About Lugnut -- Patrick Malone

Many of us have come to know Patrick Malone (Lugnut) as a friendly, helpful, knowledgeable and kind individual. He is a frequent and enthusiastic contributor to our analog discussion forum. He has initiated only 17 threads, but responded to 559 threads. I would guess that many, if not most, of us can recall a time when Pat replied with helpful advice to a question we posted or helped us track down a rare recording. I have come to love Pat as a friend, and to respect him as a man, and I suspect many of you share those feelings.

Today I write to share difficult news with you. Pat has been diagnosed with an aggressive stomach cancer. It has yet to be determined whether surgery will even be worth it. If surgery is performed, most or all of the stomach will be removed, and Pat would face a difficult and long post-op period in the hospital. The medical course is still uncertain, but will be determined soon. Whatever is decided, it will not be easy or pleasant.

Something may be planned in the future to assist the family. For now, Pat could use some of the friendship he so often and willingly showed us. You can email Pat at: lugnut50@msn.com. You can also mail cards, letters ... or whatever. You may email me for Pat's mailing address. My email is: pfrumkin1@comcast.net.

I hope to spend a few days with Pat in Idaho or Nebraska (from which he hails) soon. Between this news, my legal work, getting ready for family arriving for the holidays, Audio Intelligent, and trying to make plans to visit Pat, my head is spinning. If you email me and I don't respond, please understand that I am not ignoring you, but rather simply do not have time to reply.

Pat may or may not have time to respond to posts here, to emails, or to cards mailed to him. But he has asked me to convey to each and every one of you that he has cherished your friendship, your comradery, and sharing our common hobby on this great website.

As we prepare for our holiday season celebrations, and look forward to -- as we should -- enjoying this time of year, I ask that you keep Pat and his family in mind ... and softly offer up, in quiet moments in the still of night and early morning, prayers for Pat and his family. God bless.

Warmest regards to all,
Paul Frumkin
Good luck! It is terrible to live with regret and "What if?". You'll be in my thoughts and I'd love it if you'd tell me how it goes for you.

Have a warm and happy holiday season, Everyone! Thanks for listening.
Kirsten, thanks for being here. I have enjoyed your input. I'm sure it's hard for Barb in general, and specifically to maintain a presence here.

I got a kick out of thread earlier when you mentioned the Eleanor McEvoy. I wasn't sure if Pat liked the LP but appearently it went over okay.

I had the pleasure to talk with Pat a lot of times before his passing. We talked about Barb, and his concerns for her, and about his beloved daughters. He told me he was proud of you for your maturity and independence. I'm not trying to blow smoke, or whatever since I doubt that I will ever meet you, but I want to be sure you know what he shared with me.

All of us take regrets to our graves, but we also have a heart full of things about which we take a lot of pride and joy.

Pat took pride in the fact of who you are.

PS and I'm glad you're here sharing with us.
Dear Barb and Kirsten and all of the Malone extended family,

I hope you all have a Merry Christmas although I imagine this holiday will be especially hard. Pat is now part of the light in the star on our Xmas trees. May he forever shine. Thank you for letting us celebrate his life and passing.

All good things,

with the arrival of Christmas eve, I tend to look to my blessings and the people who have entered my life over the past year. This has been a bitter sweet year. I have found two local audio friends, and met quite a few e-friends. I was fortunate enough to re-discover my extended family this summer as we had a family reunion for the first time in 25 years.

My family and my local friends continue to be my purpose to live, and I was lucky enough to add another important piece to my life. I am spending four hours a week volunteering in the Architectural drafting program at the high school(the same program that I got my start)

No one has influenced 2005 as greatly as Pat, Barb and now Kirsten. My faith has always been strong, but Pat was witness to the love we all share within our souls. I know this is hard Barb, you do not walk it alone however. So much love and honesty was discovered from your selfless journey. In reflection of 2005, your family has no higher place in my heart. I love you Bard, Kirsten and Pat. May Pat's love encompass us all this holiday, for in 2005, Pat is home. His spirit will live forever in our heart, and his love is in our souls.

Thank you Pat for an amazing year!

We wish you all a wonderful holiday. Barb, thank you for the card & the photos. Can't wait for your visit. Kirsten, we're so fortunate that you have joined this conversation. And Pat, I'm wearing your t-shirt, buddy.

