Will China become the poor man’s dealer for high end audio?

With the insane prices now being asked for audio equipment from manufacturers around the globe is china going to fill in the gap between the haves and have-nots.? We are already seeing some signs of this with manufacturers like Jays Audio and Denafrips offering product-performance prices below global market value. The only thing I see holding them back is they will always be one leg behind the rest of the world since they copy most of the technology they use and world wide acceptance.


China can build state of the art stereo equipment and they can also build good inexpensive equipment. One day made in China may have the same cachet as made in Japan.


And guys please already can the Covid talk and the politics we've all had enough.

The lab was designed by French technology State sponsored..



And the virus come from a "random" accident... Perhaps... 😊

And Bill Gates multiply his money by "randomness" luck... I am not sure about this ... Etc...

The origin of life too is supposed to be only pure "randomness" for lazy brain materialist thinker ...😉

But at the end something control even randomness and assign limits to it...It is mathematical ...

i dont believe in pure abstract empty order nor in absolute randomness, i believe in orchestrated rythms...

Some call it "complotism" ... Some other call it "music" ...

I call it number theory and politic of power...

By the way, the qualitative aspects of these orchestrated rythms are the BASIS of the Yi ching book , Leibnitz so admired , creating the binary calculus and searching for his characteristica universalis...

Leibnitz too never believe in absolute randomness... I am not alone... 😊



I just hope they stay out of biology labs for awhile


I agree.

Especially those funded by the United States of America.


"Once a well-regarded centre for research, the Wuhan Institute of Virology is said to have received more than $1.4million (£0.8million) in federal grants and US National Institutes of Health subgrants since 2014, although no new funds have been given since July 2020."




Some here need research tools.. 😉




«The United States and other western countries are losing the race with China to develop advanced technologies and retain talent, with Beijing potentially establishing a monopoly in some areas, a new report has said.

China leads in 37 of 44 technologies tracked in a year-long project by thinktank the Australian Strategic Policy Institute. The fields include electric batteries, hypersonics and advanced radio-frequency communications such as 5G and 6G.«




After reading that i think that Swiss Dartzeel amp technology will not pose a great treat to audiophile chinese growing market..


Switzerland with CH Precision and DarTZeel stands atop the ultra-hifi business! China will never contend in that segment!


Read Lao Tse, tao te ching book , to train your chineese understanding about intelligence ... marvellous book...

I recommend the only book which rival any other existing book in depth , save number theory books, the Yi-King...And no, it is not a mere divination book... 😁


Read what Leibnitz and some jesuits as Ricci in China thought about this book ... By the way Leibnitz devised binary calculus after seeing the Yi-King (or yi ching) , which is binary symbolism ...





«Chinese spies are now everywhere along the railroad tracks »-- Groucho Marx🤓

I must say I feel the original posted question is pretty ignorant, and the person asking the question seems to be woefully uninformed of the whole world of high value electronic goods and the countries that make and consume them.

Switzerland with CH Precision and DarTZeel stands atop the ultra-hifi business! China will never contend in that segment! 

No, bit of a troll question.

Already there Africa is the next labor market to be exploited. Already has been by some companies. Many of them Chinese companies. Vietnam and Malaysia, China, India have all caught up to each other. 

 Vietnam, Malaysia, etc. will become relatively more attractive and cost-effective options similarly

I think maybe you meant to say “manufacturer” rather than “dealer,” no? This is not new and many manufacturers have been designing equipment in the US and Europe for decades and having them manufactured in China. Actually, the speakers I bought over 20 years ago were designed here and built there, and it’s an attractive business model as long as quality control is good at the factory (think Apple products). In the mid-to-longer term China’s labor rates will continue to rise and other countries like Vietnam, Malaysia, etc. will become relatively more attractive and cost-effective options similarly to how China attracted manufacturing business in the past, and businesses will begin to migrate there instead. Frankly I’m pretty amazed by companies like Schiit, Rogue and some others who can play in the budget/midFi categories and still manufacture here in the US what with our significantly higher wages, health benefits, and overall costs of doing business — truly impressive.

