Bob Carver Going Direct.

So BC is following the Raven, PS Audio business model.

Interesting bit about how he subs out the build of his amplifiers.



My first "good" amplifier probably 35 years or more ago was a Carver, A big black box that sat on an included thick piece of smoked glass. Special order from Washington State.   When I plugged it in, It was DOA.  I called the dealer and they of course wanted me to bring it back.  About 15 minutes later, the phone rings and it Bob Carver calling to apologize and to give me free advice on my setup.  A replacement unit was already on the way.  Yes I'm a fan.  

Also owned one of his subwoofer cubes and sold it years later for as much as I paid for it.  Speaking of tubes, still have a Carver C-19 hybrid preamp out in the garage as a backup for my C-J GAT, if anybody wants it.  What a creative guy.

"I heard him say that they have a lifetime guarantee. Maybe send them back?"


The "lifetime guarantee" is only valid, useful, and applicable for the life of the company not the life of the owner because Bob Carver keeps starting companies and closing companies and selling companies and changing names of companies it is obvious what is going on Bob may be truly  a genius how many others have done what he's done with so many companies.

many of his amplifiers catch fire as has been shown here it is something he tries to hide. 



I had a carver receiver that shot out a huge flame when it blew, I've had a few amps from other manufacturers blow that never shot out flames, just a popping noise and a little white smoke.

I heard him say that they have a lifetime guarantee. Maybe send them back?

many of his amplifiers catch fire as has been shown here it is something he tries to hide. 



I had a carver receiver that shot out a huge flame when it blew, I've had a few amps from other manufacturers blow that never shot out flames, just a popping noise and a little white smoke.

Bob Carver has owned many companies and each has been bought, sold, or gone out of business many of his amplifiers catch fire as has been shown here it is something he tries to hide. 






Company Number
Incorporation Date
22 November 2019 (about 2 years ago)
Company Type


Post removed 

For years Bob was a Solid State guy. What turned him on to tubes???


David Hafler may have influenced him and taught him how to wind transformers.



I purchased Carver's whole Phase Linear line of matching components not long after they came out after hearing them at a friend's house. After the friend played the Pink Floyd album with the heartbeat on it loudly I had to have them.. They looked great and sounded great together for forty plus years. I even went to his factory somewhere around Seattle about a half hour away to get his Phase Linear 4000 pre-amp serviced back in the early eighties.

My sister later acquired a matched set of his Carver equipment, the one the majestic looking black trapezoidal speakers, that served her well for years. For all he’s provided audiophiles over the years he deserves only the best returns at this point in his life. I still miss the the auto-correlator noise reducer on his Phase 4000.

Yeah....   not cool, especially dealing with the voltages that are within tube amps....mistakes can be deadly 

@oddiofyl , I get your point. But there must be someone in charge of production who decided to mount PCBs with glue instead of bolting them to the chassis.

OTOH, wiring the fuse to the wrong circuit sounds like shoddy workmanship to me. I realise this manufacturing may not even be at a Wyred 4 Sound facility.

Things are farmed out all the time, in every area of manufacturing.    Before pointing the finger at W4S  think about what their role is .   To build what what is spec'd in the B.O.M. .....  blame the bean counters on the build of materials.   

I thought $2795 was too good to be true for that amp

The PR says 'closure of Glass Audio America'. Isn't that Wyred 4 Sound, or at least their manufacturing arm?

What's going on FFS?


Money flows to me like a river. I never have to ask. I’ve already done my part.

I’m welcome in many homes and countries as a mater of fact..
I skip traced a few villains and good guys too. I ain’t no cherry!

Making money is real easy, keeping it is a different story.. Ask Bob Carver.

NOW about that Rolls and chauffeur, I’m lookin’ for one in the drive way any day now. Maybe I should just fly there and ask for one.. Easy enough, what can they say NO! So WHAT. Settle for a BSA 441 Victor and call it good until tomorrow and show up again and ask AGAIN.

PLEASE give me a NEW Rolls Royce. I can look pretty convincing too.

I talked a judge into having sex with me one time. I got 30 days afterwards though.. I kept sayin’ take that, you dog she was just mad because she started barkin’ and HOWLING.. Stupid judge.

Excuse me that was a HE. Spoiled sport anyways.. I made a lot of friend in those 30 days..


It is a shame that Bob let the quality get away from him by subcontracting.

As another great inventor and businessman once said.

”Never put your name to anything that one day you will be ashamed of”

Henry Timken “


I Concur … the output transformers on his own build amplifiers are of epic build and winding topology … Made his competition like Mackintosh sound like Mid Fi pleasant enough sounding AV equipment

I agree and it's to bad that there have been some alleged quality issues with the current builder.

Hope @oldhvymec buddy gets it all working his way and make Billions even Trillions of dollars.


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Thanks, good to know. I knew Mr. Carver would come through;👍 I've loved his older equipment.

it is interesting to note that ej sarmento and w4s are well known to make solid, high value, well engineered, well made products under their own name

i guess we will never know the details regarding the crimson amp, but if one knows anything about the contract manufacturing world (which is vast, global, involving players big and small, high and low, skilled and unskilled), one knows that a brand owner/client can have numerous contract makers, shift and move production many times, do prototyping in one place, volume ramp up in another... it is not so simple, details matter, generalities often meaningless, exceptions are the issue

Post removed 

It is a shame that Bob let the quality get away from him by subcontracting.

As another great inventor and businessman once said.

”Never put your name to anything that one day you will be ashamed of”

Henry Timken

Plan is for Bob to keep designing and manufacturing by others, wyred 4 sound is one of the manufacturers, supply chain is defiantly a  problem. I believe they have some new products in pipe line, I wish them all the best. As far as Crimson 275 goes it still sounds fantastic and they will fix grounding issue.

Take Care

Hopefully this is in reaction to the poor build quality of the Crimson 275 which was farmed out to Wyred 4 Sound/Glass Audio. This was revealed in a previous thread in which the OP discovered a PCB glued in place, fuse improperly located, and poor grounding scheme. I’ll bet there were others who complained to Carver about this.

We were told that Bob is semi-retired, I agree with @jasonbourne52 that Bob didn’t want this to be his legacy. He needed to take back control of his product. I hope all these 275 amps are recalled and repaired. I'm a Bob fan and I know he always stood behind his products, especially in later years.


@nyc_ben : No - but I think he'd like one last statement product to be remembered by. I wonder how good those 20 - tube monoblocs are? 900 watts! I wish he would bring back the Amazing Loudspeaker from the early 90's! They were jaw-dropping good! And $3K a pair!

haha -- bob carver is 79 years old, if he doesn’t cash out now, when will he?

I own some of his SS gear: a Phase Linear 400 and preamp, a TFM 15cb, a M400 cube amp and The Cube sub. Oh, plus the Carver Receiver! All good stuff!

Mr.Carver's credibility is at an all-time low following the Crimson 275 fiasco! Instead of farming out production he'd better be hands-on building these new amps!

I wonder if they had to given the drama surrounding the Crimson 275.

The press release is strange in that it focuses on delays to customers (due to very probable supply chain issues). I didn't see many posting about long wait times as much as quality control issues...and of course the marketed "specs".

I still wish them well, and would love to see a "hey, we fixed it" $4000 tube amp with build quality and design that betters the 275.


Good! I met him, 35 years ago.. I hope he make millions, Billions, TRILLIONS!

Bob for Emperor.