Best 40 to 50k used speakers

What would you consider the absolute best speakers on the used market, budget 40 to 50k max.Open to any suggestions thanks.

Coming from 23 years with Thiel speakers it's very difficult to like Magico or Wilson audio.I do like ATC type of sound and big TAD.Also not a fan of MBL even if i have the budget.
Coming from 23 years with Thiel speakers it's very difficult to like Magico or Wilson audio.I do like ATC type of sound and big TAD.Also not a fan of MBL even if i have the budget.

Me too thielist, hard to shake the Thiel sound once you have lived with it so long.

The ATC 15 inch woofer produces some magic that is hard to change for anything else. I’ve tried and am trying :-) Then you have the transparent mids. Maybe the highs could be bettered but that's not so important for me. And the possibility to play at thundering levels...
@gosta which model ATC do you have ?I'm looking at model 50 and 100 depending on room size, the 150 is way too big for most people.I would drive them with Spectral monoblocks therefore i should pick the passive ones ?
Top quality gear worth looking into ... hardly anyone in the US has any on hand but EU should be a good possibility.
Ten years ago Audio Federation demoed different models Boulder, CO and RMAF.
Very nice ...
@thieliste I have the passive model 12 and 19 and the active 150 asl. I also have the Thiel 1.7, 2.2, 3.6, Ultima studio 2 and D& D 8c among others. Nothing I'm afraid really in my ears compares to the active 150. Might be because I listen from the bottom and up. Also sometimes at high spl's. So a very clearly defined bass/low mid is very important for me. And the 150 with the 15" woofer gives me that. Can't really say anything about passive 50's and 100's. Though I know the 110 is popular in studios. However, this is important, without digital amplitude and time correction it wouldn't be fun at all in my not too big room. I run Roon with (Acourate) convolution filters to a Matrix dac/pre.
@gosta I'm impressed at how you were able to fit a pair of 150s in your mid size listening room.You need some serious room treatment with these beasts.I'm gonna try to audition the 100 model as soon as possible.Cheers.
@thieliste Well you soon get used to the my eyes they're beautiful. You just have to spend some dollars on appropriate jewels to the wife :-)
The Dutch and Dutch 8c  would work in a medium room. I really like mine , I would probably like the active ATC too.
I can't imagine for 50K you could do much better from a performance perspective than a pair of brand new JBL M2s, their SUB18, and their matching amplifiers.  This assumes an existing room with good H:W:D ratios, properly properly constructed, damped and diffused.  I realize many audiophiles hear with their eyes every bit as much as, if not more than their ears.  If that's you, ignore this and just get the pretty ones. 
@eganmedia I completely agree with you, i care much more about the sound quality than the fancy look.That's why i'm also looking at brands like ATC and Spectral audio.
If you have the opportunity to audition the A5 , do it !!! 
I will also recommend YG Hailey , if you're tast is in the aluminum corner ...
Mine is ..
For that kind of money you could get the monitor audio platinum 500 ll for $30,000 brand new and those speakers will beat speakers that are three or four times the price. Check them out.
Another vote for whichever Focal Utopias fit your room.
I have the Stellas myself, the EM bass is just effortless, even in my difficult room (concrete floor, patio windows behind speakers)

Has to be Boulder. Truly a marriage made in heaven. So rich, textured and authoritative. But above all, musical.
This combination is truly on the side of the performer - producer
My vote (purchase) was for Raidho D-4.1s. Last Raidho model with pure Borresen DNA. They are beautiful and sound great with my wildly eclectic musical choices. I have Focal Utopias too, and while the Focal sound is really good, it can’t compete with the Raidho/Borresen speed. 
If you like the coherence of MBL, try to give a listen to German Physiks speakers.  You can spend (new) $19k or $250k in their range.  Mine are not for sale :-) 
Astounding!?!  Let's ask someone to tell us how to buy a $50,000 speaker without listening to it.  Do you have ears?
Since you are in Germany then you have to go listen to DynamiKKts speakers.    Ascendo recommended them to me!  Go Figure.  The are easy to drive and I think the starting price for floor standers is $20K and they go up from there.  They are so much fun to listen to.  Extremely dynamics, open deep bass, etc.  Just a joy.  Lamm family bought them also.

Happy Listening.
A lot. Have in mind Kharma Exquisite, Avalon Eidolon or Gryphon Pantheon. Unbeatables.
Alsyvox at
you won’t be dissapointed
the best music I have ever heard
You might consider purchase of an old pair of YG Anat and upgrade the innards to whatever level of Sonja components you can afford.  Better yet, find a used pair already upgraded, as I did.  You'll get the sound of the current model without the price tag of the current sleeker cabinets. You'll want a passive bass unit even if the used one has active bass.  I have Anats upgraded to the lowest Sonja level and paid less than 1/2 of what you are considering spending. They compare favorably with the delicious current top of the line YG Sonja used by a reviewer buddy of mine, although listening to his does at times produce a bit of tweeter envy.  Although I have all top notch components, I'll never get the full benefit of what these speakers can do.  Make any downstream improvement, the speakers are up to showing it off.  Perhaps most astounding is how versatile the YGs are in terms of what the room size is.  They can "disappear" in even a very modest sized room.  The YG Hailey's have been mentioned.  They are fantastic but you are unlikely to come up with modestly priced used units.  I'm quite certain upgrading the Kipod model to Hailey level isn't possible.  In any event, the bigger YGs are more fantastic and more room-versatile, even if you need a fork lift to move them.
I moved from KEF Blade 2s to a pair of spotless used Sonus Faber Aidas for just a little more than $50K USD, including shipping to the US from the UK. Since you're in the EU, presumably they could be had for less if you can find them.
List price of the Aidas when first introduced in 2012 was $120K and the new Aida 2 are now $130K.

