Which Amp to complete my system?

Need amp recommendations to complete my system.
Front end is PSA BHK + PSA DirectStream w/ net-bridge.  Speakers are Klipsch La Scala II.  Love horn speakers but want to ensure the amp is not additionally bright.
Thanks all...  Keep the "tube" recommendations coming.  I tried my Coiencident Frankie-II again and the impedance match just does not let the Frankie breath.  It's the best amp I have ever heard but on other speakers.  I'm set on my PSA front end so I am not looking at any integrated amps but the Still does sound interesting none the less.  It's been a few years since I have been active in the marketplace but am targeting to stay below ~$4k used.  
I have owned my fair shar of tube amps, including: Rogue M150 monos, Joule Electra monos, Accoustat OTLs (with Accoustat speakers)...

If I was to consider tubes again it would be Still amp, which I read about in a review. I was so impressed, I contacted him. Very nice person, supreme quality
I totally agree with myself the Sophia Electric 300B mono blocks would sound great. Go with tubes and enjoy that lush full sound that SS ain't going to give you...
I totally agree with you analogluvr and I'm a huge fan of EL84 amps.  I used to sell Klipsch at retail many years ago (early 90's) and we always had them featured with a high powered Yamaha or Denon receiver and I hated them.  Then I bought a pair of KG3.5's (94 db) and put a 5 wpc single ended EL84 amp on them and they really came to life.  I have since heard other low powered tube amps coupled with horn speakers and it was magical.  Many years ago, at the Stereophile Single Ended Symposium in Philadelphia, I heard 104 db Classic Audio Reproductions horn speakers with a myriad of very high end SET's in a large 40' x 40' room through a CAT SL1 preamp and Sony's $5K flagship SACD player.  Of all the SET amp I heard that day (using 845's, 211's, 300B's and 2A3's) from Audio Note, Berning, Cary and several others, to me the best sound was the least expensive and lowest powered Fi 2A3 monoblocks by Don Garber.  I was amazed that 3 wpc could fill that large room as it did.  

If it were me, I would only look at low powered SET amps for these speakers.  
 I am totally baffled by a lot of these recommendations. Really don’t see the need for hundred or 150 W amplifier on a speaker that is over 100 DB efficient.
you need a warm sounding amplifier preferably low power tube. 
 That rules out sonic frontiers and audio research. 
 You could get a good quality EL 84 amplifier for little money that would do the trick well.    Or low powered SET 
I have a Mac 2205 to drive my La Scala's, but the best sound came from a H.H
. Scott model 222 tube amp that I had restored! Not a lot of power, but then again you really don't need it due to speaker efficiency. 
Post removed 
If you cant go Mcintosh maybe a pair of upgraded Dynaco MKIIS mono amps. I used them with my Klipsch Belles with good results. Now i used Mcintosh MC275s with them. there is a difference but i still love the dynacos  tbh i cant bring myself to ever sell them. Def tubes with Klipsch though. Ive tried several solid state amps but even dead flat the horns i cant listen to them for several hours like  i can with good tubes.  
definitely tubes with Klipsch horns.

And Although the Pass Labs Amps are some of the best SS imitators of tubes, IMO, Pass amp still will not do u justice.

The PSA BHK 250 would be too much power for easy-to-Drive-Klipsch horns. 

The Sonic Frontiers, Vincent and Rogue would be fine, but they do not match the high quality of the BHK hybrid Pre. So  I would bump it up a notch and quality for the team to amplifier, since it’s the last electronically is influencing the sound before it goes to your speakers. 

Consider Cary, Mystere, Primaluna, Quad, etc

A pair of small monos would be perfect IMO

Thanks all for the recommendations.  
@ thehorn and @ setriodes
I have taken special note of the Coiencident Dragon as an interesting option as I have the Coincident Frankenstein-II and live the amp but just not enough to bring the La Scala's alive.
@ smer319
I'll have to see if anyone in my area has a AR-R75SE to give a try.