Merry Christmas Barb,
I think about you daily and hope you are doing as well as can be.
Warmest Regards,
Speaking of T-shirts, one of the items of Pat's that Barb was kind enough to send me turns out not to fit well enough for me to wear. It's a genuine traditional-style Levi's jean jacket, size 46R and in great shape, with 2 embroidered patches ironed and sewn on, one each above the left and right chest pockets, reflective of Pat's race car hobby: the "Nova" logo and the "Chevy II" logo. If anybody's interested, the right size, not a Mopar or Fomoco kinda guy or gal, and would value the memento, please contact me (Alex). Have a nice holiday Barb and everybody!
Merry Christmas - we all miss Pat, but are so grateful to have gotten the chance to know him. May GodÂ’s blessings rest upon you and those you love this holiday season. My familyÂ’s thoughts and prayers are with you.

Chris Newman

Thank you for the card and photo. Merry Christmas to all, and to all a good night!
I spoke with Barb on Christmas Day for quite a while. Her new puppy gives her great companionship and keeps her busy. It sounds like they have developed a comfortable routine. Barb has been working long hours at the post office due to the holiday rush, I'm sure, but she had a nice long weekend off to relax for Christmas. I believe it is hard for her to read through these posts, but I know she definitely feels the love and caring that comes from every one of you.

I am grateful to those who have responded to my intrusion on this thread with kind and encouraging words.

We had a nice weekend. We spent Christmas Eve with Aric's family and Christmas afternoon with mine. But the best part of the weekend was finding out that a $3 makeup brush would be out daughter's favorite gift, beating out the Bike, stuffed animals, clothes, tub toys, and other stuff people feel is necessary for a 30-month-old. In second place was Play Dough. She's such a good kid. We hope we do the right thing by her everyday, but mostly we wing it and she's still a joy.

I hope all of you had a wonderful holiday. I truely believe that it's the little things that matter most. Sunday she said "Mewwy Kissmast, Mommy. It'd baby Jesus birfday!" I don't know for sure that she knew what it meant, but it was nice to hear. At least she didn't come at me with a list of presents she wanted but didn't get. That'll happen next year!!

Any good ideas for holiday music??

Thank you for your participation in this thread and for the account your holiday. Your daughter sounds adorable. Since you asked for seasonal music, I'll give you my favorite: "Our Heart's Joy" by Chanticleer, an outstanding male vocal group based in San Francisco. The DVD of their Christmas concert at the Met in New York is even better. The best way to get their recordings is via their web.

Hi Everyone - Last night I was finally able to bring myself back to this thread. As I read the words my tears began to cover the keyboard. Then Gracie jumped into my lap, licked by face with kisses and then ran off with my wet kleenex to chew it up into a million white pieces! That was when I decided that I had to wait until this morning to respond.

Every morning when I got up Pat would already be typing vigorously on the computer to all this buddies. But he would look up at me and say "Have I told you today that you are pretty?" and I would say "Have I told YOU today that I love you?" We never missed a day all last year while he was sick. Now Gracie and I have the same routine.

First of all. Thank you so much for all the kind words and well wishes for the holidays on this thread and all the beautiful cards I received in the mail and of course all of the phone calls and messages. And a very special thank you to Lou and Gina for the beautiful package containing the hard copy book of this thread (all 265 pages!!) along with several CDr copies and a beautiful afghan for me (which will be displayed in the music room) and a blanket for Amanda created and made by Gina. Thank you for honoring Pat's request - we will cherish these things forever. I cannot even begin to explain in words how difficult the grieving has been for me since Pat passed away. When a person grieves the loss of a loved one - it is your own personal experience. That's when you turn to the Lord and remember "Footprints in the Sand."

Recently some dear friends and I celebrated our wedding anniversary with a small get-together in our home. Pat always cherished companionship and good conversation. It was a very nice rememberance. These last few days have been very sad for me though because I did not want to leave 2005 and start a New Year without Pat. But I rose to the occasion and carried those 32 years of memories with me as I stepped into the year 2006. Then I listened to "Prairie Wind" and reflected.

There is still lots of frozen puppy poop in the back yard and the house is turning into a barn since I let the outdoor cat "Lugnut" back in the house with Gracie and I (Pat would not approve). But I am looking forward to going to Sacramento next weekend to visit Howard and Gina (now Pat would approve). Gracie will stay at our friend's farm where she was born and be with her extended family for lots of doggy fun.

I am really glad that Kirsten joined this thread and that you all have been so gracious to her. I know that would put a great big smile of Pat's face! We were forunate to have found her and built a special relationship with the time that we all had together. We will continue to remain close.

Happy New Year to everyone on Audiogon and thank you so much for keeping Pat's memory alive and honoring his life with music.

God Blesses us all - Barb

PS - I have a few of Pat's T-shirts left (plain colors XL). Let me know if you are interested.


It was nice of you to drop by and share your feelings with us. It is always an emotional roller coaster to go through the Holidays without having loved ones around who have recently passed away. It was rough for me too because my favorite uncle passed away on December 29th 2004, my dad passed April 2, 2005 and then Patrick on November 10th. Stepping into 2006 required being with loved ones.

