Pat is simply the finest man you'll ever meet. Devotion and integrity have never had a better practician and advocate. I've known Pat for years now, and we are close friends. This news saddens me greatly, but I know Pat is tough and has been through some very rough times in the past, and I believe he is up to beating this. My prayers and thoughts are with him. |
Welcome home Pat.
It was refreshing to hear you sounding so good when we spoke a few days ago.
I'll be calling again soon, and we can catch up on all the stuff that happened since you got home. |
Pat, if anyone can beat the odds, it's you.
I think she was 100% correct when she said that you have what it takes. |
Pat, it's alot of fun getting to break-in and tune-up a whole new system, isn't it?
Hey, that Steve is a great guy to get another Syrah for you, like he did. Paul and Doug did a great service with their spearheading the system donation efforts. All the donators are wonderful for their generous actions too.
In fact, I think everybody that has done anything, posted on these threads, or did any praying or well wishing, is a heck of a guy, and I'm proud to be associated with people who'll come together for a buddy in tough times. |
Pat, the Audiopoints for your system, including ones for the sub are on the way to you(sent Monday), and you should be receiving them shortly.
Enjoy! |
Pat, I'm really interested in hearing all about that Miami gig. I can't go, but I wish I could. I hope you can be the one to post the full report.
Every day you feel good is a "plus"!!! Not too shabby for an "old timer" with a "Frankenstomach"! :^) |
Speaking of cars and Connecticut, I spent quite a few weekends back in the '70s with a Lotus 23B at Lime Rock Park in SCCA C-SportsRacer class competition.
Lime Rock is a fun track. The roads around it aren't bad either.
Cams? Yes the Lotus had a pair of them, on top of a hemi-headed big valve 1300(1600 de-stroked to make C class), short ported with dual Weber DCOE, dry sump, mid engine, 5 speed Hewland transaxle with Elektron hubs, all tube space-frame chassis, Bruill custom bodywork, and all Colin Chapman design and handling. It was originally the Lotus Factory entry in the Nurburgring 1000km(w/twin fuel tanks) with Jim Clark behind the wheel. We got it later, and raced it as a C-SportsRacing class car.
That was about 215hp at 11,500rpm, not bad in those days, out of only 80 cubic inches displacement. The car weighed just over 900 pounds. No turbos, no injection, no nitrous, just plain ol' normally-aspirated Cosworth aluminum.
We always wanted to drop a 285hp Cosworth BDF 4-valve injected motor into it and run Class B, but it cost too much to do. Eventually we had to sell it because it was too expensive for a privateer to run against the "big bucks" sponsored boys. |
Hi Pat, you can use my Cotter step-up tranny if you want to. My system is down now anyway while I'm working on the house. I'd need to get it back later, though, since I can't play my system without it.
It has 20db gain, is configured for 40ohms load, and is not really re-settable without a major pain in the ass. It's a good load for my Shelter.
But, you are welcome to it, if you need it. |
Hang in there Pat.
I haven't been posting much on Audiogon lately, but I have been reading this thread regularly.
You are a rare guy, Pat. This is an inspiration to us all, and we'll all face somthing like this in our own lives someday, even if it is a different disease or whatever.
You know my number, if you feel like talking. |
Keep us posted on your impressions of your new gear Pat.
We're interested to hear how everything is coming together.
Also, please try to hang in there. I'm sure it's tough. |
I seem to have been led to make this post of a bible verse, which brings hope to a difficult situation.
(John 14:2-3): "In My Father's house are many mansions; if it were not so, I would have told you. I go to prepare a place for you. And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come again and receive you to Myself; that where I am, there you may be also."
I think we all hope to be there some day, even though the transition is so difficult. If we believe, there is not death, but everlasting life, in the place that was always intended for us from the beginning of time. I try to think of it, not as death, but as a new birth. |
I was just thinking of Pat last night on my way home from work. It does seem unreal that I can't pick up the phone and call him like I used to. It's a real shame, and I miss him. |