Can't we all just get along?

I have not been a member for a very long time, and joined Agon to discuss audio with others in my hobby. Seems to me that almost every post devolves into a hijacked  negative argument between a few members that seem to think it's their platform to preach their opinions to any who would listen, and any dissent to what they have to say is met with ridicule/insults, and just downright rudeness.

There will always be differences in opinion, BUT, we can be civilized in how we disagree.

There is already too much negativity in the world. Is it not possible to insulate that from our hobby in this forum, or is this what we have become? Hiding behind our keyboards and not having the courtesy to treat our fellow audio lovers with decency, open-mindedness, and RESPECT !


@georgehifi  Well, it is what it is, so to speak. Nothing wrong with that. Some feathers are easier to "ruffle" than others. LOL Luckily for me, I have thick alligator skin!! All my feathers were plucked many brain cells ago!! Perhaps a bit of a contradiction to my post, but I'm coming at this today with my typically absurd sense of humour completely  intact. I try to take myself even less seriously than everybody else does. (Mostly)

 I see this is still coming up in "Tech" as opposed to "Misc". I guess it takes a day or two?

Have a great evening George

Cheers Eddy, always the straight shooting diplomat, some here don't like it, as it ruffles their feathers.

Cheers George 

@georgehifi  Huh, well that was easy enough !! It's in their hands now, so lets see what happens now. Geez, and I thought I would not learn anything new today !! LOL

Cheers George

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Hi  crazyeddy, all you do is hover your mouse at the bottom right corner of your last post, and a report this will pop up, click on it and let them know your the OP (original poster) and you wish to have the whole thread moved to "Misc Audio"

Thanks and Cheers George
@georgehifi  I just picked what I thought was the least specific forum. Didn't notice Misc Audio.  I have no problem having it moved, if it is annoying to some, but I don't know how. Can you advise me on the way to have the mods change it's location? Please keep in mind that I have not been a long time member, and I am still experiencing a bit of a learning curve within the navigation of Agon.
crazyeddy OP
Hi, why did you start this in the "Tech Forum" there's not one iota of tech info being talked about, it's over ridding good tech talk, do us a favour and ask the mods to move it to "Misc Audio".

Cheers George 
Talking about baseball is very different than giving advice on what audio gear to spend ones hard earned money on. That would be more akin to suggesting to a player which bat to use.
I think that's a faulty analogy. For the most part, this forum swaps experiences and opinions among fellow audiophiles, not engineers and manufacturers. This is a hobbyist's group. Yes, there are professionals who participate here, just as a baseball coach might be a guest on talk radio. But I don't think the pros come to Audiogon for guidance on their designs.

It's up to each reader to evaluate the opinions of the contributors here. Everyone gets to make up his own mind, and that's why everyone here deserves respect. If there are those you can't respect, it's best to just ignore them.

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+1. I am from Chicago.

We like to vote early and vote often +2 

blindjim > Started feeding 1 feral cat. Now I have 10. Food and Vet bills are cutting into my audio funds. I think I can register the Cat herd in Chicago; +3
Viridian > I have had posts removed, and been censured by our moderators, presumably at the behest of other members

Blindjim > I don’t know exactly how to ask a moderator to delete a members post. In fact I had to ask another member to contact Admin for me a good while back on another matter as I could not navigate the page well enough.

I do know for a fact, moderators will act entirely on their own volition to delete posts or threads without any feedback or request from members.

Everything we do has consequences. Some good, some not good. If I felt I needed to beat a drum for whatever reason and my thoughts were being erased, I’d reconsider how I presented them. But that’s just me.

As for the qualifications to share experiences and opinions, Randy just said it pretty well. I’d only add it takes no scholarly education to provide either one or at any time, or for any subject.

I’d not forget, this is a social forum, not a clinical project or strategic think tank and as such, the bar for membership is low.

Setting unrealistic expectations upon those who wish to be helpful will very likely amount to increased internal aggravation and irritation.

The bar for social decorum within forums is lowered by whomever believes it is OK or even necessary to act discordantly, disrespectfully or inconsiderately among their fellows. Again, that’s just my two cents.

Saying what I mean, meaning what I say, and not saying it mean, usually directs traffic down a smoother broader highway.

= = = = = = = = =

Asvjerry > "Do we Always have to speak of 'things Audio' Constantly?"

Blindjim > I hope not.
= = = = = = = = = = =

When folks talk about baseball, no one expects them to have been a former MLB batting champion, major league ball club Manageer, pitching coach, or professional player.

