About Lugnut -- Patrick Malone

Many of us have come to know Patrick Malone (Lugnut) as a friendly, helpful, knowledgeable and kind individual. He is a frequent and enthusiastic contributor to our analog discussion forum. He has initiated only 17 threads, but responded to 559 threads. I would guess that many, if not most, of us can recall a time when Pat replied with helpful advice to a question we posted or helped us track down a rare recording. I have come to love Pat as a friend, and to respect him as a man, and I suspect many of you share those feelings.

Today I write to share difficult news with you. Pat has been diagnosed with an aggressive stomach cancer. It has yet to be determined whether surgery will even be worth it. If surgery is performed, most or all of the stomach will be removed, and Pat would face a difficult and long post-op period in the hospital. The medical course is still uncertain, but will be determined soon. Whatever is decided, it will not be easy or pleasant.

Something may be planned in the future to assist the family. For now, Pat could use some of the friendship he so often and willingly showed us. You can email Pat at: lugnut50@msn.com. You can also mail cards, letters ... or whatever. You may email me for Pat's mailing address. My email is: pfrumkin1@comcast.net.

I hope to spend a few days with Pat in Idaho or Nebraska (from which he hails) soon. Between this news, my legal work, getting ready for family arriving for the holidays, Audio Intelligent, and trying to make plans to visit Pat, my head is spinning. If you email me and I don't respond, please understand that I am not ignoring you, but rather simply do not have time to reply.

Pat may or may not have time to respond to posts here, to emails, or to cards mailed to him. But he has asked me to convey to each and every one of you that he has cherished your friendship, your comradery, and sharing our common hobby on this great website.

As we prepare for our holiday season celebrations, and look forward to -- as we should -- enjoying this time of year, I ask that you keep Pat and his family in mind ... and softly offer up, in quiet moments in the still of night and early morning, prayers for Pat and his family. God bless.

Warmest regards to all,
Paul Frumkin
Nate, you certianly do not need to thank me, it was an honor to help Barb Sunday and I will always be available in the future.

Sunday's event in Pat's memory was very nice. Barb had her lovely mother and sisters visiting. There was a steady stream of friends coming and going all day. The mood was mellow but upbeat. The music was playing and the food was great but of course the reminiscencing took center stage Sunday. I heard several new stories to add to the familiar ones. I am going to have to find out more about that early 70's canoe trip that may have inspired the movie "Deliverence". The part I wish everyone could have shared is the table full of photographs from Pat's life. Some very funny as well as touching pictures. There were also the usual baby, prom, wedding, what not to wear in polyester and the sleeping off whatever happened the night before shots.

Dear Pat,

Through Audiogon and our phone conversation, I felt like I've known you for a great portion of my life. Thanks for teaching me.

I bet you're the only one to have a whipple supercharger under each wing.

Hello Friends - I wanted to share a couple of puppy pictures with you. Gracie came to live with me yesterday and she has adjusted well. She is constantly by my side in everything I do. She is going to be a great companion.

We had a wonderful tribute to Pat on Sunday. About 50+ friends stopped by to share stories, look at pictures, and listen to music. I am still busy with family and friends here and they are taking good care of me. But for some reason I feel so very exhausted.

The moon is full and the blues are playing. Later and Love to all. Barb
Barb, Gracie is a beautiful dog. Thanks for sharing the pics.

Rfigster, I bet your momma is proud!!
Wow what a great lookin' pup!, I sure hope she will be a great companion.....hang in there.
Paul, thank you so much for initiating this thread.
Nrchy, I agree with you so much. sad day for us if we lose sight of the bigger picture....

I knew pat a little. One thing I love about Pat and have thought about so much during past few weeks is that he just was a pure human being. you got what you saw. He did not pretend anything. he did not appear to think of himself as a hero....he did not appear to want to be remembered as a hero....he did not ask for favors and volunteered to help.....he just was a good person and that put him in an envious position...

this thread, thanks to paul, other audiogon members and above all pat, has brought us closer to one another. We found something else to relate to each other -- maybe something more meaningful: our feelings --

we talked about our own losses, our pains, our joys, and of course our great toys. Big men, and grown up women with bigger toys feeling helpless....writing on this thread or to each other in private talking about the emptiness they feel.....people who have never even met in person.....could you ever before imagine a big boy with a big krell admit crying?