Thank you for the kind words about the book and afghan. The picture of you holding it by the Christmas tree is priceless. Also, the wonderful Christmas card, pictures and special thank you. You are very welcome and it was our pleasure to do these things for you. Remember to wrap youself in the afghan to feel the warmth and love that has been sent to you by so many people

I hope you wonÂ’t mind but I thought I would share what we wrote in the card that accompanied the afghan with the Audiogon community.

Memorial Afghan for Barb
Made by Gina Bruno

The center purple block / heart (color chosen due to Pat’s Purple Haze listening room) represents the soul and spirit of Patrick “Lugnut” Malone. The surrounding hearts are all the people who shared their own thoughts, feelings, prayers, stories, caring and love for Pat. The purple and white threads on the outside boarder represent the Audiogon Community who have read this thread and learned so much about Lugnut, fellow Audiogoners, and themselves as they traveled with him during the last stage of his life’s journey here on Earth. The intertwined colors symbolize how Pat’s thoughts and feelings, communicated via postings, Emails, and telephone calls, has created a legacy and community that surrounds and supports each other, friends and, especially Barb, Amanda and the rest of the Malone family.

Patrick “Lugnut” Malone certainly touched many hearts by his grace, humor, courage, honesty, sharing and caring nature, and has made each of us infinitely richer for knowing him.”

Peace, love and blessings,
Lou & Gina Bruno

Thanks for posting- it must be very difficult to do so. We are all thinking of you quite often.
I don't want to forget about Lugnut! Those of you who knew him well could think of something. Like my turntable was not sounding right, "So I had to Lugnut it."
You know something he was obsessed about.
Hello Greg,I think of Pat often and hope Barb and family are doing well.I didnt know him as well as some,but he was the kind of guy that made you feel like an old friend in short time! Ray
Ray- I don't know how Pat got his knick-name. Audiogonner's could say when it is properly "Lugnutted" ,meaning tightning a screw or bolt, it sounds better.

Other suggestions are welcome.
Pat is often thought of here, as was the quick glance for an update at this thread in hopes of a miracle announcement.

I hope Barb and the pup are doing well as I imagine Pat is watching over them pain free.
Patrick's main hobby/obsession, when he wasn't tuning his Linn, was drag racing. He built his own street-legal racer, helped others with their cars and enjoyed the whole scene. I expect the nickname "Lugnut" came from there somehow.
Hard to believe Pat has been gone four months as of today.
I don't intend to speak for Barb, but I do know its been real difficult for her and Amanda. We had a nice talk a few weeks ago and slowly but surely, things are getting better for both of them. There are still some miles to go but the road is getting a little less bumpy.
Gracie is a real cutie and keeps Barb on her toes, much like Pat did. I think Pat was harder on the furniture than Gracie is though.
I want to pass on one more thing. Pat arranged for flowers to be delivered to Barb on this Valentine's day. It seems to me that Pat might be like Elvis, never really gone and there might even be an occasional sighting now and then in a blues bar in Chicago or maybe at a Neil Young concert in Seattle. Maybe.
I think there might rarely be the day that goes by that something does not remind me of Pat and then I think of how all of it does not seem real.
Greg, Thanks for writing the post that got us talking about Pat again. I hope he somehow knows that we are all still thinking about him and missing him.
Barb & Amanda, I hope that somehow, your load is starting to get a bit lighter.
Pat, I hope you can hear us and feel us.
Yesterday, we had to put our 6 year old English Mastiff to sleep, as she was experiencing liver failure. It was probably the saddest day of my life. Today, a bouquet of flowers appeared at our front door, with a card from Barb & Gracie. What a gift love is. Thank you, Barb.
Hello Barb,

While I have not kept up with this thread as much as I might have liked, I'm hoping that my words will somehow give you hope and comfort.

It has been four months for you in your loss and four years for my wife and I since we lost our youngest son, Michael. We did not have the privilege to converse with Michael over his 22 years but we did get to know him through his expresions and outward personality that he expressed through sounds and body language.

Obviously, you have had the good fortune to have heard directly from Pat how much he loved you and appreciated all that you guys had together. I know that you hold that dear and you will never lose it. I do envy you that, in the most beautiful way possible. I'm just curious here, but are you fortunate enough to have recordings of Pat? This seems so obvious but it is surprising how many people forget to do this. I appologize if this has been brought up before. We do have tapes of Michael, both audio and video, and it does get easier to enjoy these, with time.

It is funny that I was also involved in drag racing for a time in my life. Vw's, Ha! Pat would probably have remembered, and laughed at, those days in the late 60's and 70's when one could, somehow, compete with a 4 cylinder rear-enigne car! Hey, I got mine to 11:40's at 110 mph before I gave it up.

