So we're all tired of hearing about nothing but Covid-19 (or, as I term it, the C-Plague). What can we do, as audiophiles, to help with all this.
I was amazed, and delighted, when I went to the Cardas website to see that they are doing their part. Go to their website and you'll see their director, Angela Cardas, wearing a mask. If you click on the Cardas Nautilus logo in the upper left corner, you'll see pictures of people there in the factory making masks with sewing machines. I called the company to congratulate them, and spoke with a woman named Darla, who said it was their way, during this economic slump, to keep their employees working and also their way of trying to "do our part."
I'm not writing all this to advertise Cardas products. They are a very good company, but trust your ears, not anything I write, when it comes to buying their products. They do get credit, however, for helping me come to a realization that pushed me in the right direction. I called a woman I am friends with, who is 85 years old and is a good seamstress, to suggest she start making masks. She already was--and is. By phone she has organized several other women to do the same, and right now they are needing more material and elastic. I managed to gather about 50 pounds of material and am starting to gather elastic while also getting more material. But I don't sew. I can't help out with that. Any ideas as to what we--all of us who are good with our ears and focused with our budgets--can do to help out in other ways?

I realize this is an odd topic to bring to an audio forum, but it was a very socially responsible audio company that got me to thinking about it, and frankly I believe I should be socially responsible enough to do what I can to get other people to thinking about it. While also being open to other people's ideas about ways someone like me who is "just an audiophile" can help.

Thank you, in advance, for any and all ideas on this.

Wow!  Things are finally looking up around here.  Someone quoting Jean-Paul Sartre (asvjerry, albeit unknowingly??).  For a really uplifting read, try "Huis clos".
I hate to spoil the ending, and a couple here surely won't like it,... The Devil loses!
"Wear a damn mask when you go out!
A very minor inconvenience, for the collective benefit of all."
As James Dean was supposed to say "the life you save may be your own".

Or even, as he said, "the life you save may be mine".

I forgot who it was, but to the poster who had to help Elvis with aliens. Do you mind asking if I can stop by for an autograph? I got Chuck Berry, I got Kris Kristofferson, I am missing Elvis and then I am practically done.
Do you really want to help?

1) Wear a damn mask when you go out!
A very minor inconvenience, for the collective health benefit of all.

2) STOP spouting idiotic foolishness that it’s all somehow a hoax and conspiracy.
You’re making yourselves look like ignorant fools.

3) Avoid crowds and maskless gatherings. These people are confirmed selfish, ignorant fools.

It’s not hard, it’s common sense. If which some of you seem to completely lack.
People dont have education nor the freedom to choose the best for themselves...

The education is most of the time annihilated by technology and easy playings games....Even "news" are bits for small brain gamers...

The more easy road is believing what most around you of the same age believes in any society....

There is no easy road and free travel to knowledge....Even for a pharaoh....Painful dedication and search for truth are not replaceable by pills or chips in the brain except for the deluded....

Books cannot be replaced by computers....

Living trees and books are more precious than money.....We can recreate civilization with trees and books not with money only....Money buy nothing except perhaps the daily bread if there is some to buy, nothing more ,except deceptions and illusions....

« Ptolemy I, king of Egypt, asked Euclid "if there was in geometry any shorter way than that of the Elements, and he answered that there was no royal road to geometry.» -from the net....
The only thing I have learned from this thread are there are a lot of members in these forums who are very racist, believe in white privilege, believe only white lives matter, believe in fake news vs the real news, love Russia and dictators, think their rights are more important than wearing a mask to protect others. They are also people who lack any kind of empathy, believe the government is coming after their so precious guns ( I do not own one and never will) and believe in every conspiracy story known to man. Unfortunately, my son is like you in his beliefs and that hurts me greatly as it makes me feel I failed him as his father.