With cars people talk about which is best, better, or worse without the need for any qualifications what so ever.

Cooking, model ship building, art, jewelry, cock roach racing, or herding cats takes no higher education to become an interest or devotion. It takes but a pot, some paint, or more than six cats. Yeah, it’s a small herd, but ya gotta start small with cat herds. Trust me.

IME its been proven time and again, people will always reveal themselves. At some point. In due course. Often it comes quite regularly with snipets of personal insights, historical inferences and professed biases and preferences. One only has to pay attention to see how ernest, sincere, or maybe ‘qualified’ someone is on any given subject.

Beyond all the White paper technical data is the application of the design or implementation of the theory. On these accounts many are qualified to respond. In fact, but a few are indeed able to account for particular combinations of equipment as their experiences have demonstrated. No designer, technician,dealer, distributor, or service agent regardless their credentials could ever supply commensurate useful information.

Sometimes to get out of a hole, a person needs someone who has been in that same hole before and found their way out.

It don’t take a geologist to know the lay of the land. Merely walking around it a good bit will suffice.

One thing that would help us all to understand the perspective of each individual posting here would be if everyone would post pics and descriptions of their system(s) in the virtual systems here on A’Gon.
I agree. You never know when you might be reading about cable advice from someone who listens through.......a Walkman.
Blindjim....*VBS*  If it wasn't for my sense of humour, Life (...what a Concept...*phew*...) as I've experienced It overall for the past 66 orbits, may not have gone on as long as it has....;)

I don't aircraft tumbling into the weeds next door, granted.  But, when all is said/done....Exciting, wasn't it? *G*  Being lucky, the pilot and YOU...frosting on the cake....and it took some of the edge off the balance of a dismal day...*nudge*G*

"Do we Always have to speak of 'things Audio' Constantly?"

Only if we devolve into 'audio as religion'....acolytes attending altars arranged accurately as absolutely attainable....

The unwashed NOT INVITED....Philistines....

Do Not Laugh.  SILENCE....until the cartridge....descends.....

...sounds a little dismal...gadget worship, applied to cars and other of such...

The pursuit of ones' goals and desires, OK.   You have yours, I have mine, he/she/'they' have...well, theirs....*G*

...but if we can't laugh at it, find something amusing in the abstract about the Big Stuff or the 'fiddly bits', share that to some degree...'s gotten too dour IMHO.... and color me gone. ;)

@hifiman5 +1!!! I said this same thing before, seeing someones system would give some reference to the opinions posted. Its a good start to make this forum a bit more user-friendly. 

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One thing that would help us all to understand the perspective of each individual posting here would be if everyone would post pics and descriptions of their system(s) in the virtual systems here on A’Gon.
well, that's the problem, yes

can you offer titles of some courses to get the technical background to offer constructive input on some of the topics in play here?
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Thanks. made sense to me.

revealing and or supporting your words with your own work history can be as quickly or capriciously dismissed as was the time it took you to type it... by some. Similarly, current personal events can be as reflectively oneroused by a few.

as was said , Thicker skins should be worn in toxic environments as we search for precious stones.

@asp307  Thanks, I pick up the Manley tomorrow .I hope I like it too !!!!


Have a great evening :)


Where/when in Canada will you be coming? If you happen to be in the Greater Toronto region let me know. Perhaps we can have lunch.

@blindjim "

Interjecting or trying to infuse a bit of humor isn’t a bad thing at all. Anything however can become monotonous and eventually disparaging if it becomes chronic, inane, or mindless.

Texture. Its how much or how little we reveal ourselves to others that adds depth and feeling to the discourse at hand.

I could not agree more. I think a good bit of levity is good for the soul, and the "texture" of what we type should (perhaps) tell a little about ourselves, as individuals, so as to let the reader have a bit of a grasp on our personality. Just my thoughts, for whatever they're worth :)

@crazyeddy > have you considered that your dryer may perhaps be in league with these scoundrels ?? Trying to get you out of your house.....

Blindjim > I’m uncertain at this point if the Maytag is ‘possessed’. I feel it is simply cruel. Albeit, I’m not blameless either. Keeping cookies out of the office would help keep the clothes from shrinking, I think. Maybe. Lil’ bit.

The Thugs used to bang on the windows, ring the doorbells, even start fires in the trash cans, all to get me to come out and ‘play’. If I lived in TX, I would have. Here, its another story so I wait for them inside.