God bless and give you peace!
And I know where your at the music is playing, you sre listening, and so are we.

I am just a sentemental old fool who misses his friends.
I was just thinking of Pat last night on my way home from work. It does seem unreal that I can't pick up the phone and call him like I used to. It's a real shame, and I miss him.
I am in the middle of moving to my new apartment. I will have to "Lugnut" my system once I get there. Ironically in the midst of not wanting to forget Pat, my older sister died on Monday. She was the perfect big sister who pullled my bacon form the fire more than once and asked for nothing in return.
Gregadd- I'm sorry to hear about your loss. I know its always a reality check when a peer dies, for a big sister it must be really tough. Be happy though, that you had someone there for you to pull your bacon form the fire.
I never knew Pat beyond the world of e-mail but we got chatting along on good terms some while before he got ill.

Being a kind guy and knowing I collected Dylan stuff he sent me a rare Dylan mag from the 60's.....I guess that was his style.

I always fancied a beer with him but it was never to be.

Before he died I sent Pat a ultrasound scan of Eileen's and I unborn baby.
He was well chuffed because we got chatting about names and I made him a promise.

That promise entered into this world just little over three hours ago and he's called Benjamin Patrick Campbell, a lovely little guy,light but long with hands like shovels and the longest fingers you've ever seen.

God bless you Pat and my beautiful baby and his mother.
Congratulations, Ben. In several ethic traditions, naming a baby after a recently deceased family member is an important part of the circle of life. You've done Pat and all his A'gon family a good deed. Best wishes to you and your new son.
Tonight, you've brought a joyful tear to my and my wife's eye. Congratulations. It's a lovely thing you've done.
Congratulations! I'm sure Lugnut would be both thrilled and honored at your choice of a middle name. Someone should make sure that news makes it back to Mrs. Lugnut, Barb, I'm sure it will put a smile on her face.
Jond I posted Barb, first I might add, at Pat's old e-mail which I believe she was using.

If anyone has another contact,let me know.

Thanks a very tired and emotional Ben.

Just after birth the fire alarm in the hospital (different building but loud and annoying all the same) went off-the wee man sat awake and relaxed all through the 45 mins of it. Eileen commented "he's heard your taste in music he probably finds that soothing........"
Congratulations Ben, that's a wonderful gesture and a very fine name.

I hope your baby boy is blessed with your love of music and your sense of honor and good nature.
Ben....Congratulations. wishing you and your family the best.
And what a great expression of feelings.....
Time goes by quickly...but each day with your baby is a good day....mehran
Ben --- I haven't been around here much the last few months and was not aware of the good news. I hope Benjamin Patrick Campbell has all the good qualities that were possessed by our dearly missed, and good friend, Pat.

Barb, if you lurk here, You haven't fallen out of my prayers!
Nrchy probably a bit too soon to say about the wee man but he sure does like to eat and sleep and he enjoys his music so.....if he starts tampering with his pram we'll know for sure.

Barb has dropped me a few kind e-mails and is just back from a short break.
Ben - I'd check for exhaust modifications, and perhaps some intake adjustments. If you check one day and he's running a little rich you'll know for sure... : )
I was thinking about my friend Patrick and also about Barb today... Now I'm also reminded of Benjamin Patrick Campbell... how is the little feller?

Barb, I look at the pictures you sent and remember the time I spent with Lugnut and with you, and I remember them fondly! Thank you...



Thanks for refreshing Pat's thread.
Pat comes into my mind often and I really miss the chance to pick up the phone to call him and talk with him. I always enjoyed those conversations....Music, Equipment, and Politics.
man it's great to see this thread refreshed....I was thinking about the 'ol Lugnut a couple of days ago. I apparently wasn't the only one :)
Nate, do you remember what a kick Pat got out of seeing all the birds and squirrels that live in my front yard?

Pat literally laughed out loud when he saw I could call Squirrel girl down from tree to retrieve a slice of bread. I know, it's silly amusement, but better than much of what passes for entertainment on TV these days :^).
It is great to see this pop up. My wife and I have sent cards to Barb to let her know she and Patrick are still in our thoughts. I hope she is doing well and has moved happily on to the next stage of her life. Very nice people for sure.

Haven't been on in a while, and saw this thread on my "My Threads" page. It always makes me smile to think of the messages Pat and I exchanged, and how so many of us keep Pat alive through memory and appreciation.

Barb and family, I send all my best.

Just remembering and honoring my old friends....Miss you and wil not forget.
Funny, I just stumbled across a WLP copy of Gregg Allman's "Laid Back" a few days ago and thought of Patrick as it was one of his favorite LP's.