A good Audio Research Reference 75SE. I have a few that I am selling in the store. Tubes will lend themselves to a bit warmer sound. If that's your cup of tea.
I love my Rogue Stereo 100, modern powerful tube amp. See recent stereophile review.
With Don Sachs you get a lot more for your money, much like Schiit Audio he sells direct to market, and using Maida filters his DC is dead quiet, a must for high efficiency speakers, as well as for maximizing detail and timbre. You should at least give him a call before dismissing him. 

http://www.dsachsconsulting.com/custom line stage.html
For solid state look into the Digital Amplifier Company I have had STM on my horns and if I didn't found the deal on my mono 300b's I would still have it. Very clean, clear, and smooth with 0 digital etch. Contact Tommy he will set you up.
For tubes look into Audio Note Kits 300b amps. Very well made and very good performers. I have had the Kit 1 and now have the Interstage Mono's SET 8w.
I would suggest Conrad Johnson tube amps. Depending on your drive needs for the Klipsch you may love a 70 watt amp running El-34 tubes or like I did with my klipsch, run an amp that uses 6550 tubes. I do 100%,  second the notion of a Pass Labs XA25 for $3700 new/demo from Reno Hifi who will let you demo for 2 weeks (ship it back if you don’t love it).  The XA25 is driving my Wilson Sophia II speakers, has such a grip on bass, mids are warm and detailed, with no end to the highs. It’ll drive your Klipsch with such a warm and inviting (Super Detail) sound.  It, combined with my Merging+NADAC, alleviates all of my need for $12,000 new tube amps. The XA25 is well reviewed so go read up.  It plays well above it’s watts on paper and designed to do so. Pass XA’s have that warmth we love in tubes. 
Coincident Speaker Technology. 211PP Dragon MK. II

Arthur Salvatore- High End Audio " This is the finest high power amplifier I’ve ever heard. In short, my associates and I hear a combination of sonic strengths we’ve never heard before".

I just love the La Scala’s, and if you’ve got the room for them .... you are a man to be envied.
They are an in your face speaker, but with a good high current amp like the Dragon, it’ll take the edge off of them & leave just the Hi-Fi.
You really want to hear what those LaScala's can do?  Put them on a low powered SET amp like a 2A3 or 45.  Case Closed.  
I would think a nice class A ss amp, such as the Pass XA 25, would do wonderfully. I own Lascalas, modified and tweaked, and heard one 6 months ago through another pair of Lascalas. I was contacted by a  friend, who had a customer of his wanting his Lascalas modified, which I do ( horn damping, etc. ). I was totally engaged while listening. He had a CJ preamp and the system was cd based. I gave up on tubes quite a while ago ( for various reasons ), but I would never discourage another listener to do the same, especially with horns. I would be happy with the XA 25, and just might have to spring for one. Enjoy ! MrD.
Those are nice speakers. Consider the Sophia Electric 300B mono blocks. You would have to spend a lot more money to equal that sound
Tubes are the way to go with Klipsch loudspeakers.

Happy Listening!
Check these out.My Transcend amp sounds wonderful when we tried it with my brother's Chorus 'll speakers.http://aricaudio.com/tube_gear.php
Thanks for the recommendations.  I'm really happy with my PS Audio BHK Signature Pre so integrated amps are off my radar.  Yes, I agree tubes are the way to go but have not found the right combination for the La Scala's.  I tried my Sonic Frontiers Power-2 from my other system but just not the right balance for this system & room dynamics.

Anyone have experience with of a good tube amp match to the La Scala?
McCormack amps
or as mentioned, tubes for Klipsch, they tend to be a bright speaker. 

Gotta go tubes with lascalas. Audio research, McIntosh, primaluna, etc.. 
Good luck. You’ve got quite a nice system to play with. 
I like the sound of this super affordable receiver - cambridge audio sr-20 with that classic British sound... You can get a refurbished one for $327 including shipping on ebay these days (not affliated with the seller). Youtube it and with headphones you can get an idea of the sound presentation to see if you dig it. 

If you can spend more, McIntosh tube amp will be a good match as well - so says other La Scala owners, although I have never heard them my self. I do own McIntosh pre and power, and I love them...
What’s your price range?  I just listen to the Aesthetix Mimas integrated rated at 150w@8ohms this past weekend and it sounded awesome.  I’m my opinion, well worth the price and more.  It had the warm tube sweetness with solid state power. I think it would sound great with your La Scala.   Reach out to JohnnyR @ Audio connection.