I also have learned that none of you would ever be welcome in my home and that I will no longer read any of your responses in any thread. You are part of the problem in this country. Perhaps when DT cuts Medicaid and SSI, people who are disabled or can’t work due to health reasons and depend on that source of income will see the light. You are a sorry group of people. Hillary said it best, you truly are deplorables. May God help us all.
I have reviewed your first number of many, which tell all. I agree with you in one area. Your post are the least fulfilling. You are not worth any further attention. Good luck.
In a way I have enjoyed this thread, but it is time for me to leave. I do want to say before parting that much has been said about who we are as a people in this country. What do we really stand for? The upcoming election will tell us. If the majority of the country re-elects the current occupant of the White House then we are apparently a country that believes immigrants are disease carrying, drug smuggling murderers and rapists, people of color come from s...hole countries, and confederate flags and monuments are symbols of honor and heritage not hatred. I am hoping we will show ourselves to be better than that. Let's not forget that a plurality of the country actually voted for the Democratic nominee. Since then the Republican party has steadily shrunk as people have grown tired of the divisiveness, nepotism, cronyism, disregard for law,  and the incompetence currently on display. That doesn't bode well for his re-election chances. But then, there's Russia, so who knows.

I'm going to check out the jazz thread and also see if I can find some devoted to classical music. Those of you who care about facts and science and form your opinions from them, and aren't ruled by emotions and prejudices keep up the good fight. Millercarbon; BLACK LIVES MATTER!!!!
Post removed 
mike, I credit that you are aware who he was, again I suggest investigating into this further.
For those who does not believe Covid19 good luck to you, If you will get big  viral dose on this virus your body will be miserable a, you might even die, google Richard Quest he got it, According to Him I think his neurological function was affected, This virus kills.I don’t understand why some doctors don’t get it.
You are clearly missing the point. You will continue to keep yourself in the dark, this way. No offense intended.
Werhner Von Braun's headstone say's only: "Psalms 19:1". For those who aren't familiar who he is, research him. Read that Passage from the Bible. Understand what the Firmament is. Now, the big question is: Why would he choose that as his parting words? Honestly, look into that.

’phd, I’m sorry to say that you are wasting your time attempting to enlighten some. As Yogi Berra said: "There are some people who, if they don’t know already, you can’t tell ’em". I’m afraid some people still have their eyes glued to the mainstream news TV despite what the President constantly warns against. Fake News. Folks!!’

Nothing to argue with there, but isn’t it always too early to give up on the communication and exchange of ideas?

Aren’t the ones in the wrong, those who seek to distort this exchange via propaganda and censorship?

Common values such as mutual respect and civilized behaviour should be required of everyone, shouldn’t they?

We all know how privileged we are to be living in the western world, don’t we?

As I see it unfortunately the world remains largely tribal, different vested interests in competition. The history of the world is largely one of conflicting tribal interests isn’t it?

In fact those of us without any financial interests involved here on AG could also be deemed a loosely affiliated tribe ourselves, couldn’t we?

Most of us are willing to share our experiences and knowledge via a common language and a common interest for a common good.

Namely a standard of excellence in the reproduction of sound recordings. Unfortunately our tribe has always lacked significant influence and is still generally ignored by the recording industry.

