Brothers from another Mother ?

   My wife and I attended the Tampa show two years ago and found  'Horn' speakers to be to our liking .
So , we have been trying to find something that will fit in our 13' X 24' rec room , look decent and give us
that 'Horn' sound that we desire . I would also like something that is efficient enough for SET and Class A  amplification . We currently have a Primaluna Dialogue Premium integrated amp .
   I have been reading about the Klipsch Forte 4 and the Volti Razz . These two seem to be more alike than different . About all that I can tell is different solutions to bass management . Klipsch's rear radiator and Volti's
front ports . Both are able to meet our requirement of close to the wall behind them , about a foot or less .
   We are not able to audition anything so have been relying on "You tube" vid's and written reviews . I know , but it is all that we are able to do !
   A reviewer has a "You tube" video comparing the Klipsch Heresy 4 , Forte 4 and La Scala 5's . In that review he 
plays all three speakers with the same equipment and song for each . My wife preferred the Forte 4 over the Heresy 4 . She stated that the Heresy 4 had too much energy up top and it was harder to understand the lyrics  as compared to the Forte 4 , we won't consider the La Scala's . I thought that the Heresy 4's were quite good on the vocals putting them up front and the instruments in the background , sort of . Whereas the Forte 4's kind of recessed the midrange/lyrics to be equal to the bass and treble . Sort of all areas of bass , midrange and treble to be on an equal plane . This was through both existing speakers and headphones . ( I  don't understand the difference but that is for another thread ! )
   Can anyone help with how the Volti Razz would compare to the Klipsch Heresy 4 and/or Forte 4 ?

   Thank you for your contributions and be Safe .


Showing 6 responses by saki70

I may have confused some with my description of the sound differences of the Heresy 4 and the Forte 4 .
What I meant was that the vocals were louder than the instrumentals
via the Heresy 4's . And the vocals were the same loudness as the instrumentals with Forte 4's .
Make sense ?

Happy Tunes .
Thanks sns . I surmised that the upgrade situation was the main cause of the duplicity .
I sent Volti an email a few weeks ago with no response .

Be Safe .
Arafiq ;
   No , I wouldn't do that ! 
But it is the only thing that I saw which did that kind of comparing .
Are you saying that the difference's , that we observed , are not as 
we heard ?

Be Safe
To all of you Forte 4 owners ... do you find the treble , midrange and bass to be equally represented ?
Or do the Forte's accentuate one particular area of sound more than others ?

Happy tunes and be Safe .
wsrrsw ;
   Strange that you would speak of the Tannoy offerings .
If we don't decide on which quasi-horn speaker then we were
going to try either the Cheviot's or the Stirling's .
Great minds think alike !

Be Safe 
We do have space constraints . Height in the 40's , width in the teens
and depth in the low teens . These are measured in inches .
This would rule out the Cornwall's and the La Scala's .
I already have decent stand mounts and they ain't gettin' it in this
larger room of 13 X 24 feet . No subs desired .

Happy Tunes and Be Safe .