Best Rocking Speakers 15K and Under

 Been looking around for speakers in the 15K range and under. Most of my music is listened to on Vinyl but recently purchased a Aurender N10 for streaming which I am really happy with. I listen to a very wide range of music, some classical, jazz, classic rock, punk and metal. About 10 years ago I got rid of my 70’s era JBL and Pioneer speakers and they both really played everything well. Now it seems difficult finding the right all around speaker.  FYI, I like playing loud and want to hear the bass, but not wanting to go with subs. 

 So far I have listened with my set-up the new Magico A-3 and was impressed. Also on different gear at a dealer Monitor Audio Platinum 300 (I liked) but wasn’t a fan on the same set-up Totem Wind Design, Aerial 7T or ProAc D48R. In fairness to the Proacs I liked the sound but there was a lot of boominess at the dealer and in a fairly large listening area. Might have to go to a different dealer and listen again. Listened to the Legacy Signatures at Audio Doctor and was really impressed. 

 So my short list is Magico A-3, Legacy Focus SE, ProAc D-48R. Anything I’m missing that I should hunt down for a demo? I haven’t yet but by the encouragement of my salesman wants me to listen on my exact set-up the Focal Kanta and Sopra  as well. 

 Recently switched my front end and although my current speakers sound 100% better still not low enough and the highs become fatiguing afer awhile.
 Currently Gear:
McIntosh C2600 Preamp
McIntosh MC611 Monos
Aurender N10
Dr. Feikert Woodpecker TT with Jelco Tonearm/Koetsu Black Goldline, Denon 301II, Sumiko Blue Point
Speakers Kef Reference 3.

 Not willing to change any of my front end, just speakers. (And please no Tektons)
I bought the Legacy Signatures from Audio Doctor.  I would check out Magico A3, Dynaudio Contour 60, Endeavor E3 MK2, Monitor Audio within your budget, and perhaps the Vandersteens as well as people seem to love them. Focal, I'd check out the Sopra in budget.

I went with the Legacies after a thorough search/audition process. 
@mn2bttb Subs wont fit into my space aesthetically. Also running monoblocks and have talked with REL and they highly suggest for best integration to run two of them. Two extra items in the living area wont fly back home
@tlong1958 Yes your system is pretty darn similar to mine. The JBL’s have been on my short list. Just have to hunt down some dealers and listen to them. 
I have JBL 4367 Professional Studio Monitors driven by a McIntosh MC 452 / C2500. Also use a pair of JL Audio subs, although I’m not sure the subs are all that necessary. I listen to rock, metal, and blues, sometimes at fairly high volume. The JBLs play cleanly at any sane level and never sound strained even at insane levels. Very little compression. I’m very happy with them
why no tektons? your looking at legacy focus     i know 3 different people that sold there legacy for just double impacts     with your budget u can get the reference level.... any speaker you listed  , my standard double impacts are superior... anyhow    curious as to no tektons comment
Post removed 
You mention no sub.  I might suggest you consider a sub.  Run something like a Revel 206 or 208 with even a good $2-3k sub from JL Audio or Rel, and you’d have a spkr system that has great sound, great imaging, is super dynamic, and has fantastic bass. AND YOU CAN DO THIS FOR UNDER $7000
You'd surely be missing out (and so do a lot of audiophiles in the US unfortunately) if you did not try to find out about the XTZ Divine Alpha. Lower priced than your budget, but easily competes with many many $20K speakers out there. Just beautiful looking and sumptuous sounding. Extreme refinement in details, balanced, rather slightly warm, natural, relaxed but yet dynamic without any fatigue(depends on amps too) + tuning possibilities, and easy to switch to active if someday you want to reach audio nirvana. I use it in my secondary setup. My main setup uses $40K speakers. So far I'd put them in front of any speakers I heard up to $25K, including BW800D3.
@questforsound the op is upgrading from the Kef Reference 3, if you have read any of this thread, specifically the OP's system. Enjoy ! MrD.
Gee Questforsound way to follow a thread the OP owns kef Ref 3 want to sell him another pair.

Perhaps you should read before posting.
Hands down KEF reference 3 speakers are owe yourself to hear them .

Call Quest For Sound
I use Audiokinesis JM2.0 + Space Generator and never look back..They're just amazing. You can select 8 Ohms or 12 Ohms. Throw any music to them, they will amaze you and the price is so unbelievable..
The B&W 801's are amazing. Don't sell yourself short and look into the Golden Ear Triton Reference. $8500 for the pair, but sound much more expensive!