Pat's life and death, in a way made many of our toys - koetsu, Graham, Tri-planar, dynavector, ZYX (that includes UNIverse), meaningless....at the end we have ourselves, our loved ones and our memories....and yes, this little hobby helps create and share some of these memories...
love you pat...wish everyone peace.
What a beautiful puppy! I bet you feel exhausted!

I hope the sheets are cool, the pillows soft and that sleep renews.
This is the first time I read this thread. My condoleances to all the family of Patrick.

Renaat Mattheus
Barb, thanks for the photos, what a beautiful puppy.

Take care of yourself, and try to get plenty of rest. As this can be a very stressful time, and you need to take care of yourself now. We all know how detrimental stress can be to our well being.

I'm sure Pat is smiling bright up above from the wonderful tribute, and he's hoping Gracie helps you with your transition as well.

Thanks for the update (and photos!), God bless, and keep in touch.

Warmest Regards,

I just spoke to Barb, great to hear her voice again. She had visitors to comfort her so I kept my conversation short.

I am grateful to all at Audiogon who supported this family when they needed it and grateful that I was able to share in the joy of knowing Pat and Barb.
Barb hang in there,we have the same thing in common,
I also lost the love of my life,its not really the
end of their life, but its an upgrade for what they
have here on earth,when I first found out audiogon,
I always see the post of Pat, thank you very much
and May the Lord Bless you and strengthen you and
your children and family.
Several thoughts:

1. Barb, that IS a beautiful puppy. I hope it brings you much warmth, companionship and joy. What breed is it?

2. Snofun (Les), CEDIA's ELF foundation is a great organization. It installs home theaters in children's hospital wards. But it doesn't accept used gear, and used gear is something that we collectively can, from time to time, donate to allow someone to bring entertainment into their home. Zaikesman comments that we might stick closer to "home" with our giving, and perhaps, indeed, arranging some regular, official, award of home theaters and stereos to a deserving person is beyond our capability (and perhaps beyond our purpose). I anticipate that Barb (likely with my or someone else's assistance) will be auctioning or selling some of Pat's music collection. Maybe our giving -- in the absence of some specific request from Barb -- can for now be limited to bidding generously on these items. But if anyone knows of someone in Leslie's shoes (paralyzed by a drunk driver) or in some other quality of life threatening situation, and who lacks the means to purchase their own system, then I encourage you to turn to this group and see if we can't arrange something like the "Leslie Project" for them. I was absolutely stunned by this group's generosity in the "Leslie Project," and I suspect their kindness is not exhausted.

3. Last, a huge thank you to Audiogon. It's no secret this website exists not just to support this great hobby, but also to generate revenue. Audiogon did not have to let the "Leslie Project" thread be posted, and it did not have to allow this thread to be posted and to continue. THANK YOU, Steve (a/k/a Mr. Audiogon). Your kindness shows that that you consider this to be not just a commercial marketplace, but also a community. With respect and gratitude, I salute you, sir.

Best regards to all,
Hi Barb,
That's some puppy. Maybe one of the cutest ever. What is the breed.
Hello Barb,Now that ive seen the puppy,Gracie seems to fit her perfectly!She looks like she has a sweet disposition.Ray
So sorry for your loss, but so pleased that Pat is no longer suffering any pain. Sean.
Pat and Barb, you guys will be in my thoughts....I am a better person from just knowing Pat thru the internet..amazing thing isnt it?
On this sunny Thanksgiving I find myself thankful for my many friends and the time we have each been given with our loved ones.

I also find my thoughts drifting to those who are not so fortunate and to those who have lost. Barb, you are in my prayers on this first Thanksgiving day without Pat. I know you are thankful Pat is with God now, but you are human too, and loneliness is part of the experience here on earth. I pray for your peace and that those closest to you are able to fill a portion of the void you feel.

I also pray for those on this site I have met who are going through hard times. Sick family members is something I know a few of you are experiencing, and I empathise with you.

Thanksgiving is a time to look back on the year and give thanks for the gifts we have received. Despite the challenges many of us have faced this past year, there is always room for thanks. I thank Pat and Barb for their generosity of offering their souls so freely. I am forever changed.

Barb, not a day has passed where I have not brought you into my thoughts and prayers. I hope you are well. I love you.

