Amazing ''Overachieving'' products...your pick?

I have owned both expensive gear (and I do mean expensive) and ''budget'' gear. Many components are mind-boggling on a price-paid versus performance ratio. Three of my favorites are:

1. The Bedini clarifier. This gizmo just plain works. You may like - or not - the difference it makes on your cd's. In my case, it clears up a lot of fog. The cheapest upgrade to ALL my cd's.

2. The Cayin TA-30 integrated amplifier . So much performance and flexibility for so little money. Put it up against anything up to 3 times the price, musically and from a build-quality perspective. Just plain amazing.

3. The Apple i-Pod Mini. Yes, even from in an audiophile application, playing cd's (not downloaded MP3's). You can snob it but you cannot ignore it.

What are YOUR picks ?

I second your recommendation regarding the Ei tubes..I have found the same with the Ei Elite 6DJ8 goldpin tubes.Excellent !!

sonic impact digital amp $20. See review. YOOO! 24gauge copper speaker cable - for PEANUTS
Petra music boy interconnects. 50 metres for $90 or 3 terminated 2metre cables for $11. $thousands cables WEEP!
Goldring Lenco L75/78 turntables $200 with mods - ALL high end decks prepare to be matched or SLAUGHTERED!
Quad esl57's. Got refurbished pair with new treble panels for £1000. Midrange is UNSURPASSED! (I know, bass is less and treble, well is less too).
Stepped attenuaters with Vishay resisters for $50 from some guy in Taiwan on ebay. TRUST him
70's Tuners. I got sansui tu710 for $60. It's AWSOME. modding it takes it into SUPERLEAGUE.
10 years desperate buying to here! (oh, and home made pushpull triode monoblocks 8watts - $180 parts cost.) HEE HEE

LS3/5a (any variant) I own the 15 Ohm Chartwell's and 11 Ohm Rogers. To my ears the midrange on these babies is far superior to the Kef Reference Two speakers that I have in the main rig.

Rega Planar 3 (RB300 has got to be the best value component in audio)
1. Naim Nait 5i Integrated

2. Reference 3a Dulcet speakers

3. ASL Head MK III tube headphone amp

What a wild coincidence. I just happen to own all 3.
Sennheiser HD650s (or Grado RS1s), Headroom Max.
Big bucks are not needed get SOTA sound with a headphone system built around these.
Here' one I just discovered for the tube dudes. Ei Yugo labeled 12AX7 tubes which can be bought new for about $7.00 a tube.....Just went up against my favorite RCA 5751 3X mica BP's and hold their fact a bit more open with better bass...the RCA's have focus and resolution...but at about $100. pair for NOS..I like the Ei a little more!!! FOR SALE: 1 pair RCA 5751's Black Plates!! :)
Agree with others on Cayin TA-30 amp and Tube Audio Design TAD-150 preamp. The Cayin TA-30 "fills the room with music" and the TAD-150 "brings them here"!
A pair of used Carver Silver 9t monoblocks can be had for about $1200 these days.

900 wpc @ 4 ohms

for really hard to drive speakers...get 2 pair and bi-amp for a real treat.
The Quad ESL-57 with the Quad II/22 Mono Amps/Preamp, nutty good and musical. And, costs less than of a great set of interconnect cables.

For $500.00 a rebuilt EICO hf-81 integrated amp. Amazing for the price.

This is no joke !I forgot to mention one of the all-time greatest overachieving products in high-end audio. Next time you feel that you need new speakers or interconnects, invest $ 5.00 in a bottle of....Ear Cleaning solution ! Think I'm joking? try it. Its a mandatory ''upgrade'' ! Listening with fresh many of us really think of this?
Tube Audo Design 150 Pre. If the Cayin TA-30 is in hear, then the TAD-150 should be as it is even better..
Epos M15 (not 15.2) speaker.
Marantz CD players.
Radio Shack magnet wire for speaker wire.
Novus on CD's polished with micro fiber cloth from Wal-Mart eyeglasses section.
Still looking for the bargain amp.
Post removed 
In my years in this hobby I would agree with Maxxc, there is so much truth in what you say. There are many examples of overachievers from the perspective of price + performance = great value. From my own experiences in this hobby I would say that of all the audio products I have owned or listened to the Berning zh270 comes out on top as the most overachieving product I have heard. While it isn't exactly cheap at 5K it offers performance on an absolute level with cost no object products based on comparisons I have done. It conveys the reproduction of music as well as the best which is not to say it would be a first choice in a given application. It also offers hand built craftsmanship, reliability, and other conveniences that most tube products can only dream of.

As far as speaker systems go, I agree with Rgs92. Originally offered at 2K a pair, the Apogee Stages had performance on an absolute level with the very best I've heard. Its only limitation was bass extension. It would be on a very short list of the truly overachieving, a product that approaches the SOTA at a price well below the competition.