Not that we audiophiles always help our cause by some of our antics.
cal, The "Jazz for aficionados" has everyone getting along graciously, more so than any other long running thread. It is about the Love of music, (good music, my favorite:) The majority of my Jazz collection is of Black artists. I am a White male. Second favorite is Classical music. Some groups, whom I consider as trouble makers, use any "situation" to advance their agenda. They'd say "your statement of being white and liking black music is racist"! OR. "You like Classical music, you're a white-supremist. Either way. The elite-crowd want's us all at odds with each other in one way or another, so we don't have time to spend understanding truths.
Our personal world views are laid bare in these posts. On one side there are people who are driven by emotion, mostly negative, and their deeply imbedded prejudices. Many white males in this country are angry because they believe their country is being taken away from them by the changing demographics. But I have yet to hear one of these angry white men explain in a non-emotional, fact-based, prejudice-free way what exactly they are angry about. As a white American male I am well aware that I have enjoyed white privilege my entire life. These angry white men either; are in denial of the advantages they have had, or believe that that is the way it should be.  On the other side we have posters who share the view that all people are human beings deserving of respect and dignity. We believe that to live up to the ideals put forth by the founding fathers in the creation of this great experiment called the United States, there should be a level playing field for everyone residing in the country. That has historically not been the case. Treat ALL people with the respect they deserve as members of the human race and give everyone equal opportunity. That's all I'm saying. It seems pretty simple to me when you take it logically. A little Paul Simon influence there.
phd, I'm sorry to say that you are wasting your time attempting to enlighten some. As Yogi Berra said: "There are some people who, if they don't know already, you can't tell 'em". I'm afraid some people still have their eyes glued to the mainstream news TV despite what the President constantly warns against. Fake News. Folks!! 
We're being trolled. Are you having fun phd? I was right from the beginning about you. I am no longer reading any of your posts. While some of the things being said on this thread are pretty outrageous, for the most part the people seem sincere in their beliefs. I have no problem with that. But you, phd, are just jerking us around for fun. Nobody can honestly believe some of the nonsense you are writing. I know I said I was not going to be insulting, but I don't like it when people mislead others for their own amusement. Anybody agree? A guy named mahlman did the same on a thread about who should be called an audiophile. Got a lot of people believing he was serious. Millercarbon even came to his defense. He was just jerking people around for his own perverse pleasure. Is that you mahlman?
(If you don't recognise that 'handle', ask around....)

I've had enough of this and others for the night....
@phd....(which I find presumptive...)

So....the conservatives rig the game to allow themselves to siphon off enormous amounts of cash, claim it's all the fault of the progressive/liberal excess.

Leave the wreckage for the p/l side of the equation to repair the damage, so the conservatives can run their scenario yet again...

Meanwhile, the status of any or all nations is subject to this cycle that generally degrades all of the societies involved.  This leads to conflicts, both political and physical (a.k.a., 'wars'), that leads to poisoning any attempts to 'get everyone on the same page' to keep from trashing the planet.

That's just ducky... :(
au_leit, I'm taking a few notes my self along the way. I thought that some of you audiophiles were not that dumbed down. Why do you think the Democrats have spent countless hours trying to impeach Trump for 3 and a half years over false accusations like Russian collusion and many other charges when in fact that's exactly what they were guilty of. They had an insurance policy to get rid of him before he was sworn into office but they failed to impeach him on all accounts. How many times have they tried to kill him but failed because he was not protected by the secret service but rather the marine corp.If you look at the timing of the release of the Covid 19 virus it seemed like another progression for them to destroy the economy and destroy him. My mind works that way because I observe. The hoax is the virus is not as bad as they claim but if too many people believe that way, they will come up with something else to make it worse the ever.
"Hell is other humans."

Yep, sound travels through holes quite successfully....ear canals, mouths, noses.....and occasionally....ones' anus.

Making sense of the first 2 is likely the most problematic for the bulk of humanity, since senselessness (I love that word...a plethora of sibilance...) seems to be the easiest response to invoke....

We know what we want....but we don't know what to want.

My biggest concern of late is that we as a species seem hell-bent on making the 'End Times' scenario of the radical Christians a priority.
WTF?!  Seems a rather stupid thing to want....

"Glory to God, lets' all die!" Fine...take your mask off, and go lick the eyeballs of someone who tested +....

The population needs to be 'weeded out' a tad....Social Darwinism in action, even if on an unconscious level....not to mention a clueless level.