Well said, JD. Barb, we all love you and pray for you and Pat plus all your families.
Just wanting to check in and see if anyone had spoken with Barb or the Malone Family during the holiday. Our thoughts continue for Pat (we sure are missing you)...
Hi Barb,
Very cute puppy, almost as cute as our "Honey". She is a mix of Papilion and American Eskimo. I have pictures that I will e-mail directly to you.
I am very sorry to hear of Pat's passing. You have my sincere condolences. Pat was one of a kind, which probably means that he married one. I admire you both.
It has been almost a month now since our friend has passed. I would like to know from Barb or Paul how the Malone family is doing. The puppy is beautiful. Pat is still in my thoughts. I hope everyone is healing well. Also Paul if you could post the address of where we could send those letters to Pat's grandchildren I'd appreciate it.

Thanks you,

Sad to say we won't be able to make it to CES. Happy to say it's because Barb is coming that weekend for a visit!
Howard, that's great news! Please keep us posted on how your adventure turns out. Tell Barb that we all send along a group hug too. :-)

Will do, John. We're very excited that Barb is coming for a visit. She and my wife have spoken a number of times on the phone but have not met in person. They'll be friends for life, I'm sure. Two of the kindest people I've ever met.
That is good news -- getting away from home for a bit can be a nice prescription to help restore a little sense of balance when one is dealing with such an emotional loss, and Barb you definitely deserve a break. Enjoy yourself!
J Sonic (and anyone else wanting to write to Barb)... please write me for Barb's address. When I last spoke with Barb, she was of course sad, but she was doing well. Howard, that's wonderful that Barb will be visiting you. I'm sure that will lift her spirits. Thanks for sharing that info with us.

Best regards to all,
Hi Everyone - Thank you for your continual posts to this thread. I really appreciate all the concern and well wishes coming my way. I am staying very busy with my job at the post office and taking care of Gracie. I sure miss Pat's wisdom and guidance, and mostly his presence and love. On December 15th it will be our 32nd wedding anniversary. I am going to celebrate by surrounding myself with dear friends for music and conversation. Pat would have wanted it that way. The picture of Pat and I was taken the day that he can home from the hospital after surgery. The picture of Gracie and I will be Christmas 2005. I am praying for each of you because I know that you are hurting too. God Bless. Barb

Thank you Barb, It was fun seeing a picture of Pat, and Gracie too. You're still in my prayers...
Thank you for sharing those Barb, that photo of you and Pat says everything about your long loving relationship.
Thank you for sharing the photos Barb. God Bless, prayers for you and your family continue...

Wonderful pictures. I hope that time will help heal some of the wounds. Take care and my thoughts are with you

Barb,Thanks for sharing the pictures!Best wishes to you and your loved ones.Ray
It's good to hear from you and see the pictures of you and Gracie and it was good to see Pat's smiling face. I do miss being able to speak with Pat and think of him (and you) quite often.
Maybe it's the timing... I get the strangest feeling looking at that picture of Pat and Barb. It's as though Pat's not here, but he's not gone either, and somehow he's looking out for... for me??! Now that is a strange thought but I'm keeping it. I guess it's no different from the feeling I got from reading his thread, anyway, day by day. Thank you so much for the picture, Barb, and God bless.
When Pat and I spoke last April, the first thing he wanted me to do was read this thread. He wanted me to write a book on the inherent goodness of mankind, as shown to him by you all. He was honored to be a friend to you and I know he found the technical aspects of this thread important, as music was in his soul. I am Kirsten, Pat's daughter in South Dakota. I get speechless when I read what you all say about Pat. Barb is indeed a very special person, as you all know. He was blessed to have her at his side at the end. We should all be so lucky to pass away enveloped by such a strong love. I just thought you should know that this thread touches far-away people, too. Thank you.
Welcome to this thread. Thank you for your comments. You've certainly made my day.
All the best to you,
Thanks for those kind words, Kirsten. You made my day, as well. Welcome to the club...peace, warren :)
Pleased to meet you Kirsten, and thank you! You're nice to talk about what the rest of us wrote, but I bet it's what your Dad had to say on his situation and thoughts that will endure and illuminate for you over time. If you ask me, I think your Pops was one heck of a cool dude in addition to being your father :-)
Thank you for your kind replies. On a whole, you all probably knew Pat better then I did. But that's a long story. Reading this thread gives me vivid insite to him that is so important to me. Eventually, I'll show it to Aidyn and she'll see how special her Grandpa Pat was, aside from the personal stories I could tell her. I remember visiting Pat and Barb in the fall of 1991 and having a long debate with Pat about the merits of CD's vs. vinyl. I was young and thought I knew it all, but you all know who was really right! Over the years he had many passions, but along side everyone of them was his deep appreciation for music.