Of course we all value different things in the reproduction of music and you can take my choices with a grain of salt. Having said that, I'm so certain that I'm right that it would be unwise to do so ;^)
Everything audio enthusiasts buy is an overachiever and will compete with anything 2X or 3X the price. At least thats the impression someone new to audio would get hanging around forums :)
Another vote for magwires. I can't think of anything with a better price:performance ratio that I've used in my system.

even though i am very new to the audio scene, i have to interject that i found my Almarro A318a integrated tube amplifier to be a wonderful performer, especially considering its very attractive price-point... i did audition a Jolida offering at a similar price (under $1500 USD) and found the Almarro produced a much richer and detailed sound.

even being my first venture into the tube world, i can honestly say that i find the Almarro A318a to be worthy of the "overachiever" label..!
oh forgot the Mirage M3 Si speakers they actually outperform their bigger brother M1 Si's
Ok, a third on the Cayin TA-30. Amazing value, I paid $599 new.
GMA Europas. Simply superb bang for the buck. Although now just over a grand new, can be had for $600 or so on the used market.
Great Northern Sound mods! OK, these aren't exactly cheap, but definitely overachieving. I have GNSC Ref mods on both an ARC SP9 preamp and Wadia 830 CDP and am amazed at the improvements.
Surprised no one's mentioned the Panasonic digital receivers!

These little guys have forced me to re-evaluate my high $$ expenditures of the past.
Agree with the Custom Power Block thing--4 recpt. for front end/only---In this day of mega buck;like items.
FI X amp
Radio Shack LX Linaeum speakers
Sonic Impact T amp
Hornshoppe speakers.
Rega Planar 2 or 3
Dynaco Stereo 70
Since Thorman mentioned the VH Audio Flavor 4 PCs (which I totally agree), I have to include the VH Audio Pulsar ICs as well. Amazing bang for the buck.
I agree with Serus on the Infinity Monitor II's. I bought mine in '76 for $500, and still can't part with them.

I'll also add B&K M200 Sonata monoblocks - available used only for a steal.
Conrad Johnson Premier 350 , no question about it in my opinion . !~ I have had to rethink my concept of tubes all together .
KEF Q90, mid '90's. Paid $800 and haven't heard anything under $3000 today that can touch 'em.
I picked up a pair os Acoustat X speakers, each with it's own servo charged built-in amp some years ago. Best deal I ever made.
I'm with you guy's on the Maggie 1.6's and the Purist Vanustas. I will add the Theta Miles CD player (balanced version). I have auditioned many other players in my system some costing almost four times as much when new. While some sounded a bit better, none of them really shamed the Miles.
Two come to mind for me. The MG 1.6QR and Jolida JD-100. Both perform way above their price points IMO. Besides being "overacheivers" they perform well because they are well designed products.
VMPS's entire speaker line. I just became a dealer for them after using them for years. The reviews from professionals and users alike speak for themselves.

Parasound power amplifiers.
My vote goes to the ff.

1.) Magnepan 1.6QR - I sold my Martin Logan Ascents (from Aerius, then Aeon, to the Ascents) for this! I was right about my decision and happier!

2.) Dynaco ST-70 - in modded form, it is so hard to believe that the design of this is "mass market" oriented. The original transformer is the key! I can power my 1.6QR with this and listen at low to moderate level and can forget about what amp is driving them. Unless you crank it up, then it will remind you that it is a 35 wpc amp driving an 86dB load.

3.) Teres TT - no explanation necessary.

4.) Jolida JD100 - at it's price range, you have to be bitten hard by the bug to upgrade from this. Soooo musical!

5.) Mr. Clean Magic Eraser and Zero Dust Stylus Cleaner - I cannot imagine myself without this outstanding cleaning tools.

And lastly...

6.) OL Silver - with Tom's (TWL) and Doug Deacons Hi-Fi and VTF on the fly mods. Not so expensive tonearm but with "gigantic" performance ratio IMO.

Caveat: I own all the stuff I listed. So I amp weighing from my personal preference.
Paul Speltz's Anti-Cables
Signal Cable's Silver IC's
Paul Frumkin's Audio Intelligent Vinyl Solutions
Here are a few of mine:

* Denon DL 103 cartridge

* Toshiba 3950/3960 DVD/CD Players (used as transports)

* Ack! dAck" filterless, non-oversamping dac (especially the 2.0 version)

* Music Boy/Petra interconnects

* Home Depot 14g outdoor extension cord ("HD-14") used as speaker cables and power cords

* Moscode "SuperIt" phonostage

* Gallo Reference 3 speakers
I have to agree on the Cayin TA-30. An exceptional product. Sounds and looks way beyond it's asking price. It has finesse, detail, and surprising control for a 30 watt tube unit. I have had a number of integrated's in my system and this modest little guy bests all but a couple of them (one of them at over 8x the cost). Definetly the best find in all my years of listening.
Purist Audio Design Venustas cables -- the performance far exceeds the cost, and though they are expensive, they are still just this side of outrageous! If you can only affortd one, buy the phono cable :~)