WiFi Streaming Versus An Ethernet Cable Connection

Hey All,

I have a fairly new Bryston BDP 3 streamer/renderer. I haven't been all that happy with the sound of streaming on Qobuz. However may local files on my SSD sound astonishing. The router I'm using is standard for 500 GB but it's nothing special. I'm currently connected to my BDP 3 with a utilitarian 7 cat ethernet cable. Instead of buying a better modem/router and audiophile ethernet cable, I'm considering Bryston's WiFi dongle. Anybody familiar with wireless HiFi streaming? Thanks!


I use Aurrender streamers now. I find streaming from Qobuz and from internal files exactly the same sound quality. I run both of my streamers from wall wart wifi extenders with a short Ethernet cable to the extender. 

My preference is to keep wireless emission to an absolute minimum in my listening space. Zero BT, WiFi even cellular while listening.  

I use wireless streaming and find the closer you are to the router, the better.

When you finally give up on wifi and hook up a wired connection you'll be happy.

Many routers are cheaply built and possibly a source of noise.  Wi-fi might help.  Search this forum for fiber media converters, and you will find several threads on inserting a fiber optic cable between your router and streamer (cost is < $100).  I did this on both of my systems.  It made a significant improvement on my smaller system which had been directly wired to the modem/router.  It made no noticeable difference in my main system, which was much further away and had several switches between the router and the streamer.  

I don’t think Wi-Fi dongle is the answer. Before you change anything else, try a Ethernet passive filter like ENO. It comes with 30 days money back guarantee. 

I used to own the BDP3.  I gave up on it due to the software management issues, but it sounded excellent, and I thought Qobuz was really good on it .  I used the WiFi dongle and preferred wired