Brothers from another Mother ?

   My wife and I attended the Tampa show two years ago and found  'Horn' speakers to be to our liking .
So , we have been trying to find something that will fit in our 13' X 24' rec room , look decent and give us
that 'Horn' sound that we desire . I would also like something that is efficient enough for SET and Class A  amplification . We currently have a Primaluna Dialogue Premium integrated amp .
   I have been reading about the Klipsch Forte 4 and the Volti Razz . These two seem to be more alike than different . About all that I can tell is different solutions to bass management . Klipsch's rear radiator and Volti's
front ports . Both are able to meet our requirement of close to the wall behind them , about a foot or less .
   We are not able to audition anything so have been relying on "You tube" vid's and written reviews . I know , but it is all that we are able to do !
   A reviewer has a "You tube" video comparing the Klipsch Heresy 4 , Forte 4 and La Scala 5's . In that review he 
plays all three speakers with the same equipment and song for each . My wife preferred the Forte 4 over the Heresy 4 . She stated that the Heresy 4 had too much energy up top and it was harder to understand the lyrics  as compared to the Forte 4 , we won't consider the La Scala's . I thought that the Heresy 4's were quite good on the vocals putting them up front and the instruments in the background , sort of . Whereas the Forte 4's kind of recessed the midrange/lyrics to be equal to the bass and treble . Sort of all areas of bass , midrange and treble to be on an equal plane . This was through both existing speakers and headphones . ( I  don't understand the difference but that is for another thread ! )
   Can anyone help with how the Volti Razz would compare to the Klipsch Heresy 4 and/or Forte 4 ?

   Thank you for your contributions and be Safe .

Hello saki70.  Your amps will be just fine with the speakers you mention. Enjoy the music!
I had owned several pair of Klipaxh in the past most notably the CF 4 and all were good. I had a bunch of different brands over the years , then on a whim I picked up a pair of Heresy III. They were such a great speaker I HAD to hear the Heresy IV. For me, with my trade in I thought it would have been a lateral move to buy the Heresy IV and just went all in on the Forte IV
Ozzy, that’s great....   a bucket list speaker for sure.  Enjoy.  Please post some pics and impressions 
We do have space constraints . Height in the 40's , width in the teens
and depth in the low teens . These are measured in inches .
This would rule out the Cornwall's and the La Scala's .
I already have decent stand mounts and they ain't gettin' it in this
larger room of 13 X 24 feet . No subs desired .

Happy Tunes and Be Safe .
wsrrsw ;
   Strange that you would speak of the Tannoy offerings .
If we don't decide on which quasi-horn speaker then we were
going to try either the Cheviot's or the Stirling's .
Great minds think alike !

Be Safe 
P. S. You may also want to check into benchmark electronics to drive those Klipsch speakers! I know the SET’s are all the rage, but trust me the benchmark lights them up in a way that will surprise and deeply satisfy!
If you can please listen to Tannoy's offerings. IMO they look great as well.
I agree with @bouncehit. If you have the room, la scalas are the way to go. Or at least a pair of Cornwall IVs.

Open your mind to the La Scala. Thy ate in a completely different league. I recently sold my AL5’s and bought AG Duo Omega G2’s (which are stupendous) BUT I really wish I’d kept the Klipsch as well. Alas, no place to store them. P.S. One of the best systems I ever heard, and I was once affiliated with the industry and have heard most everything, used KLIPSCH horns!
You should listen to the JBL HDI series. $2000 for a pair of bookshelf speakers that seem to run nicely on lower wattage. Very good sound. Off Axis response sounded great too. 
Just brought home a pair of La Scala IIs. To say I'm gobsmacked is an understatement...
To all of you Forte 4 owners ... do you find the treble , midrange and bass to be equally represented ?
Or do the Forte's accentuate one particular area of sound more than others ?

Happy tunes and be Safe .
So actually I just was buying a sound bar for my daughter....but naturally I wanted to hear the Heresy IV ...I had heard the Cornwall IV and they are awesome e but too big ... for me anyway.   I would buy them if space allowed. 

So I hadn't heard a Forte in a long time and listened to the Forte III....  my dealer told me the Forte IV was coming out which I waited for.   He only had demo III in stock .   The midrange is definitely the reason to buy the IV over the III....
@oddiofyl   I recently heard Ken Micallef say that the Forte IV's are a substantial improvement over the III's.  Have you heard the comparison with reflections of your own?  At some point I may want to trade my III's in for IV's - and I will probably just check them out at a dealer nearby.
Hello saki70, I would suggest having an open mind in any circumstance when considering making a selection.
Jumping right in - has a write up on Acapella ( as a brand other than listed ).
End Game? The Acapella Apollon - Part-Time Audiophile (
If you would take the time to navigate to the Acapella Audio Arts website you may find the Fidelio 2 model.
Being the only offering by Acapella that is similar in size / style / price.
Assuming that less than $ 7k is a price point for your consideration.
Please understand that I have zero first hand input for any of the listed " Horn " products.
My idea is have a look at other options in an effort to make an informed decision.
Without having the opportunity to demo ( in any manner ) any first hand input relies upon someone’s conclusion which should be yours alone.
Many factors play into how a product sounds.
I have the Forte IV and love them....   I have a had a number of Klipsch over the years and these are by far the best speakers I've ever owned.   

No doubt the Volti are built to a different standard so I'm sure the $5k pricing won't be around very long 

I bought the Forte IV , not even looking for a new speaker.....happened to listen to the Heresy IV.   I owned a pair of Heresy III.    So for $3k plus my speakers it was an easy decision.   

Small manufacturers are spread thin.  Give Volti another try.   One thing about Klipsch, always serviceable for years .  10 year warranty is a plus too.    I have heard the larger Volti years ago and they do make great speakers .   
Arafiq ;
   No , I wouldn't do that ! 
But it is the only thing that I saw which did that kind of comparing .
Are you saying that the difference's , that we observed , are not as 
we heard ?

Be Safe
If you have the room for them, Cornwall IV’s are the goldilocks of the Klipsch Heritage line IMO. I’m not a huge Klipsch fan except when it comes to the Cornwalls. There’s something really amazing going on there. I was really impressed with how balanced and engaging they sounded when I heard them at a dealer last year. 
And as for the reviewer you mentioned, beware that he falls in and out of love with audio gear faster than Usain Bolt sprinting. I hope you don’t base your decision on his reviews only. Good luck!
Thanks sns . I surmised that the upgrade situation was the main cause of the duplicity .
I sent Volti an email a few weeks ago with no response .

Be Safe .
Volti is like modded Klipsch, I'd expect Volti to be more refined than Klipsch. Greg, Volti principal, has been offering Klipsch upgrades such as crossovers and horns for quite awhile. He knows Klipsch well, and how to improve. I use his mid horns on my totally modded Klipschorns. I'd go with the Volti.
And yes, horns do have special qualities, sense of live performers in room unsurpassed. Being able to run on flea power is a great advantage, IMO. Low powered SET, 1st watt so important, many flavors available with different output tubes. Good choice of speaker either way.
I may have confused some with my description of the sound differences of the Heresy 4 and the Forte 4 .
What I meant was that the vocals were louder than the instrumentals
via the Heresy 4's . And the vocals were the same loudness as the instrumentals with Forte 4's .
Make sense ?

Happy Tunes .