Just for the record, high end audio has always consisted of high priced items. Also, China’s place in this world is changing.  Labor cost in China have soared.  The business environment has soured.  It is difficult to predict the future, but the high end electronic value manufacturing countries just might be distributed throughout a number of fast developing countries.  Also, the ability to design and not just copy can be found in China as well as many other countries with lower manufacturing costs.

Lastly, there is no way that people in our community can be depicted as “have-nots”.  I managed to buy used and build my own speakers at a time that I didn’t have the finances to buy a car.  I appreciated my system then much as I appreciate my current system now.  How can you be a “have-not” if you appreciate what you have?



My chineese Hidizs dac low cost is insanely good... For his price...There is better for sure, but i cannot fault it really... And there is a diminishing return zone which is subjectivily and objectivily characterized zone...My only upgrade , a real upgrade from it will cost me 40 times his price... Not a marginal improvement with few thousand bucks but a REAL upgrade...The real upgrade will be American made by the way...


On the other hand my old german engineering school the hybrid AKG K 340 beat most chinese Hifiman headphones probably at any price save one perhaps or two of the costlier one i dont know ...And i am not interested to buy one even if i could...

My hifiman HE 400 sound by far as complete junk, less good than my Akg k701 which i dislike too and anyway was made as junk compared to the K340 as were my 9 others headphone anyway ... ( the chinese He 400 break on my head from his own bad design i did not weep so bad it was in spite of positive reviewers) Yes i must say i dont like headphones in general .. Save my actual one...

There is no general truth without many exceptions ... Each product has his own engineeering history and context...

But claiming that there is not much audiophiles with money in China NOW with no good high end products in China NOW is not realistic... Just think about how many good engineers there is and how many good pianists for the population size ?

Way more than in America now... Canada included...

"By some estimates, the country has as many as 40 million piano students, compared with six million in the United States. " It is the same for engineers numbers..

Who knows all audiophile top products from China from the last 10 years ?

Just my big rock of salt...

OP… “With the insane prices now being asked for audio equipment from manufacturers around the globe”.

I am puzzled at the question. I don’t think insane prices (so, say high ticket, Boulder, and dCS… etc) are even remotely being competed in products from China. The performance of these products far exceeds anything from China. Not even mid tier priced audiophile gear… say Audio Research, Conrad Johnson. Now yes, in the modest price stuff where Schiit operates.. yes they are competing there… but then there is Schiit.

So, yes in the very low end China is very competitive. I have a Prima Luna integrated amp that is a very good value for the money.

They have made serious inroads not only with their own products, some of which are very good, but also because they are producing so much product for American brands. It's too bad, and I would rather buy American, but as a have-not, that isn't always affordable.

I will only correct this claim by saying that China was in advance on all technological level for millenias... They lost their advance only for few centuries After the 16 th century...

They invented everything BEFORE european take off after the 16 century...

Dont believe me read a book :

Joseph Needham Science and civilization in China...A mammoth series of books , but like me you can read a one book shortened version..

Think about almost anything, the chinese created them before...

There is even a map describing all technologies by date in Europe compared to China..

It is easy to verify...Among many reasons there is the population densities which was higher in China than in Europa...Then when you had more "engineers" you create more... Simple... They are many others factors for sure.. many books were written on this...

Then reducing ALL chinese engineers to mimicking non creative engineers is a bit far fetched...


An interesting question will be why the theoretical scientific method explicitly develop by Galileo was born in Italia and why the industrial boom who came after did not existed in China, is related to questions about religion and geography among many other deep factors and also related to the triple roots; semitic, greek and roman birthing of Europe and the continuous nourishing technological line going from China to Europe before and after Islam... In few words :

«Why did modern science stop developing in China after the 16th century? Needham believed this was due to China’s sociopolitical system which was not affected by Chinese inventions

For example the huge fleet of boats way more big than any european fleet, able to conquer the world in a way, was dismanteld   for  socio-poilitical self isolation reasons ...







Second with the coming economical crisis , the price of audio will change a lot...

i cannot predict how.. 😊




«Some news are way too old and deep to be in newspapers» Anonymus journalist 😁


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