WiFi Streaming Versus An Ethernet Cable Connection

Hey All,

I have a fairly new Bryston BDP 3 streamer/renderer. I haven't been all that happy with the sound of streaming on Qobuz. However may local files on my SSD sound astonishing. The router I'm using is standard for 500 GB but it's nothing special. I'm currently connected to my BDP 3 with a utilitarian 7 cat ethernet cable. Instead of buying a better modem/router and audiophile ethernet cable, I'm considering Bryston's WiFi dongle. Anybody familiar with wireless HiFi streaming? Thanks!


Showing 3 responses by ghdprentice

I use Aurrender streamers now. I find streaming from Qobuz and from internal files exactly the same sound quality. I run both of my streamers from wall wart wifi extenders with a short Ethernet cable to the extender. 

The better the streamer the less the network infrastructure maters. I prefer to put my money into the streamer rather than fiddling with infrastructure. Although the cable, whether a short run from wifi extender or a long run from a router matters.

Wow, this has really gone off the rails.


High quality streamers pretty much take the network out of the picture. A great streamer simply requires a trickle of bits and will cashe them and isolate you from your network. You can improve the performance of a mediocre streamer by improving your network. But, this is the hard way.

Go check out an Aurrender streamer… one that is equal / compatible with the rest of your components and the network becomes invisible… unless there is something truly wrong with your network… like it throttles to 2K throughput.

There are other great streamers. But screwing around with your network unless that is a labor of love is waste of time. 

My streamers provide sound quality equal to my great vinyl system through wall wart wifi extenders.