (one of the good ones) in Texas cured all of his patients from cancer and the FDA took him to court on several occasions to shut him down, no money to be made in cures. They (the FDA) eventually lost their case against him by dramatic testimony in court from his patients but in the end a stipulation was made that he could only practice in Texas and he can't advertise  Your history is mostly fake and many books in a library are disinformation. Nasa is fake and so are the moon landings. Some say that Nasa stands for not a space agency. A lot of movies are made to tell you what they plan to do next as there are rules and they have to inform you in advance.

"Glupson, people are becoming ill from over-using masks because they are causing respitory conditions."
I get that part. What I am interested in is what conditions and how?

On a different, and way more relevant note here, I am curious which side of the cable burn-in debate you are on. Is it a conspiracy by manufacturers, or is it just a simple phenomenon?
I get all these ideas about election fraud and so on, but do they have elections in Italy and Spain this fall? Anybody knows?

I have been looking into buying some Italian goods so am worried I may need to change. All audio related.
For him to answer that, I believe you should stipulate flat cables.
I’m certain he doesn’t believe cables are round...
Also you’re in the clear with Italy and Spain.
2023 for Italy and Spain in 2019.
Now the bigger question is elections in Austria and how will it affect torte production...
This is your homework assignment, please tell me why almost two million people marched on Washington DC back in 2013 demanding Obama's resignation and not one news media reported it as if it never happened.

Forget about 2013. I wore a mask today and will do so tomorrow. I am really interested what I am risking so I can try to figure out how to prevent it. 2013 was seven years ago, tomorrow is a few hours from now.

I think I will have to pull my connections to secure steady supply and delivery from Vienna. First things first.
I’ll tell you exactly why.
Because in the real world, you know, the one you seem not to be a part of, it never happened. Be one heck of a thing to keep secret, don’t you think? Did the 'Deep State' threaten all 2 million to hush up or else?
You’re foolishness is now to the point of tedium. You’re claims are now so over the top, I must revisit if it were all a joke...


Large one will set you back about $80, kitchen to door. Just make sure you are there to receive it so it does not stay outside for any period of time.
glupson, I'm going to agree with you because this information has obviously frightened you and that was not my intent, only to inform. Yes if there is a slight chance I am wrong I still would like to see people take precautions and wear their masks but don't don't take it too far,
Yes lets talk about cables. Mine are Cardas, and yes some cable companies do over-charge and over-exaggerate claims of their performance. Once I was sent a pair of ten thousand dollar cables from an Audiogon friend to try and possibly purchase. He claimed that these cables are so good that upon their insertion between a cheap receiver and a cd player made it sound very high end. Once received I could not produce the same results even with my own gear and quickly returned them although they didn't sound offensive to me. LOL. Some may say that my system was not good enough to appreciate the possible improvements but they are wrong.
glupson, I forgot to mention that I do believe in cable burn-in because the electrons eventually find their shortest path producing a better sound.
Fake news goes way back. Research old particular topic front page newspaper stories from the 19th and earlier 20th century. SIGNIFICANT topics that go totally unmentioned nowadays.
And I fully agree NASA is fake and that is the tip of the iceberg. Wernher Von Braun's headstone say's only - Psalms 19:1 
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