JBL 4367 / M2
Ohm Walsh
DynAudio Contour 30/60
NHT 3.3
Klipsch Chorus II
Golden Ear Tritons
Tekton DI, DISE
Legacy Signature SE, Focus SE
DefTech 7000SC
used Wilsons (if you like the focal tweeter, which I don't but many do)

Depending on Budget, new vs used that would be my shortish list.
@bobheinatz  Thanks for the info on the Spatial speakers. Did a bit of research and the open box design sounds very interesting. Actually called and Clayton answered the phone and really interesting conversation. I like the 60 day money back and also the upgrade program avail as well.
@tweak1 Again another lead on open box speakers. They actually have a dealer in NJ which is only about 30 minutes from my office. Time for an extra long lunch break. 
Emerald Physics top of the line is ~ $10K

I have been enjoying KC IIs with upgraded internal wiring from WireWorld

MSRP is $2500 + $500 wire upgrade. My room is 17 x 34. I supplement with 2 SVS powered subs, but the larger series has both 12 and 15 drivers and DSP to really dial in your room
Google Spatial and Pure Audio Project.  Both will knock your socks off.  No more box speakers.  Make a effort to hear them and your search should be done.
“@kalali. If you live in NJ , you can save money and made shorter
trip to Audio Doctor in Jersey City...”

I’m sure I will when I’m ready to upgrade. Every time I visit these high-end Audio stores for just browsing I end up having to deal with serious depression and hating my own gear😂 Or worse yet, end up buying something just on the whim.
Somehow Audio Shows are okay since they seem “educational”😁.
Jriggy..I actually have some customers in the DC/Tysons Corner area that are overdue for a visit from me. So may be a good side trip for me. Nothing like business with a bit of pleasure
Your musical tastes are wide, like mine. And with the speakers you are looking at, as well as the gear you have, you owe it to your process to try to hear Daedalus Audio speakerS, like the Ulysses or Argos, or one of Lou’s new 10” bass driver models for a lil more coin. I’ve owned U’s and Argos (currently selling my Argos for unrelated reasons). Beautiful solid hardwood heirloom quality design. And boy can they “rock” with a slightly warm, organic and natural sound that is def not lacking in detail, with a level of humanness and realism missed in a lot of hi-end speakers. Big and bold when called needed yet delicate and dynamic for classical too. There are owners around willing to do demos and there is a dealer/demo room in the DC area. Otherwise Lou sells direct. Check out the gear/systems owners have. Oh, Daedalus has a circle over on AudioCircle. I really believe these are worth a look based on your gear and music. 
I have a friend who listens to a lot of loud rock and roll and loves his Wilson Sasha W/P’s. They are very "revealing".

I have another rocker friend who adores his Klipsch LaScala’s, but with those you might need a sub woofer, or two.  From the Klipsch website:
  • Capable of extreme output levels with ultra low distortion and astonishing dynamic range
@audiotroy Yes I will be making another trip back to see you and listen to speakers again. I was just putting feelers out the first time I stopped by and not knowing all what to expect or what you had avail. We listened to the Signatures connected to the Naim and CJ gear. Also the big Paradigms with the T&A front end. We briefly listened to the Ref 3’s in your theatre room, but that is what I currently have and very disappointed with. They are the cause of my next speaker purchase.
I’ll be sure to give you a call soon. Going to start selling my old gear and as soon as I move the Ref 3’s, I’ll be back to see you 
You may look at used speakers.  If so they the B&W 802 or 801.  These speakers rock your world.
Trknomo, I would certainlty invite you back a second time, to hear the Legacy's again. I don't remember if we played you the ATC or the KEF Reference speakers as well.

It all comes down to your definition of what "rocks."  To me it is about a feeling of effortlessness, clarity, dynamic range and the ability to sound big. 

I don't think you will find a store with a wider selection of affordable reference loudspeakers then ours. we can show you the Legacy Focus, the Pardigm Person 3F with Paradigm sub package, the Kef Ref 3, and we have a fantastic demo pair of  Dali Epicon 8 as well, and now we have the Bache speakers which have some charms uniquely their own.

Those demo pair of Dali Epicon's might do the trick they are fantastic sounding and totally stunning to look at.

