Which purchase tipped you into nirvana.

After owning some excellent gear, which purchase was it that put a big smile on your face?
I'm hoping to reach Nirvana in about six weeks, when I receive the new speakers I have on order. A pair of Daedalus Ulysses :)

-- Al
I think I agree with Tvad, if I remember correctly. It has been a while since I started and I can't remember some things from yesterday never mind 30 to 40 years ago.
In chronological order: 1) 1975 - Stax Earphones; 2) 1986 - ARC SP10II pre-amp, my first piece of tubed equipment; 2007 - Silverline Bolero speakers.
My first set of headphones while i was still living with my parents. Fiannly a great soundstage imaging and a volume level I wanted!
The day I received my DeVore Gibbon 8 speakers and Raysonic cd-168 tube cd player. I think all this will be superceeded when I take delivery of my Odyssey Stratos stereo Extreme+++amp in about 6-8 weeks
Klipsch K-Horn. Yes, singular. Heard with Mac tubes, Marantz pre. Life was never the same after that. Could not afford them at the time I heard them, but twenty five years later I built the room and equipment. When Klipsch heritage stuff is heard in the right room with tubes (think SET), nirvana appears. Thank you Paul.
pair of 1978 hertage Belle Klipsch (still in use today)

also, the day we bought my gal her diamond; truly nirvana
Big Ben Blotters seeing Pink Floyd in concert early seventies..... well perma grin is still the same as a big smile . Cheers
Audio Aero Capitole and after Prestige. Sonic bliss for digital. Also Quad 989 speaker such naturalness.
The Coincident Frankenstein MK2 SET amplifier, the longer I`ve had them the more I appreciate their wonderful ability to present music with out any sense of mechanical/electronic artifact.
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