@bache No I dont hate NY dealers, just the hassle of getting in and out is what drives me crazy. Although I have a friend I can drag along and she loves going to the city, so maybe take her for a day visiting some audio stores there as well. I have looked at your website in the past and wasn’t sure if they would give me the bass response I was looking for. Any recommendation on what model? The pricing is very attractive. |
@bache In NJ and close to NYC just hate going there. |
@tlong1958 Was looking at the new JBL’s but haven’t found where to listen to them. I know Music Direct has a return policy but it is a hassle packing up big speakers.
@jackd Dave at Audio Doctor mentioned the XD’s to me but seem they work best with the Wavelet processor. Not sure if I want to turn my analog into a digital signal.I really like the sound of my tube preamp. And with the 611’s I should have enough to make the SE’s really rock
@bache I’ll make it a point to have Dave show them to me next time I am there. Only listened to the Legacy and Persona last time there. |
@anygreg..If you read my first post I already have the KEF Ref 3’s. Maybe great speakers for some but not me. Again was a speaker I thought I listened to more than enough, but was always their music not mine. I was really excited when I got them, but that faded very fast once I got deeper into my music. The Uniq driver I find very fatiguing, I just want to curl up in a ball with my hands over my ears sometimes. So these will be up here on the classifieds once I make up my mind |
Have to say thanks for all the good info and staying on track. So I do believe I need to get back to AudioDoctor and listen again to the Legacy and Bache Audio.
Also as jackd mentioned the JBL’s will get the job done and may be very happy with them but aesthetically may not be the best. Although there are a few places in NJ I can check out to listen.
As far as ATC speakers, not really wanting to go to a full active design although I have heard good things about them, but I do have amps I like that are very new.
Golden ear...I actually went to a dealer to listen to them and he basically tried hard to talk me out of them. So the demo wasn’t the best. Again maybe somewhere else.
Klipschorne.. I only have one corner but do like the sound. My gf has a Klipsch setup she got from WorldWide and does sound pretty good. Bookshelves with a sub.
My Mcintosh dealer also as I mentioned has the Focal, Paradigm and B&W that I can listen to as well as the Magicos again.
Learned the hard way and when going to future auditions going to bring a combo of Vinyl and CD’s. Everything from Avenged Sevenfold to Zeppelin. No more audio store tracks with music that I would never listen to at home. |
@initforthemusic Interesting infomation, but cant seem to find a US distributor. There is one by me but only have the Active Bookshelf speakers.
@soix Have to look into that and have a listen...Tks
@kalali I did visit Audio Connection last fall and listened to the Quatro’s and the big Proacs. Unfortunately I was there listening to some preamps so didnt pay that much attention, but yes would be worth a trip back there. Johnny was pretty cool. I do like the fact that he would set the up at your house. I forget the fee but it was minimal considering I’m about 2 hrs away. Although I was looking at preamps he was def touting the Quatros while I was there.
@initforthemusic Yes La. is a bit far to travel, but might be worth the trip for an excuse to have some crawfish etouffee and gumbo. |
@audiotroy Yes I will be making another trip back to see you and listen to speakers again. I was just putting feelers out the first time I stopped by and not knowing all what to expect or what you had avail. We listened to the Signatures connected to the Naim and CJ gear. Also the big Paradigms with the T&A front end. We briefly listened to the Ref 3’s in your theatre room, but that is what I currently have and very disappointed with. They are the cause of my next speaker purchase. I’ll be sure to give you a call soon. Going to start selling my old gear and as soon as I move the Ref 3’s, I’ll be back to see you |
Jriggy..I actually have some customers in the DC/Tysons Corner area that are overdue for a visit from me. So may be a good side trip for me. Nothing like business with a bit of pleasure |
@bobheinatz Thanks for the info on the Spatial speakers. Did a bit of research and the open box design sounds very interesting. Actually called and Clayton answered the phone and really interesting conversation. I like the 60 day money back and also the upgrade program avail as well. @tweak1 Again another lead on open box speakers. They actually have a dealer in NJ which is only about 30 minutes from my office. Time for an extra long lunch break. |
@tlong1958 Yes your system is pretty darn similar to mine. The JBL’s have been on my short list. Just have to hunt down some dealers and listen to them.