Adding exterior lighting, and a monitored security system helped.

I’m pretty sure taking a couple hours to clean one of my larger deterrents while sitting on my porch in plain view of these idiots sent a fairly clear message. That, and knowing some people in my local law enforcement administration ultimately culled the heard… or has, thus far. I think.

Fingers crossed!!

= = = = =

@asvjerry > you might have to engage in some 'creative interior decoration'....

Blindjim > things have certainly changed. Inside and out. One might call it decorating. Thanks for the ideas.
= = = = = = =

@kosst_amojan > Can somebody explain to me how this topic is technical talk? Would I be mistaken in thinking these threads are just soap boxes?

Blindjim > these things come in waves. Maybe the next wave will drag us back onto the technical rationale of the human experience as it exists under duress and enormous stresses. The soapboxes are only there to keep our heads above the prevailing water levels the inadvertent flooding has provided.

. All work and no play ….. we all know that one and how it turns out.
= = = = = = =

Everyone has this option:
Skip what this or that person’s remarks are when they see their handle in a thread.


We could all simply lighten up a bit and practice tolerance.

Interjecting or trying to infuse a bit of humor isn’t a bad thing at all. Anything however can become monotonous and eventually disparaging if it becomes chronic, inane, or mindless.

Texture. Its how much or how little we reveal ourselves to others that adds depth and feeling to the discourse at hand.

Reading how many electrons move or don’t move, how deep the bit depth is, or how extended the dynamic range is with this sampling rate or that, without relief at all, is boring stuff.

IMHO, Reading another person’s experiences with this or that, and how they merged or set it up here or there, now that has more tangibility. Its easier to relate to practical things than sheer theory and self declared specifications for this piece or that.
Another member made a significant point recently on these pages as they said, to know the review or device best one should find out about the writer or designer.

@hifiman5  No property damage at all. It's just a wide open field behind the shop. Had he come down another few second later, well, it would have been quite bad for all as he was heading towards my building.

@blindjim  Sounds like you had neighborhood was quite sketchy in the past. Can't imagine the stress with the constant worry of the local druggies possible breaking in to your home. Sounds like you've got it under control now. Good for you!

Now, have you considered that your dryer may perhaps be in league with these scoundrels ?? Trying to get you out of your house..... You know, appliances are untrustworthy at the best of times

crazyeddie, sounds like (IMHO) on the 'plane event day', after That series of episodes, I'd have called it 'A Day' and tried to go home without any further excitement.   And made sure that any 'cold one' ( or more...) was in aluminum instead of glass.... ;) *G*

blindjim....Retaliate...clotheslines.  *G*  'Course, with crackheads and junkies around, you might have to engage in some 'creative interior decoration'....  Perhaps a new 'take' on 'acoustic modeling'?

"Hanes cotton segmented acoustic panels'....staggered arrays....;)

Sorry....couldn't resist....*G*

I have a personal tendency to try to find some humour 'midst what seems to me to be a more 'relaxed' forum, as noted 'above'....  There's enough 'serious things' happening about us already,  I try to make my 'audio experience'  a Hobby, even a form of Escape....not a Religion...

I have my opinions, Sure.  They may/may not agree with yours,  That's quite normal and pretty much expected with any subject.  If some enjoy 'discussing' the fine points of  cable X v. cable Z to however many pages one who care to carry it on to...well, cool, have at it....

I hang around here to see what other's are thinking, what's 'hot' or not, learn what To or Not Do, and generally try to have a pleasant time.  Toss out a comment or quip, try to 'seem intelligent', keep the 'soapbox time'  to a tolerable minimum, and remember PEBKAC.

Problem Exists Between Keyboard And Chair.

...that hasn't, nor will, ever change....;) 

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@Crazyeddy > I can assure you that they would be seeing the dentist the next day

Blindjim > the issue there is that the exact same people would not act the exact same way in person. I’d bet on it.

= = = = =

@Whart > Many were these meek individuals in person, but had an entirely different persona behind a keyboard.
> people don’t intend to sound snarky or harsh, but it comes off that way. (True of email too

Blindjimn > exactlyI said that in another post recently. Thanks for saying it here.

= = == = = =

Taking the high road is the key IMHO. It is difficult though to ignore blasts from the ill informed or missed inference which explodes from someone not realizing only a portion of a post was pertinent to them, yet they respond as if all of it was directed right at them. Or are goaded into flaming on from their other ill informed cronies..

