
Discussions jsujo has started

How to calibrate a Sony DVP N999ES19650
I need to reach Mr. James Burgess25191
Steve Hackett's The Shrouded Horizon, 2011's best.32859
Audio Alchemy DLC52358
McIntosh MCD-7009 vs Sony SCD-777es42032
Talon Raven C vs. Tannoy 15 DMT's584012
McIntosh C712, 2 Mc7100 and Talon Raven C32791
Bruce Moore's Paragon 12 vs Juicy Music Blueberry59414
Bozak B-410's....simply awesome50187
Anyone use the Manley Labs Mono 100's?28381
Vintage Tannoy's,,what are your amps?155389
cart upgrade question.24041
Opinions on this plan....30862
My new best sounding CD....I 100 recommend it23942
My first CD buys in eons...great stuff22803