@mn2bttb Subs wont fit into my space aesthetically. Also running monoblocks and have talked with REL and they highly suggest for best integration to run two of them. Two extra items in the living area wont fly back home |
gandmjl I know the Altec Voice of the Theaters Very Well. We had a pair in our basement when I was younger. Remember having them hooked up and playing the Stones on them. Not my style today as I need something to blend into my decor, hence my reservations with the new JBl 4367’s but are one on the top of my list to hear. Also I have enough hobbies at home and old classic speakers will be another hobby of things to constantly tweak and play with. But thanks for bringing back the memories of them. When my brother finally gave up music and touring, he sold them for a down payment on a 340 Duster..Geez what a great time it was. That was when I had to use my lawn cutting money for my JBL’s
Very interesting responses here. Seems like I still have to go back and listen again to the Legacy’s (a bit concerned about off axis sound though) Magico A-3’s and the Focal Sopra 2’s. This brought to my attention speakers I knew of but haven’t spent the time to go out and listen too. But many have been recommended here more than once so they deserve to be listened too. So now I have to go out and hear JBL 4367’s, Revels, DeVore, Salk, Daedalus, Dynaudio, Bache and Ohm Walsh. I do have to say that with all I dont like about my Ref 3’s, they do have really great off Axis sound. So comparing that quality is something I will definitely be looking at. |
@jackd Yes I forgot those on my list. Spoke with Clayton and Linear Tube Audio in VA at times has a pair set-up. They just sold the ones off the floor and will let me know when they get another pair. I can listen to them as well as the Daedalus which has a dealer in the general area. Will make for a nice roadtrip
@zephyr24069 They are on my hit list. Not sure where I read but someone mentioned they liked their Focus SE’s but had horrible off axis sound. As much as just a few feet away the sound took a serious tumble. Good hearing you saying something different. My room is open on the left side and when having company would like to have more that just a sweet spot.. The Kef’s are wonderful at filling up the room. Have to schedule a day to visit Dave at AudioDoctor again.
@gandmjl...Nice set-up with the Altec’s. Great that you were able to customize the speaker boxes to make them work for you.
@steve59 Yes I do have the Dynaudio C60 on my list to audition along with Salons. I’m in no rush so going to do a lot of demos before I choose my next speakers
@wolf_garcia Yea, just not a Klipsch fan. Listened many times and have friends with them (gf loves hers) but just not for me. Also as I mentioned subs are not an option for me. Wanting full range speakers only |
Just looking for full range and again aesthetics play a huge roll. Not a fan of the Pure Audio but will be looking at Spatial as an open baffle option. The other may be great speakers as well but not for my listeneing |
@ctsooner Yes I do agree, I have to use my own ears and my own music to audition thats the mistake I made the first go around and learned my lesson. Dealers I originally trusted I soon came to realize the line of bull they were laying on me about products they dont sell. One when I brought in some music even claimed that it was a bad recording and that why it sounded the way it did. Have had some good experiences though when back the second go around. The dealer I purchased my C2600 from was probably the best. He highly encouraged me to listed to other speakers and not just his as he wanted me to buy what worked best in my system and hopefully being honest I would come back and purchase more gear in the future even if I chose other speakers. So I’ll see what I wind up with once all is said and done. |
@ptss Yes the JBL’s are on my hit list to listen to. Had the week off and thought I would have time to travel around and hit some audio stores but the at home list too precedence as usual. Just have to work it in over the next month or so. |
@steve59 Yes Mac gear is pretty smooth, but much more detailed than the MacIntosh of yesteryear which for some is better or worse. Not sure if the Revels, or Dyn’s would be boring, would just have to listen to them. The Sonus Fabers are a good match with Mac gear and they are a bit on the warm side as well. I’m actually right in the vicinity of NJ, PA and NY. So a good location to listen to just about everything. There are a couple of Revel dealers within reasonable stricking distance from me, so may get a chance soon to have a listen. |
@ctsooner Yes you are correct we all have different tastes in both visual and sound. Fortunately I’m located in an area with so many dealers within an hour from my house. The Salks do have my interest up, just have to get out and hear some. I like the fact that they are custom built and without a dealer network and markup, probably a lot of speaker for the money. I do have some customers in the Chicago area, might be an excuse to head that way with a side trip to Salk. |
Short list after doing some more listening:
Magico A3 listened 4 times now and compared against Focal and Paradigm and B&W
DynAudio Countour 60 (haven't yet heard but wanting to)
Legacy Series and Bache. Been to AudioDoctor once and have to get back. It's just finding the time to hang out there for a few hours as there is so much to see and listen to there and great people to shoot the bull with.
JBL 4367 Still have to find a pair to listen to. Aesthetically not my favorite but willing to listen as I think they might be the best next to vintage speaker sound.
There were so many great suggestions here and have listened to few whether at a dealer or an item within driving distance that someone was selling. Found many out of my price range as well. But for now the list above will be one of the ones I settle on.
