So we're all tired of hearing about nothing but Covid-19 (or, as I term it, the C-Plague). What can we do, as audiophiles, to help with all this.
I was amazed, and delighted, when I went to the Cardas website to see that they are doing their part. Go to their website and you'll see their director, Angela Cardas, wearing a mask. If you click on the Cardas Nautilus logo in the upper left corner, you'll see pictures of people there in the factory making masks with sewing machines. I called the company to congratulate them, and spoke with a woman named Darla, who said it was their way, during this economic slump, to keep their employees working and also their way of trying to "do our part."
I'm not writing all this to advertise Cardas products. They are a very good company, but trust your ears, not anything I write, when it comes to buying their products. They do get credit, however, for helping me come to a realization that pushed me in the right direction. I called a woman I am friends with, who is 85 years old and is a good seamstress, to suggest she start making masks. She already was--and is. By phone she has organized several other women to do the same, and right now they are needing more material and elastic. I managed to gather about 50 pounds of material and am starting to gather elastic while also getting more material. But I don't sew. I can't help out with that. Any ideas as to what we--all of us who are good with our ears and focused with our budgets--can do to help out in other ways?

I realize this is an odd topic to bring to an audio forum, but it was a very socially responsible audio company that got me to thinking about it, and frankly I believe I should be socially responsible enough to do what I can to get other people to thinking about it. While also being open to other people's ideas about ways someone like me who is "just an audiophile" can help.

Thank you, in advance, for any and all ideas on this.


Showing 25 responses by phd

Maybe they should change the name from planet Earth to planet Corona where all it's inhabitants wear masks and now they can't distinguish the good guys from the bad. Sounds like there is a war on to destroy the US economy, good way to bring down a country. There is also a war on oxygen where as 5G messes with the oxygen molecules in our bodies and the masks reduce our oxygen levels. If you guessed right people are now becoming sick from wearing masks.
Back to the subject matter, yes more time spent at home with our stereo systems doesn;t sound like too bad a deal and taking reasonable precautions as audiophiles or anyone else for that matter should be observed as long as they are reasonable.

geoffkait, I like you a great deal, you have been a major contributer here in these forums. I can't red-pill you the truth (obviously) about who is really running this world but in time the truth will be exposed and you and the rest of the people (of the same mindset) that have been asleep will receive a healthy dose of the truth soon enough. Enjoy the matrix while you can!
Somebody mentioned vaccines and guess who's pushing vaccines, no other then Bill Gates. A billionaire, high school drop-out with no medical background. Someone should check the safety of these vaccines as they may be more harmful then the virus itself. He should be the first one to get the shot on tv with an honest doctor of our choice as a witness. We know that many people are leaving nasty posts on his website and he can't delete them fast enough! I never said not to protect yourself but don't wear the mask no more then you have to, for example like driving in your car. Again people are becoming ill from them.

srereo5 yes there has always been a small percentage of mail-in ballots with little consequence but if they can get the entire population to do mail-in ballots which can occur they can meddle with the results as they have done so in the past but not a large scale.

There is not only a deep state but a shadow government as well, the president is aware of this. JFK made a speech prior to his death on this problem and warned us of the dier consequences that could occur if it was allowed to go unchecked. Speech was never aired to the american people thanks to the fake news media but it can be found on the internet..Eisenhower also warned us of the military industrial complex before ending his term.

You don't have to believe me but you can do your own research
This is your homework assignment, please tell me why almost two million people marched on Washington DC back in 2013 demanding Obama's resignation and not one news media reported it as if it never happened.
isochronism, your exactly right and that is how they drive up the numbers. Some people check into the hospital for other illnesses and are heavily sedated and then put on a ventilator to cause death, just another victim of corona.
stereo5, i can appreciate your thoughts on Bill Gates and yes he and other wealthy business men have contributed a great deal of money towards this vaccine with great enthusiasm and I only need to direct your attention to the Georgia Guidestones and what they have to say about keeping the population under a certain percentage. I don't need to watch the main stream news to get my information, they are just another arm of the deep state to keep America dumbed down.