I'm very familiar with the sound of my original Aidas and have heard the Aida 2s demo'd at an open house hosted by a large Seattle dealer. The 2s are excellent speakers, but I would definitely say they are nowhere near $80K better (the differential between what I paid and a pair of new Aida 2s).
Getting into the realm of personal preference, I've heard Wilson Alexia 2s many times (list around $50K new) and I much prefer my Aidas.
Wow, what a nice budget, especially, for a used pair of speakers!
You should end up with something extraordinary~

I spent a few minutes with the responses; no surprises there.
All wonderful recommendations...everyone has an opinion.

I wonder where you could go to audition more than one example of something in this caliber?
Traveling can be tricky these days, but I would hope you would want to listen to as many possibilities as you could find? "The journey's the thing"

I didn't see any mention of Gayle Sanders finest effort with his Martin-Logan Statement e2
What a spectacular system! The design, the presence and the sound quality always blew me away!

Arnie Nudell's Infinity IRS-V is another remarkable speaker (once the woofers have been replaced) Paul McGowan at PSAudio can attest to that...

I 'second the motion' regarding the original Nautilus' (I owned the 8th pair made for over 15 years) what a wonderful experience!
However, they require 8-channels of amplification for the pair, so you really will need another large budget for power...

I wonder if 50k would buy a nice pair of Wilson Audio Alexandria's?
That another pretty great speaker~

Remember, regardless what speaker you decide on, you will want multiple subs to go along with it~ regardless. 

Have a great time with this...
Stay well and safe; best regards,
Jim Gray
Jim Gray Designs
I'd buy the best used Estelon speaker I could afford, even if I had to wait for newer models to becomes available used.  There's something deeply satisfying in their presentation of music.
I can 2nd the recommendation for PMC MB2 SE if you have the room - they play everything wonderfully at all volume levels in my room - but if I was going to buy these again - I would go with active instead of passive - even though I’m extremely happy with my preamp / dac and amps - 
My two cents, I have a pair of Alexia (1), Borresen O-5 and am not far from France ;-)
Assuming the $40K - $50K is your assumed new speaker price, I went through a similar exercise a year or so back. Also, we have about the same size rooms. My top contenders in no particular order were:
- Vandersteen 7 Mk II
- Vivid Audio Giya G2 S2
- Evolution Acoustics MM3
- Wilson Audio Alexia Mk II
- Magico S3 Mk II

After hearing all above I purchased the Giyas which, to my ears were the most cohesive (blending of drivers), effortless at any level, accurate (not warm or sterile) of the bunch. I may have bought the Vandys if I could have found a pair used. I think I liked the Vandys highs better than the Vivids but the Vivids play louder more effortlessly and cleaner than the Vandys. YMMV

Whatever from Tidal you can afford in your budget. Specially if you're from Germany - easy to check out German speakers.

I would also check out Kaiser:

If you like Thiel speakers try to find used CS6s.  It might be difficult to find something better even if you pay 10 times more. CS 3.7s have nice midrange but the base is incompatible with CS6s which are truly coherent speakers with  very good coaxiales.
It could cost $40-$50K to outdo many great inexpensive speakers such as my Legacy Focuses $2.5-$3K used). However, I am planning to purchase Von Schweikert VR9 MkIIs very slightly less than that. Those were $115K 5 years back. $40 to $50K can get you new VS speakers (or as stated above the VR55 Aktives used) or Lumenwhites which are great. I would have bought the VR55s but they are much less efficient than the VR9s.

Some people prefer Magico (I would never own the Q, S or A series, haven’t heard the M series), Wilson (don’t like the expensive ones), B&W (cheaper new than your used budget and are also power hogs), Focal, Tidal, Giya, Rockport, Vandersteen, Kharma, Avalon, Marten, Evolution Acoustics, etc. all who make and made expensive speakers which can sell for your price range at 40% to 60% less than when new. Bigger Maggies new are also less than your budget and do amazing things.
There’s a pair of Grimm LS1 BE Hi-Macs with digital motion subwoofers for sale at puriteaudio in London. Call Keith and see about an audition. They go for £38k on sale for £25k
If you are in a part of Europe that imports them. e.g., Scandinavia, I would go with a pair of Sound Labs full range electrostatics new. 
Did hear the Vimberg, i could not stay more than 5 min in the room that says it all...