It was not this way in the past. Anger is an attribute of displayed fear. We fear what we don’t know or are unfamiliar.

Although a plane did not abruptly land in my back yard, nor could it unless it came in nose first straight down, I’ve had some real issues with junkies or crack heads openly selling dope on the corner near my house, or right in front of it at times. Braking into the abandoned house next door routinely for whatever purposes.

I report idiots like these as it is necessary. They don’t care for that at all and have caused me enormous strife for an extended period.

3 times while I was home, these fools tried busting down my door to get in. all I had to defend myself with was a broom at first. It’s a little different now and I think they know it.

It sucks to sleep on the floor. Or with a weapon. Or be armed to just walk out to the road to check your snail mail.

The worst part of it is how long the stress from those invasions lasts. Astonishingly long in fact.

Standing up to the dopers finally got them out of my hair two years later on. Not the local authorities.

Last Friday night, 12.30am, four people began banging on my doors and windows. Yelling and screaming! Get up? Your house is on fire!!

What? Fire? Seriously? Holy…..

I get to the main entryway with a strong deterrent at my side and yell back asking who is there? Voices say Deputies!

They didn’t sound like crack heads so I slid the deterrant under a chair cushion and opened the door. Sure enough. Cops. Many of them saying get out of the house! Its on fire!

Well, crap. Where? Where’s the fire? I said.

They said by the door!

I was doing laundry. Running the dryer. It was about 40F and clouds of condensate was pouring out of the vent. This is what someone mistook as smoke from a house on fire and called the cops. Then two fire wagons pulled up and another wave of responders barged in throwing things around going thru the whole house. Shheessh.

What a mess they made. What a trip.

Now my dryer knows I hate it. Why? Because it is silently, covertly shrinking my clothes.

The evidence is overwhelming. All I want is a sincere apology. It stubbornly stands on the fifth and refuses to incriminate itself. Won’t say a word. Nada.

Knowing my dislike for the appliance is strong, I’ll bet it took the opportunity to billow out more smoke like clouds than usual, just to attract attention and ruin my evening!

Despite the fact there may be a small point of possible culpability on my behalf, I’m gonna focus my ire on the dryer. It works for me. Dumb dryer!! Probably would have been a life long criminal were it human.

On second Tomcy6 says...just don't do it...again.  Leave it at that.
Tomcy6 +10...he (not so) subtly jammed it in there...assuming, in his insulated world (where everyone HE knows agrees with him ...secretly, probably only to stop him from whining) that everyone would be in agreement.

If he had any clue...he’d know, It started way before the demarcation convenient to his world view.

The fastest way to turn a forum into an all-out brawl is to introduce politics into the mix. Please don’t do it again.
@tooblue the OP answered your question for me.

to Crazyeddy, we definitely all have them. Hope things got straightened out and that you enjoy the Manley...

I appreciate your initial post and the explanation of your "bad day". We've all had them and manning up about it is appreciated.


I also appreciate your initial contribution as well as your humor above. The rat race often contributes in a negative way to our interactions. I've been to a few places where people are indeed "pretty gracious" and I want to relocate in hopes I'll become more gracious myself.

Crazyeddy, thanks for starting the thread. I hope it infects us all.
@crazyeddy- You did what any sane person would have done after a day like that- logged on to the Internet. :) 
Glad to hear all is OK. 

With all of that in mind, you deserve a cold beer...or six!

I will be visiting your wonderful Canadian winter for work very soon...can’t wait!

Kudos to you for manning up and sharing your bad day....can’t say as ever had a plane crash in my back yard, nope.
@crazyeddy   Holy Crap!  Good for you for turning yesterday's lemons into today's lemonade!!  How much property damage did you suffer from the plan crash?🛩
@crazyeddy I think when an airplane crashes in your backyard all bets are off in every aspect of life. Glad to hear it all turned out ok and also good to see you are the kind of person who can admit being wrong. It's a very rare trait these days. Have a nice relaxing evening!
I understand the original post and it's intention and spirit I think. I remember when it wasn't so controversial and antagonistic on here. 

I've not been a victim that I can remember, but I'm just a neophyte.

Hope you all enjoy the Holidays!


I did not get to see the full post you made, and would like to see the whole thing. Don't worry about being judgmental or harsh. If you get too far out of line, well, I may just have to tell Bo where you are !!

Now you will have to be nice :)


I think one of your comments in regards to my moniker may have been Kyboshed by the moderators. My skin is thick, and I have a great sense of humor as well. Please try again.