The reason that this country has more reported cases of corona virus is because they have been labeling a lot of deaths as Covid 19 to drive the numbers up and the hospitals have been paid thousands of extra dollars to do so. A nurse (whistle blower) from a New York hospital has confirmed this to be true. Why, because they want to keep us in a lock down right up to November 3rd elections so that most everyone has to do mail-in ballets as this opens up mass fraud.
The reason there are different camps here is because many people believe this virus does not exist and is a form of psychological warfare that has become the biggest hoax ever committed on the world population. And then there are many people that think that this virus is no worse then the common flu but more contagious. You can make up your own mind.
Glupson, people are becoming ill from over-using masks because they are causing respitory conditions.
thecarpathian, yes I'm suggesting it could be true as per whistle blower nurse from New York. The medical system has some good doctors but most are taught fake information about many things including viruses and they are another controlled arm of the deep state. An example, a doctor (one of the good ones) in Texas cured all of his patients from cancer and the FDA took him to court on several occasions to shut him down, no money to be made in cures. They (the FDA) eventually lost their case against him by dramatic testimony in court from his patients but in the end a stipulation was made that he could only practice in Texas and he can't advertise  Your history is mostly fake and many books in a library are disinformation. Nasa is fake and so are the moon landings. Some say that Nasa stands for not a space agency. A lot of movies are made to tell you what they plan to do next as there are rules and they have to inform you in advance.
glupson, I'm going to agree with you because this information has obviously frightened you and that was not my intent, only to inform. Yes if there is a slight chance I am wrong I still would like to see people take precautions and wear their masks but don't don't take it too far,
Yes lets talk about cables. Mine are Cardas, and yes some cable companies do over-charge and over-exaggerate claims of their performance. Once I was sent a pair of ten thousand dollar cables from an Audiogon friend to try and possibly purchase. He claimed that these cables are so good that upon their insertion between a cheap receiver and a cd player made it sound very high end. Once received I could not produce the same results even with my own gear and quickly returned them although they didn't sound offensive to me. LOL. Some may say that my system was not good enough to appreciate the possible improvements but they are wrong.
glupson, I forgot to mention that I do believe in cable burn-in because the electrons eventually find their shortest path producing a better sound.
Sometimes it is more important to reveal the truth then to make sure every last word is spelled correctly. Very tired last night and yes dier is spelled dire. I see misspelled words & improperly formed sentences on this thread as well but if you got the time to point them out then your not concerned about this country's future and you're in denial, you can't take the truth. I can understand how some of you see this as hogwash. I'm ok with that but at least I planted a seed and maybe you will see and look at what they are not saying rather then what they are putting out which can be important as well. I talked to a friend about some of this and a lot more in the early 1990's. He  asked me what I've been smoking but then he called his brother who is a retired colonel and he confirmed that this information is correct. There is a lot more information to share but this website is not an appropriate platform for this particular subject matter.

So you don't like my theory on electrons and how they find their shortest signal path in cabling. How about this one, if you reverse your cabling they will play the music backwards. LOL