Pat and I didn't have enough time. Since I am a cancer survivor (Hodgkins Lymphoma stage 2b ten years ago), he suffered through my darkest fear, a recurrance. And he did it with grace and peace and good humor. His death was sad and unfair and humbling. We should all be able to go with dignity.

Pat may be gone, but Barb is a such a special person and I'm glad we've remained friends. I'm hoping she comes to visit us in Sioux Falls in the spring or summer, after we've thawed out a little. It's cold here today! I know Aidyn will be lucky to get to spend more time with Grandma Barb!

Thanks again for your kind words. Please feel free to share stories about Pat with me. I'd love to hear more about him from people who really treasured him as a person and as a audio resource. Thanks.

Pat might've moderated his stance on CD somewhat since '91 -- thanks in part, it seems, to that relatively modest mid-90's vintage player I sent him over the summer, a purely unintentional byproduct but one that I did get a kick out of. (My own vinyl collection dwarfs my digital one, but I tend to be agnostic on the sonic advantage issue either way, believing mastering quality trumps format if the hardware is comparable.)

Since you and Pat may not have had what you'd call a close relationship, what I said about gleaning insight from his words in this thread probably goes double. There are always dimensions to people we all may not get to see enough of as children regarding parents. As for myself, I think I had more intaction with Pat and knew him better from this one thread than I did outside of it.

BTW, do you consider yourself an audiophile? If so -- or also if not -- what role in that did Pat play for you?
Hi Everybody,

Since we are getting close to a 1,000 posts, I thought I would bump it up a little.

My wife and I sent Barb and her family a hard copy of this thread along with six cdR copies and a memorial afghan representing our interpretation of this tread and Pat. We do plan on sending her updates from time to time as long as this thread continues to have life.

For everyone who reads and contributes to this thread may you have a Merry Christmas, Happy Hanukkah, Joyous Kwanzaa, Happy Festivas,Â…and a safe Happy New Year's celebration.

Growing up, my brother would queue up songs for me on his stereo, have me sit in what you would call the "Sweet Spot" and tell me to close my eyes and listen. I loved that. The base would thump in my chest, stronger then my heartbeat. The high guitar and vocal parts were nearly painful, but just perfect. At the end of a song I'd just sit there, still feeling it, silent. Then we'd laugh at being silly.

But life gets in the way. I didn't meet Pat until I was 20 years old. Our story is sad, because neither one of us really got to know the other properly when we had the time. And in the end, we were willing but there just wasn't enough time. So, recently he introduced me to artists I'd never heard of before like David Roth, Cowboy Junkies, and Eleanor McEvoy and we were pleasantly surprised to find that we already liked many of the same artists such as Neil Yound and Eva Casady. Pat respected my unreasonably strong, long-term, undying love affair with Billy Joel, probably not an easy thing for him to do!

Pat had other influences in my life, and without knowing it, he let me see my own strengths. We look a lot alike, especially when he was heavier and I was skinnier! We have similar mannerisms. But he went after his interests with such a passion! I'm more laid-back about things. If something gives me pleasure enough the way it is then I don't question it or try to improve it much. He was the type of person to learn it, master it, and advise others on it with the utmost authority. He was so knowledgable about so many things!

I miss him, but mostly I miss the Pat I'll never really know. Clearly, he was special to many people for many different reasons. I'm so thankful that, through Pat, I've been lucky enough to get to know Barb. She's really something!

So, to specifically to answer your question:

I have an appreciation for music, and can say with experience that music heard properly is so different then just flipping on the radio. But I have only old childhood records and record player. The rest is CD's. My stereo was the best we could justify at the time, but is sadly out of date. I have many cd's, and often put in 5 to the changer and shuffle play. I enjoy it, I sing with it, I dance to it with Aidyn. I don't know anything about the science of it.

Merry Christmas, Barb. I sent you a card but wanted to tell you here too.

Thank you for the photo's, their on our mantle.
Sunday, the 18th,Barb had an open house to celebrate their 32nd wedding anniversary and to celebrate Pat. It was a great time--good food, good friends and good music. Gracie the pup and Scott the grandson were the highlights of the afternoon. I think Barb is doing well and I know she appreciates all of your support.

Thanks, Bill, for the update, Lngbruno for the commemorative to Barb & family, and finally to Kirsten, for that special insight. I know how it is to grow up with someone and not truly know them. You've inspired me to seek him out and get to know him better.

Merry Christmas to all!