@whitecap Yes I did think of the vintage route, just don't have the time to fiddle or rebuild anything
@robertplong Listened to the Supra 2's next to the Magico's and liked the Magico sound better
@rvito Don't have the corners for the Klipschorns
@timo62 eliminated the Proacs after another listen of them and not a fan of the Quatros. Have been at Audio Connection and yes John is a great guy and a lot of good information.
@ctsooner Hoping to hear the Contours this week if all goes OK. Same dealer has a pair of Proac’s that I may listen to again while there.
@rcprince To be fair the first time they were just set-up and not even broken in. The second time was at a Music day at the dealer. The third time they were now going on 3 weeks old and well broken in and spent a good hour listening. And the last time I was auditioning some preamps but had them all going thru the A3. Enjoyed what I heard but last impression was based more on preamp.
@steve59 I dont think it rude as long as you told the guy you really just wanted to hear them for a future reference. If it was a brand that was sold in stores that would be different, but with the SS’s thats not possible.
@ctsooner Yes you are correct, I’m looking for a good all around full range speaker that can sound great playing all genres of music and when the time comes to crank up Sabbath, Audio Slave, Metallica to 100 db levels and have it hold together and give me excellent bass response. I have listened to the Harbeths but not for me.
@ohlala I had the JBL L250’s and they could really rock the house down, but play CSN, CCR and Traffic and sound great as well. I guess thats why I really want to hear the 4367’s which seem to have a similar bass response. Wanna hear what the 15” woofer can do with them. I may in fact be disappointed but I need to find that out. |
@benzman To bad I’m on the east coast or I’d take you up on that offer.
@melbuyone Yes I’ve watched that video myself as well. Maybe that will be my next set of speakers. Like to see what Paul comes up with in the 10K price point.
@noromance That was one of the reasons I went with the Feickert TT over others I was looking at is the ease to swap out Tonearms. Once I get things I bit further I may experiment.
@rhansen162 Actually not looking for ultra revealing. I’m looking for the warmer side of neutral.
@mofojo That’s actually a tough question. If the Magicos were available I wouldn’t have went to CAF and ended my search there. But after spending about 4 hours this evening playing all the vinyl that the Kef Ref 3’s made not enjoyable and the Legacy’s really playing them well I’d say I’m very happy with my purchase. I can only say that I hope if I had the A3’s I would be having the same experience and I think I would be.
On another note I learned a valuable lesson with the Kefs. Don’t spend time and money trying to make something work. I swapped out my entire system because I loved the look and finish of the Refs. But in the end all I did was loose more that it was worth.
Well finally made my decision after listening to just about everything imaginable. Had the Magico A3’s at the top of my list. Went to listen to them one more time and AB’d against Focal Kanta 2, Focal Sopra 2 and Sonus Faber Olympica iii. The Magico won hands done. Only problem was 4-6mth wait with a 5K deposit down..Ouch...too long to wait.
So knowing this I decided to go to CAF the next weekend. . Listened to the entire Legacy line and had incredible help from the staff in the booth and at the end if seemed like the Signature SE’s would best fit my room. Did a couple more rounds listening to everything else I could and when I came back to Legay I knew thats what I wanted.
Picked them up this morning and been playing a wide variety of music and so far everything sounds really good. Can’t wait to get some more time on these and fully break them in. So my search is officially over !! |
@geek101 Wish you luck with the Aeris, wonderful speakers and will most likely be my next upgrade in two years. Doing major home renovations next year so will take a year to recoup and save more funds.
@nitewulf They may have been the ones I listened to as well
@stereo5 Do what I’m doing this spring and make the house bigger
Well time to put this thread to rest as it was fun and had so many great recommendations for speakers and listened to just about all of them. Tks to everyone who chimed in and gave advise
@zephyr24069 What did you replace them with?
@zephyr24069 Wow that is a really interesting set-up. So you’re just using the Wavelet for the crossover and room correction? And the esoteric stereo amp for the Calibre Tweeters? How is that sounding compared to the Aeris? Again an incredible system that is defineltely unique |
I do have to agree with you about the Legacy speakers and lack of fatigue. I listened to so many speakers bringing my own music and they gave me that impression during demos and it held up once I brought them home. At CAF they actually spoke to me about the Calibres and once my construction is completed next year, just adding the Foundation subs. But thought I would be getting better sound moving up to the Focus SD or the Aeris. But you may be proving that wrong. Another option is adding the subs to my Signatures and using either the Wavelet or the MC Men220 which is using room perfect. Had a demo on that and also just incredible. So I guess I have more and demos to do over the next year, but will most likely be with Legacy speakers and different configurations of.
Yes Bache I’m off the market for awhile, went with Legacy speakers and probably stay with them for at least a couple more years |