(*L* Since y'all seem to be having so much fun muck-raking each other, I just wanted to wade in to the murk and count the 'floaters'....) ;)
au_lait, yes I believe your telling the truth because this virus effects mostly older people with compromised immune systems much more then the young. How many thousands of people die from the common flu virus every year. We never shut the whole country down over that. I'm suggesting that the Covid 19 is no worse then the common flu but can be deadly to the vulnerable.
Pretty sad and insulting to be asked for receipts for dead peers. I’m a musician, before Covid I was touring constantly. I actually got Covid on a flight home from Berlin. Since then, it’s gone from scary to absolutely dark. And yes, I’ve lost close friends, far friends, and friends of friends. It’s exponential. So forgive if I have zero patience for self righteous tinfoil-hat skeptics masquerading as “critical thinkers”. Next you’ll say Antifa is a terrorist organization and “all lives matter.” I suggest easing up on watching the news and trying on some outside perspectives for size. I’m only 42, bit I’ve been very much around, and sorry, but the situation we’re in is nothing to be proud of.

I actually do appreciate this thread though, as it’s weeded out the opinions of whom I’ll take less seriously moving forward.

Mahgister, I like your statement that freedom is a load for most, they want chains, well said, I will remember that piece of wisdom.
I will add another piece of wisdom, until all of us wake up, nothing will change, it will just keep getting worse. They fear that day might occur, because it will be their end.
thecarpathion, thanks for the summary I didn't say you should believe me but if for one brief moment you thought this could be true you might actually look into this and remove yourself from your security blanket. I'm not here to convince you of what I said but to allow you to understand that there are millions of people waking up. It's called "The Great Awakening"
No one is winning.... You are free to create your own reality.... I dont have faith in idols.... And a punishing god is ridiculous idea, a primitive one indeed...My God is the absolute love....

Consciousness only exist.... Matter is a 19 century scientist superstition.... Modern science is no more there....

My only "religious" experience is the infinity of an all encompassing consciousness.... I trust mathematics not the priests of any religion.... And i trust my own consciousness....And i trust the all encompassing consciousness that is yours also...

Mathematics is only a fixed photograph of the universal cellulars living infinite memory.... This is the true divine for me....God is Absolute.... Not a thing....God is pure love not a limited individuality....Only God exist then you exist through "him" and with "him"....You are free then you create hell for yourself with hate and dissipate it with love.... Simple....Awake yourself and decide which way you will create with whom you will side, Truth or idols....

Freedom is too heavy load for most.... They want chains or scapegoats....The truth is we are all responsible for all there is ....

Death dont exist but freedom exist.....Most think in reverse of the Truth....They think that freedom dont exist and that death is real....They dont have faith in themselves at all....Loving ourself and our neighbor in the same manner is the only absolute law....

We are lucky we live the times that are changi’in before our eyes like in Bob Dylan song....

Ok i calm down.... :)

mahgister, calm down, I see what your saying, that for you, hell and heaven is in your mind. I want to ask you which one is winning?
They recorded nothing. It is a hoax, man. It has been proven to be a hoax over 20 years ago.
There were no voices.
There was no flying evil creature.
There was no microphone.
There is no getting through to you.
Believe in your foolishness.
Believe in your conspiracies.
Believe in whatever you choose to believe.
Believe that you are right and the rest of the rational, clear thinking world is wrong.
Sound, like reality, also travels through an empty head.
Have fun in your delusional little world.

thecarpathion, why would you practice safety for an illusion because many don't know this could be an illusion. And some are from the camp I will be completely complicit because I want to show my obedience to the main stream mocking bird news. Or just in case until someone with credentials tells me other wise.
Mahgistor just because you don’t believe in hell doesn’t mean its going to cease to exist for your convenience.
You dont read me in the right way.... i believe hell exist but is a creation of consciousness not of God.....My God dont wrote books and dont have beard....My faith is the faith of an old man without church, and not the faith of a children anymore....I trust God not religions...

You can write mahgister :)

By the way the economy was already destroyed before the covid crisis.....Dont read the dow Jones like Trump read it.... Read a little bit more than news or ideology....