Dave and Troy
Audio Doctor NJ
@initforthemusic  Yes La. is a bit far to travel, but might be worth the trip for an excuse to have some crawfish etouffee and gumbo. 
@kalali I did visit Audio Connection last fall and listened to the Quatro’s and the big Proacs. Unfortunately I was there listening to some preamps so didnt pay that much attention, but yes would be worth a trip back there. Johnny was pretty cool.  I do like the fact that he would set the up at your house. I forget the fee but it was minimal considering I’m about 2 hrs away. Although I was looking at preamps he was def touting the Quatros while I was there. 
@kalali.  If you live in NJ , you can save money and made shorter
trip to Audio Doctor in Jersey City, The Best place to buy speakers,
end everything else, Dave can find  speakers according you budget.
Get a couple of phased array type PA speakers and an 18" powered sub, then you can rock yer gonzagas off and entertain the neighbors for much less than 15K.
If I had a budget of ~$15K and lived in N.J., which I do, I would make a trip to Audio Connection in Verona and pick up a pair of Vandersteen Quattro Wood CT and be done with my speaker chase. One of the best sounds I’ve heard, without a doubt.
Search around, there were some ProAc Studio 148 slim towers for sale for less than $2500.  Use with Soundocity SEV9 outriggers.  Love the sound of mine with my Audio Refinement (YBA) gear, modified RP6 and custom cables.
The 148s use the same silk dome tweeter as the reference line and are setup for a quicker PRAT than the reference line.  Solid down to 25Hz with the bottom firing ports and tune-able using foam inserts.
@james37 may be able to help. In his post he bought some SA's from Wilson Audio, Metairie LA.
@initforthemusic  Interesting infomation, but cant seem to find a US distributor. There is one by me but only have the Active Bookshelf speakers.

@soix Have to look into that and have a listen...Tks
FYI, ATC makes both active and passive speakers, and as your amps have plenty of juice to drive their passive speakers I'd still highly recommend you go give them a listen given what you're looking for. 

@trknomo. Are you able to audition System Audio Speakers? I have the Ranger Masters and boy can these mothers Rock!, but with transparency and musicality. For Speakers, mentioned, that I've auditioned they comfortably best JBL Everests & B&W 802's.
They have an upmarket line called Pandion, which I'm yet to hear, but will rectify that soon, these could be what you are looking (listening) for.
Good luck.

@anygreg..If you read my first post I already have the KEF Ref 3’s. Maybe great speakers for some but not me. Again was a speaker I thought I listened to more than enough, but was always their music not mine. I was really excited when I got them, but that faded very fast once I got deeper into my music. The Uniq driver I find very fatiguing, I just want to curl up in a ball with my hands over my ears sometimes. So these will be up here on the classifieds once I make up my mind
Have to say thanks for all the good info and staying on track. So I do believe I need to get back to AudioDoctor and listen again to the Legacy and Bache Audio. 

 Also as jackd mentioned the JBL’s will get the job done and may be very happy with them but aesthetically may not be the best. Although there are a few places in NJ I can check out to listen. 

 As far as ATC speakers, not really wanting to go to a full active design although I have heard good things about them, but I do have amps I like that are very new. 

 Golden ear...I actually went to a dealer to listen to them and he basically tried hard to talk me out of them. So the demo wasn’t the best. Again maybe somewhere else. 

 Klipschorne.. I only have one corner but do like the sound. My gf has a Klipsch setup she got from WorldWide and does sound pretty good. Bookshelves with a sub.

 My Mcintosh dealer also as I mentioned has the Focal, Paradigm and B&W that I can listen to as well as the Magicos again.

 Learned the hard way and when going to future auditions going to bring a combo of Vinyl and CD’s. Everything from Avenged Sevenfold to Zeppelin. No more audio store tracks with music that I would never listen to at home. 
 also check out the latest KEF Ref range. The 3s should be in your price bracket. Maybe a used set of 5’s? 
Paradign’s definitely can rock. Not listened to the B&W 802 D3’s, but the 800 D3’s with a PS Audio BHK 250 and ARC Ref 6 was very lifelike. Best I’ve heard from B&W’s by far. Filled a large room to levels louder than I like, but was very controlled and non fatiguing. The 800 D3’s can definitely boogie. 

I've not listened to the Paradign Persona 3F but was impressed with the older Signature S8’s. I found the top end a little too hot for me but they can play loud and rock effortlessly as well. I heard them on Anthem gear so that might contribute to the brightness, so maybe better SS or tubes would have been what they needed for me. Remember thinking they rocked though, but nothing like the B&W 800 D’s, but at 1/4 or less the price I wouldn’t expect them to, but impressive nonetheless.
Paradigm Persona 3F $10k and their Persona sub! With a modest discount it meets your budget.

i bought this year the Persona 7F’s and Persona sub and I never miss my B&W 802 Diamond 3’s
Aerial Acoustics 10t
NHT 3.3
B&W 801

Used B&W 800 D3... this speaker can dance. Not sure used what they’re going for so might still be outside your budget.
I have a McIntosh system, the C2500 tube preamp, MC152 amp and MR88 tuner.  I am driving Golden Ear Triton Reference speakers.  These speakers go very low and have a built in amp for the bass.  The sound of my system is to die for and at 100+db. spl, I am only using 50 watts on peaks.  The speakers are 93.5db efficient.  Check them out, you might be pleasantly surprised.  Their black lacquer wood cabinets are to die for.
Check out Usher, the Mini Dancer II's, BE-10, BE-20, or the X-towers. I have both the Mini Dancer II's and recently moved up the chain to the X-towers. Fantastic speakers especially for the $$$$.