mahgister, calm down, I see what your saying, that for you, hell and heaven is in your mind. I want to ask you which one is winning?
As Mark Taylor said, Get you popcorn and buckle up because things are going to get crazier. The deep state (the far left) are not going to give up without one hell of a fight, because they don't want to hang for treason.
cal91, I'm not being facetious, I'm repeating what Mark Taylor said in one of his videos. He is a retired firefighter who wrote the Trump Prophecies and predicted Trump (God's chosen one) would win the presidency years before 2016. God spoke to him and said that he is not angry with the general population of this country but rather with the leadership and the churches. It is your choice to agree with this man but he comes across as a regular but honest man. Check him out.
thecarpathion, thanks for the summary I didn't say you should believe me but if for one brief moment you thought this could be true you might actually look into this and remove yourself from your security blanket. I'm not here to convince you of what I said but to allow you to understand that there are millions of people waking up. It's called "The Great Awakening"
Well I also believe in flying saucers. We have several that maintain the same trajectory in the sky (for years) and sometimes when one is disturbed like from fireworks it will fly directly over (at roof top) in our neighborhood. They were large and orange. Note we live very close to two military bases. I talked to the clerk at a local gas station about this and he said he would like to believe but he has his doubts. Until he stepped out of the building and was having a smoke with his family it was then they all seen it for themselves, totally freaked them out and he told me about it later.
There are many things in this world we don't understand but have substance. One day the truth about this and many other things will be revealed to us. Until that day we we can label it a conspiracy theory.
Maghasitor, if you don't believe, it's all about choices and I don't think any one could survive standing directly in his presence, too powerful no one knows what he (God) exactly looks like. That is why he sent his son Jesus.

Let me tell you a short but true story. A group of Russian scientists went to Siberia to check out a large hole in the ground. They lowered a microphone deep in this hole and it was recording. What they heard was astonishing. It clearly sounded like millions of people screaming in agony. Then a large winged evil creature surfaced from this hole and flew off. They were so frightened that most of the scientists packed and left. Later interviewed one of the men said he never believed in God but now he sure believes in Hell. This audio and testimony can be seen on the internet at the time. I watched it and it woke me up.
au_lait, yes I believe your telling the truth because this virus effects mostly older people with compromised immune systems much more then the young. How many thousands of people die from the common flu virus every year. We never shut the whole country down over that. I'm suggesting that the Covid 19 is no worse then the common flu but can be deadly to the vulnerable.
thecarpathion. I seen you unloading that poor bigfoot in the middle of the night, how dare you, you've been caught man!
I don't think they (the Russians) have to lower the microphone that far to hear what they recorded. Sound travels through a hole, you should know this as an audiophile.
Mahgister, I like your statement that freedom is a load for most, they want chains, well said, I will remember that piece of wisdom.
I will add another piece of wisdom, until all of us wake up, nothing will change, it will just keep getting worse. They fear that day might occur, because it will be their end.
isochronism, you could be correct as the military has forgot to mention they own a few of them(UFOs) I wonder who gave them this advanced technology?
Mahgistor just because you don't believe in hell doesn't mean its going to cease to exist for your convenience.

Covid 19 ( maybe the grand illusion) but many are not coping very well with the lock down. Every where there are groups of people defying safety measures of this virus and naturally the news increases coverage of these areas and are reporting more cases of Covid 19. The food supply is slowly diminishing because a few reported cases in food packing plants as well as meat packing plants, shutting these operations down for safety in some states.( Henry Kissinger) said if you control the food supply you can control the entire world The economy can not take too many more business closures especially small businesses.  If the entire economy is destroyed each and every one of us are going to be negatively impacted in ways you can't imagine, making the Great Depression look like a walk in the park, lets hope this does not happen. I would much favor opening all business but practicing safety.

au_leit, I'm taking a few notes my self along the way. I thought that some of you audiophiles were not that dumbed down. Why do you think the Democrats have spent countless hours trying to impeach Trump for 3 and a half years over false accusations like Russian collusion and many other charges when in fact that's exactly what they were guilty of. They had an insurance policy to get rid of him before he was sworn into office but they failed to impeach him on all accounts. How many times have they tried to kill him but failed because he was not protected by the secret service but rather the marine corp.If you look at the timing of the release of the Covid 19 virus it seemed like another progression for them to destroy the economy and destroy him. My mind works that way because I observe. The hoax is the virus is not as bad as they claim but if too many people believe that way, they will come up with something else to make it worse the ever.
thecarpathion, why would you practice safety for an illusion because many don't know this could be an illusion. And some are from the camp I will be completely complicit because I want to show my obedience to the main stream mocking bird news. Or just in case until someone with credentials tells me other wise.